Beginners - January 2013 (Page 13)

Filling a dynamic array of objects
Hand* hand2_objects = new Hand ; Hand test ; for ( int i = 0; i < 51; i++ ) { test_card = deck_game.dealCard(); test .setTakeCard(tes...
[no replies]
C++ HelloWorld with header
// hw1.h #ifndef hw1_h #define hw1_h #include <string> class Stringer{ public: Stringer(); ~Stringer(); st ring getHelloWorld(); ...
[17 replies] Last: Bump, i don't think anyone seen the answer above. (by nedo)
by clodi
reverse string function
hello, my reverse string function doesn't work and I can't understand why.. this function prints a string to console void putString( const char* pChar ) { fo...
[4 replies] Last: oh dear... thank you so much. (by clodi)
I have written a little routine "Split" and have created a header file for it. In the main module I call Split and, when I compile, it complains as follows: ...
[1 reply] : My first feeling is that you can't have a template parameter be a stat... (by Zhuge)
Checking for Duplicates
(Using C++) Alright so I got this problem to do in computer science from my teacher and I've got all of it working except for the checking for duplicates in a a...
[no replies]
Minesweeper Recursion Issue
Hey guys, i'm working on a minesweeper project for school(due tonight unfortunately), and I've run into a problem. I use a recursive function called recurseChec...
[3 replies] Last: Glad I could help :D. (by Hippogriff)
I don't know why my program is constantly crashing...
EDIT: Problem solved! Thanks!
[4 replies] Last: How did you know it was trying to divide by zero? Did you just carefu... (by Lowest0ne)
I have been having a problem with my code for quite a while now. It started with trying to reference a const static int of a class in the same class. It caused ...
[14 replies] Last: @Peter87 Yes, I did define it inside the Figure class body. @EssGeEich... (by jim hurley)
by Siege
Help me :(
When I debug and run a program, this comes up: 'test.exe': Loaded 'C:\Users\Isaac\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\test\Debug\test.exe', Symbols loaded....
[no replies]
What is command and argument in programming?
please explain why command and argument is important in programming.
[no replies]
How to use Vectors and templates together
Hello, I have these two classes ------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> class X { public: X(string A, T B); //constructor . . . }...
[3 replies] Last: B will be defined during runtime, and it can be unsigned or double. ... (by defaultplayer)
C++ functions help
ive been at this for two days cant seem to figure what i am doing wrong, maybe someone can help me and tell me what i am doing wrong. the area where it gives me...
[2 replies] Last: freddy92 thanks your the best, it worked. (by ezaz12121)
[SOLVED]OpenGL: drawing update problem
Hello guys. I'm trying to make a drawing in a window change his size every time i hit 'b' in my keyboard, but is not working properly. Every time i hit 'b', "...
[6 replies] Last: LowestOne. Thank you, i did what you said and now everything is workin... (by robgeek)
by gladi
Hi everyone I would some help with this code. I would like to print out the pointer in the main func. but as you see in the code the type of the pointer is c...
[3 replies] Last: The problem is in your function prototype/header. You want to declare... (by freddy92)
Writting to file from a function.
I am trying to write data files out of a particle physics simulation that I have built, but I am having trouble trying to make the file name work like I want it...
[4 replies] Last: std::string filename = "DetSim" + std::string(1,DetLetter) + "2MeV.tx... (by cire)
Employee/boss program
I am having an issue with this program and am unable to figure it out. Any help from the experts would be great. Thanks in advance. #include <iostream> #incl...
[8 replies] Last: part of what??? remember that functions(=methods) are only things(ish... (by eraggo)
Getting File name in c++
Hello I`m now learning Allegro 5 in C++, and now I`m using "sprite sheets" to make animations. I have idea to make program, that makes sprite sheets from many f...
[no replies]
by MrGuy
Any comments on my text based game
My game is not finished but I would just like people to give their comments on it and I will gladly take into mind any criticism. Here's all the code so far:...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks all you guys this helped a lot I will try to update it an show ... (by MrGuy)
Can you test a randomly generated number?
I was wondering if I created a random number generator if I could test what numbers come out. If so, can you explain the logic without giving code? thanks,...
[17 replies] Last: It will probably be a good idea to start learning classes and objects,... (by newbieg)
List of days code help
Hello, new here, I just started c++ last week so go easy.. I'm trying to write a code to display the days of the week like this Sunday Monday Tuesday W...
[5 replies] Last: @ whitenite1 Thank you for your reply. I understand what you mean ab... (by tcdnewb)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 52
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