Beginners - March 2013 (Page 13)

Random number generator seed issue
Hey guys, I just signed up for this website, seems its an awesome community for C++, which I plan on doing for fun. Anyhow, I am a beginner programmer, I took ...
[3 replies] Last: it's #include not #includes... lol, i'm not that genius. (by tntxtnt)
Help on calculator program
Hello, I need some help with a calculator I need to create in C++ for my coursework. Firstly, the user needs to be able to select an operator from +,-,*,/...
[7 replies] Last: I think by definition, functions take an input and give an output. B... (by MrHutch)
by reyuqt
Help with ADT Implementation
Hello, I am trying to finish my assignment which requires me to play the role of an ADT implementor. I am to implement an ADT into a censoring program with the ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "... (by reyuqt)
Implementation of red black tree
#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; struct node { int data; char color; node *left,*right,*parent; }; ...
[no replies]
by zakkor
Simulating keypresses
I'm trying to create a program that replicates keypresses so it can fill some forms. I understand you can do that using keyboard events but I don't know exactly...
[1 reply] : I have also asked a question (quite a while ago) but got no answers :(... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Need Help with array sort
this is assignment from my school that I try to figure out. It read from .txt file and store it in an array name codes [ ] for the zipcode and ship [ ] for th...
[3 replies] Last: class std::string has the copy assignment operator. So you may assign ... (by vlad from moscow)
by laetic
Prime Number Finder
So I'm working on Project Euler question 7, find the 10 001st prime. I've tried to work out why my code is failing for a while now and I still can't get it. I t...
[1 reply] : my code is failing for a while now Please describe more precisely. ... (by tcs)
Growth Algorythm
I want to know the population of my herd of cattle after time T years. I'm starting with one cow. And I'm going to be using the following information: Co...
[no replies]
C++ Program for declaration of member functions inside class
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class student { Private: int rollno; char name ; ...
[2 replies] Last: void stident::read_data() void student::display() (by MiiNiPaa)
string to a function
i had an exam of c++ .there was a question in it in whoch we had to write a programme in which i had to pass string to a function and it also had to return a sr...
[8 replies] Last: yes u are ryt .she must be talking about character array (by hamshid)
by Ch1156
Havent been programming fr a month need some help lease
I havent been programming for over a montha nd i dont want to get too rusty so im just programming to keep my knoweledge fresh but that seems to have happened a...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=Ch1156]I watch video tutorials online. - I would personally a... (by thejman250)
Frame Back Buffer
So, I've read about the Frame Back Buffer and I'd like to know how it works. From what I found out is that you have 2 images, the front one (physical map on di...
[3 replies] Last: It worked! Thank you, I was using the function to move the cursor home... (by Vidminas)
help with C++ homework
Newbie here, just wanted to ask if some of you experts could help me out with my homework. We are given four ordered pairs for 5 shapes (20 ordered pairs). And ...
[4 replies] Last: another update, got everything to work. I believe my problem was that ... (by theubertechie)
trouble getting goAgain loop to work
I've been practicing creating do while loops to keep a program open. I've seen a method used that prompts the user to input either y/n, but I can only get it t...
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by hitchhikes4mail)
Nested loop?? Help please
I need a program that allows a man to enter an unknown number of payroll amounts for each of three stores: Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The program should cal...
[1 reply] : Hi, how about asking the user the number of input first? For example: ... (by osgwsy)
by ubnir
Calculator Problem
Pass in parameters to each function for the values to use and the functions will return the result. Use a function to read in the numbers involved. These number...
[no replies]
by Daleth
Dealing with User-Defined Types and Read-Only Functions
User Defined Types : When a friend function returns an instance, what is the difference between the following operator functions? //Operator+ 1 without cons...
[5 replies] Last: I have not understood why did you make this resume. I pointed out alre... (by vlad from moscow)
fstream functions
Hello, I'm having trouble understanding fstream functions and I have to use it to complete this program. I have to read information from a txt file: Martin 22 ...
[no replies]
by RoKr93
Making a Calculator
Hello, all. I'm currently trying to make a visual calculator, but I'm having some serious issues with the logic regarding the mathematical functions of the calc...
[no replies]
Help with decisions please.
Hi there and hello, I am new to C++ and these forums so bare with me please. The objective of this program is to get a real number from the user between 1 ...
[2 replies] Last: @Zhuge Wow, thank you for pointing that out. I feel so dumb that I c... (by Wesley6694)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 87
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