Beginners - June 2012 (Page 47)

Reading data with scientific notation from txtx file
I am trying to get data to an array from a text file. But the data is in scientific notation. So my program reads wrong! So can anybody please show me the way...
[8 replies] Last: What do you know. You do learn something new each day. (by GRex2595)
New kid on the block (1,2)
Hi my name is Jeremy, I play a lot of Minecraft but have just recently been studying the art of C++ programming. But thereason for this post is I would like som...
[26 replies] Last: Well like i said there was a little confusion between system directory... (by TheBeardedQuack)
I hava a problem with my exceptional handling
//string::find #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <iomanip.h> using namespace st...
[8 replies] Last: you can not be serious :) this can not be such a easy :)) thanks hahha... (by margeaux)
Searching an array of structures
Hi, I am trying to search an array of structures. There are only two elements in the array (structure one and structure two). But I cant seem to get the c...
[2 replies] Last: Hope this helps.. The definition of items: //Structure decleration s... (by jdwdrums)
Making opengl work
I am working on several projects for school that are due in a few weeks. However, I have not been able to get the compiler to recognize the required libraries....
[6 replies] Last: A functional GLUT set up I have is this, no messing around with projec... (by Lowest0ne)
FIle writing issue
I just started c++ programming, and am trying to make a very simple database just to exercise some of the concepts i've learned. I am trying to make a file for...
[2 replies] Last: You need the name of the file in quote"File.txt"); If... (by TheBeardedQuack)
input/output with special characters
Sorry for the long post. I want to be as descriptive as possible. My original task was to rip data about the title, authors, and companies from an online art...
[5 replies] Last: I found a sufficient solution to the problem. Open the csv file in not... (by CJC0117)
by hgu
Need some explanation about a class has a class member
Hi there, I tried to understand the following code #include <string> using namespace std; class RQ1 { private: string st; // a string object...
[1 reply] : 1. When constructing RQ1 using "RQ1 *rqPtr = new RQ1", in the constru... (by cire)
help on void modifyfile()
i need help on void modifyfile(). just to modify the output by void write2file(). I tried to do but each time gave me some error. #include<cmath> #include ...
[3 replies] Last: You are still not explaining it right. By looking at your readfile() ... (by eklavya sharma 2)
by hgu
need some explanation of the following scope problem
I am reading a book about auto_ptr, and see the following code: auto_ptr<string> films = { auto_ptr<string> (new string("Fowl Balls")), auto_p...
[5 replies] Last: When you define a type and use the = { }; syntax, the {} denote th... (by cire)
by ah08
cin.get() works but NOT cin.getline(). What am I doing wrong or missing?
I tried writing a program 2 ways. The first code uses cin.getline() and doesn't work properly. The second code uses cin.get() and cin >> and does everything cor...
[no replies]
by dew
help problem incasting pointer in c language
float secToHours(long time,float* hours,float* minutes,float* seconds); int main(){ long time; float seconds=0; float minutes=0; float ...
[1 reply] : Seconds = ( TotalSeconds / 60 ) % 60 (by TightCoder)
encryption question
[8 replies] Last: Temp is an integer whereas word is a character, you need to get the ... (by Disch)
Problem with creating object for class using input from cin
Hey, in all simplicity I have variable "char* nameof;" and I store input from "cin" in that variable and try to make object of class by using this stored str...
[3 replies] Last: The >> operator is overloaded for char*, so that using it to input t... (by Moschops)
The variable 'factorial' is being used without being initialized.
This is the message I get and no matter how much I searched, I can't seem to find the solution let alone the perfect explanation to that error. I want the p...
[2 replies] Last: factorial *= --n; This means: factorial = factorial * (--n); So... (by Moschops)
Where do these numbers come from?
// more pointers #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int array = {5,2,8,4,9}; int counter; for(counter = 0; counter < 10; counte...
[1 reply] : In this case, array is shorthand for "the integer value stored in mem... (by Moschops)
help with greatest and least question using loops
Hello everyone. I would really appreciate your help. I'm still a beginner in c++ and have came up on this issue. What is happening is I'm supposed to display t...
[1 reply] : Your code just sets large and small to be the same as totalInches, eve... (by Moschops)
object serialization, segmentation fault
Hi All, I've just completed a C++ course with Koenig in India, but am having problems with serialization. Specifically, I get a segmentation fault (core dumpe...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys! After reading your replies and further searching ( http:... (by derrickr)
How did this give me the sum of the numbers?
I earlier posted a topic to help me do this but i didnt have a code. I have finally completed this with a help of a local friend but i dont understand the logic...
[3 replies] Last: Number starts at 21 so the first time through the loop you have: sum... (by firedraco)
by Sintax
Installing C++ Libraries
Wow, I thought my first question was a beginner question...well here's something that pushes that quite a bit further. I recently downloaded two different "Big...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, sir! I managed to get both GMP and SDL installed! I feel ... (by Sintax)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 4546474849... 51
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