Beginners - September 2013 (Page 9)

by jay16
Cant figure out my Error
i cant understand what is my error on my program #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { char choice,choice2; int ca=0,...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by jay16)
please suggest me solution
I am trying to multiply 2 matrix of 6x6. But in Result i am getting 00000..... #include <iostream> #include<windows.h> #include <cmath> #include <str...
[6 replies] Last: since you want decimal, you use float and you can use std::setpreci... (by nvrmnd)
L4> a way to make a cout out disappear
Is there a way to make a cout disappear after a few seconds before the user inputs anything? example: Fill in the correct answer what do planes do? (...
[4 replies] Last: <chrono> and <thread> require C++11. Make sure you have it enabled fo... (by cire)
by stdeez
Binary Tree Class
stack class #include <cstdlib> template<class type> struct node{ type data; node<type> *link; }; template<class type> class stack{ pub...
[3 replies] Last: The STL std::stack doesn't return the element when popping it, it just... (by maeriden)
C++ (Write an interactive text based menu interface (using a loop)
Write an interactive text based menu interface (using a loop) that will allow the user to: Enter a task or assignment Display all of the tasks that are in the...
[1 reply] : read the requirements more carefully. [quote=requirements ]Therefore,... (by coder777)
i cant end my program!
i cant quit if i use choice !='q' it will loop if i use choice =='q' it will end after any other given command help! #include<iostream> #include<str...
[2 replies] Last: cout<<"Enter <v>vote <r> result and <q> quit : "; cin >> choice2; if ... (by keskiverto)
valid or invalid pointer
Hello Forum, How do we distinguish between the valid and invalid pointer ? Check the following code void func(int *i) { if(i) { // do...
[2 replies] Last: Semantically, the null pointer is the only pointer that with certainty... (by keskiverto)
c++ program
can i ask how to put a total number of voters in my code... #include <iostream> #define N 3 using namespace std; void ShowMenu(char candidates ) {...
[1 reply] : Code tags would make commenting easier. "total voters" as in "total n... (by keskiverto)
by pixilz
Help with Default Constructor Causing error
I have a class called MyEmployee it's purpose is to store different information about the employees. Anyway the program works fine as long as I give the employe...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you that helped a ton! (by pixilz)
help plllsss.
Write your question here. pls help me im having an error after executing it #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { char choice...
[2 replies] Last: maybe his a colleague with the same problem (by ravenxish)
Noob I/O Error
Hi, im new and i was triying to make up a basic grading program so i could use some ifs you know but im doing something wrong cuz when the user inputs the prog...
[2 replies] Last: lol what thanks i ll give it a check thanks for your hint :) (by segurivirix)
Cannot Compile Simple Program -- Cannot Load iostream (Loading DLL Error)
I just installed MSVS2008. I get the following error: 1>------ Build started: Project: test_project, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>hello_w...
[no replies]
Cannot convert double to double*
I am getting an error for two different lines in my code. Both stating I cannot convert double to double* for argument 2 in void TA and void TA_per. I understan...
[2 replies] Last: That worked thank you. (by mangodown)
Writing in to a specific window! Please help!
What I'm trying to do is simple, although it isnt. What I want to do is write to an open window. I want the user to be able to capture the window (by clicking...
[6 replies] Last: looks like some good info. Thanks for pointing me in the right direct... (by Newlance)
Values larger than 2^64
Hi If a register is 64 bits wide then the maximum value that can be stored in that register is 2^64 - 1 . How does that work with a value larger than 2^64 li...
[9 replies] Last: If you want to check how inaccurate is working with doubles, try somet... (by ats15)
Burning songs for CD's? Programming
Can someone please help me get started on this code? You are burning some music CDs for a party. You’ve arranged a list of songs in the order in which you w...
[no replies]
i have no clue on how to create this program
I am suppose to write a program that uses one variable int n and asks the user to input an even number. If the user types in a even #, the program prints the #....
[9 replies] Last: Depends what you expect from your program behavior if the users en... (by eyenrique)
Seems like I have over-engineered my program
For an assignment, I wrote a program that does something like this: This program sums the series 1/2^1 + 1/2^2 + 1/2^3 + . . . + 1/2^n What should n be in t...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks to both of you, Chevril and JLBorges. (by jumpinmp)
by davef
loop questions
So we just started learning loops and were give an assignment. The instructor started us out with a few lines of code and I was able to figure it out with what ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, wow. Thanks for ending my hours of frustration!! :-) (by davef)
getline issue
hey all, I am really new to computer programing. I have to take an intro to C++ course in order to graduate. We have recently been introduced to "getline" howev...
[2 replies] Last: Your first few lines should look like this cout << "Please enter yo... (by jumpinmp)
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