Beginners - June 2012 (Page 46)

Problem with << operator
I'm working on problem 6 of Euler but the issue I'm having isn't necessarily related to the answer to the problem. I'm attempting to solve the problem using OOP...
[4 replies] Last: Perfect. Thank you so much for your explanation. Everything works well... (by thechad90000)
please help :)
hello i want to declare string in vector, for example : i want to take from user words and cout it #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <v...
[6 replies] Last: Code::Blocks has a "console runner" that pauses and tells you the retu... (by Texan40)
Class design
Hi, I am building a Carousel, which has a child property vector of pointers of CarouselSections. Only one CarouselSection can be active at one time. My fi...
[1 reply] : Can anyone help with this? How can I access some member data of the o... (by leftblank)
Extracting tokens from a string expression.
Hello, I want to evaluate a fraction expression, but before I need to extract each operator and operand and pop it on queue. Say, I have Fraction f("1-(-...
[no replies]
beginner looking for practice
I have some basic knowledge for C++, Is there any practice or source code I can use to develop my ability?
[no replies]
by Screed
Best Tutorials?
O.K. I think I found a good tutorial for me to learn with, but I was hoping someone here would take a quick look and tell me how well it might help me. Please d...
[16 replies] Last: Octal is used in some really old machines, and it gets used a bit in *... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Aprian
triangle c++
Can anyone help me to create this triangle: 987654321 87654321 7654321 654321 54321 4321 321 21 1 using do whi...
[1 reply] : At which issue do you need help? (by shadow123)
by Locked
win sockets
Im using a simple irc bot code and moding it so that i can learn more about c++ and have fun with it. But on lines 43-48 theres a problem. It wont message the ...
[2 replies] Last: It's impossible to tell what's going on without seeing the server side... (by kbw)
Coding for rbots/games help?
Hi cplusplus, I'm getting back into coding since playing with BASIC on the C64 back in the 80's and bit on the Apple IIC. Anyways, I'm planning ...
[2 replies] Last: I'm a lert. Is a lert a kind of doer? (by Moschops)
ifstream isn't opening file-why?
The file is in the project directory and named correctly but it wont open with the ifstream class. Any ideas why this might be?
[3 replies] Last: How's your $60 assignment coming up? (by Catfish2)
Error Message: 'There were build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful build?
I have no experience of programming in any language whatsoever.. I encounter an error message in visual c++ 2010 express: "Error Message: 'There were build ...
[6 replies] Last: I believe MSVCE does display many errors, Microsoft isn't THAT bad. An... (by Volatile Pulse)
I need advices to create a class for a tabulated text multi-types file
Hi all, I need to create a class to manage such text files : Country Town QtPeople BirthRate France Paris 10000000 0.023 Germany Munchen 6...
[14 replies] Last: In fact, it seems that I have re-discovered data-bases !!! Stupid am ... (by lalebarde)
by Enziet
Just saying Hello World!
As the title says Hello! I've recently started C++ coding made a few smaller programs been following along with a bunch of different text books. I found this pa...
[1 reply] : Welcome to the forums. Always nice to see new people starting out. As... (by Volatile Pulse)
Function Question
Hello everyone I am very new to c++ and I have a question regarding a rather random and unimportant program I have written. Here is the program itself: #inc...
[1 reply] : This is because in line 12, you excecute the add() function before per... (by Stewbond)
Conjugation program
I'm trying to create a program that will conjugate Japanese verbs. Japanese verbs are extremely regular (there's only two exceptions in the whole language) and ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you sooo much. Substr() turned out to be exactly what I needed. ... (by Knocturne)
Wrong calculation by computer?
Dear all, I have written a code possibly 10k lines long by now, there are no random functions used throughout the process. The funny thing - while I kept ...
[11 replies] Last: But if I then go to a random cpp change, delete a colon then add a c... (by htirwin)
const_cast, how do you use it?
I can't figure this out, and it's really bothering me, this is what I've got using SFML2. void SetChainColor(int PosX, int PosY, std::vector<sf::Sprite*> &Bu...
[8 replies] Last: I can't change copyToImage without editing SFML's source code and rec... (by shacktar)
Not working
Hello, I'm not sure if it's the compiler or my code, but the cstrings limits can be exceeded char response . Also, this cin.getline(response, 4); only extr...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys. When I wrote the return statements, I looked at it as th... (by Windwhistles)
Inputting Name
Hey guys, need some help over here. How would i display the full name I input? Here's the code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ch...
[2 replies] Last: yea! Thank you firedraco :D (by markgreen)
by jobud9
multiple definitions error
Hello everyone, I started coding c/c++ yesterday and I've been having tons of fun! Unfortunately, I've come across an error that I can't fix no matter what I...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, that fixed it. Thank you, ne555. (by jobud9)
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