Beginners - November 2012 (Page 12)

by h4344
Can you ignore lines in a txt file? ifstream
Is there a way i can "comment out" lines in a txt file that im reading data from? The actual prefix im looking for to decide wheather or not to ignore the line ...
[5 replies] Last: Thx for that Hellfire! I'm sure I will use this if (line.length() ==... (by SamuelAdams)
by kw1991
need help with Tries
I'm trying to create a program using tries where i can insert, search, delete and print words. Does anyone know a website with some source code that could help?...
[2 replies] Last: And so it is. Writing to memory pointed to by uninitialized pointers ... (by cire)
what programs should i try to make
so i learn at school about c++, but it's pretty boring what we do there. i know how to use functions,character sequences,operators,variables, input/output, and...
[5 replies] Last: My advice would be this. Pick something you think would be really usef... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
How can I write a program that loops forever (infinite loop) printing the letter "a", using a while loop?
[4 replies] Last: while(1) {/*code*/} or even more explicit while(true) {/*code*/} ... (by SKZ81)
Can anyone explain these instructions to me.
English is not my first language and i have having hard time understanding what exactly the instructions are telling me to do. Problem: Most hourly paying jobs...
[1 reply] : you are to write a payroll program. Input will be X Y Z output will b... (by SamuelAdams)
by UlTroX
Confusing behaviour in concatenate-function
Hello everyone, my question is about an anomaly I encountered while working on an exercise from Stroustrup's book "The C++ Programming Language". The exercis...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, now I understand the problem. I tried passing the std::string ... (by UlTroX)
by summit
reading data from file and perform calculations
Dear Experts, I have to make a program using file handing. I want to read floating type data consists of two columns. And then want to perform calculations (...
[2 replies] Last: We wont write the program for you, that is for you to do. If you get s... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Completely stuck can not understand
I am writing a program which shows how much tax credit is available at the end its suppose to show the amount you can get, It does this but it also shows: Y...
[2 replies] Last: As Zereo said, we can't read your code well, or tell how it's formatt... (by SamuelAdams)
vector sum
hi. this is a function which takes a vector of ten integers as the argument and returns the sum of the largest three numbers.I don't need all three for loops. ...
[2 replies] Last: (by Catfish2)
Frequency of letters and numbers with an array
Hello, I'm trying to write a program that will check the frequency of amount of numbers, letters, and other keys in a txt document. I think I have the letters p...
[15 replies] Last: I really appreciate the assistance, but I seriously need to do this wi... (by cheshirecat)
Beginner excersise problem
Hi all, i started to practice true those excersises that i found on this forum. I camed to Bracketing Search, and i did manage to solve first two modifications,...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, i see, yeah that makes sense then, it is possible to find it in 7 ... (by IronmanCro)
Insertion sort @ linked list
I am trying to use this code but the problem is that it hangs and i cant tell why. Any ideas? It should be an insertion sort using a linked list. Thanks! ...
[4 replies] Last: scratch that strcmp . There's nothing to compare: if(list == NULL |... (by coder777)
help me!! this for beginner,,, convert
convert this to c++ language with looping 'for' * * * * * * * *
[6 replies] Last: Look this thread Thoug... (by vlad from moscow)
by sirc89
Error in opening a file
For some reason I am having trouble opening the file designated. I keep getting the error: 'C' : unrecognized character escape sequence 'D' : unrecognized c...
[4 replies] Last: after trying to run your code, I noticed you should change void main ... (by SamuelAdams)
UVA Online Judge Binomial Showdown Problem
I don't know how to make this more efficient. My answers seem to be correct, but I get a "Time Limit Exceeded" error all the time. Can anyone help me with this?...
[7 replies] Last: As I said n 0 n 1 n n n n-1 are all valid inputs. The result is tri... (by ne555)
Deleting an object from an Array
I have created an array of customer's, initially empty, where a new customer can be added, and given a unique ID ( ID = number of customers + 1 ). I want to ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your replies coder777 and Darkmaster! Apparently we're sup... (by testtest)
Hey is the boost library a good library to install to learn network programming?
im a beginner at c++ but i know the basics, i would like to send and recieve things, maybe my first program could just fetch a yahoo news headline, is leaning t...
[2 replies] Last: ah shows im on the right track then, thats good, i was worried about b... (by devonrevenge)
has anyone here ever worked in google summer of code?? I am very keen to do some project in gsoc but I do not know what it actually is and how to apply for it ...
[no replies]
answer this plz
write a program to print the following pattern if the number of line is 1 . * if the number of line is 2 * *...
[1 reply] : int main() { int objects = 0; int number = 0; cout << "Enter a n... (by Assassinbeast)
Need help with "Game of Life".
The program we are working on is the "Game of Life". The main problem we are having is storing the board information from the given text file (that we must use)...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=kekoa18222987]thank you that helped! I'd like to think so. Bu... (by Chervil)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 75
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