Beginners - September 2013 (Page 7)

by Jot18
Need help
Please delete this thread admin.
[3 replies] Last: Basically the program needs to calculate fines...for books...the progr... (by Jot18)
by Jot18
Code not working properly
Can someone help me fix this code please???The days do increase but the organisms stay the same for each day.... question: Write a program that will predict ...
[5 replies] Last: No Keep the while condition as growth<0 only Now does it work? (by Jacob Sunny)
Do/ While goAgain Loop. Help.
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std ; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Funct...
[2 replies] Last: I reported you for deleting your original question, and leaving pointl... (by TheIdeasMan)
Writing code
how do I write that the user can input any number between 0 and 360? I am using microsoft visual 2010
[6 replies] Last: Great example @JLBorges ;D (by eyenrique)
Why wont my program cout?
Hello any idea why I don't get any output? Thanks in advance #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct movieData{ char title ; char nam...
[2 replies] Last: can you use strings instead of char types? and when you call a functio... (by eyenrique)
Problem with functions returning a value.
I was hoping someone could tell me where I went wrong with this code i'm doing for school, the error message that keeps poping up says "undefined reference to g...
[6 replies] Last: when i run the program, it seems good up until when it asks for a valu... (by potatoeSalad)
Help converting string to double
I'm trying to get 3 lines of input (numbers) from a file "in2.txt" and do some calculations on them. I'm having trouble converting the strings to doubles so tha...
[1 reply] : It appears as though strtod doesn't accept a parameter of std::string.... (by Danny Toledo)
For count help.
I'm not sure how to use the for command in this instance. The pseudo code says "for count = 1-12", but I'm not sure how to translate that into syntax. I would a...
[2 replies] Last: The normal idiom for doing something a set number of times is: for ... (by TheIdeasMan)
So I'm learning about vectors and multi-dimensional vectors, and I have a question pertaining to the use of dynamically allocated vectors. Before I was worki...
[1 reply] : If you mean std::vector<int> then you don't have to. (by a k n)
by ephekt
linker error undefined reference
The output count function is giving me a killer headache can someone please tell whats wrong with this function. The problem calls for a function called outputC...
[1 reply] : Line 38 CounterType:: is missing. (by Chervil)
Too much memory allocated via new char[]?
Hello folks! While working on an exercise from my C++ Primer Plus book, I attempted to program a dynamic char array that would size itself to fit a string perf...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the response. If I understand correctly, the line myStri... (by EtDecius)
illegal else without matching if
When Im running my code with the Powershell, it showed that "error C2181 illegal else without matching if" #include "calculate.h" void calculate( ist...
[1 reply] : Remove the semicolons from lines 13, 17 and 21. (by Danny Toledo)
Printing the Alphabet. Shape
I've gotten this down to where it prints the start of the diamond with the letter 'A' but it doesn't finish it. I can't seem to figure it out. please help. t...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, well. I modified your printDiamond function. Here you go: voi... (by Josue Molina)
seeking critique/feedback/criticism chess program
I've been working on chess for about a month now. I know it shouldn't take that long but I've started from scratch and rewritten it at least a dozen times when ...
[10 replies] Last: Sorry idk what sort of documentation you are expecting. All i did was ... (by MarketAnarchist)
How to sort array elements?
I am learn C++ on my own using the tutorial on this site. I am doing the exercises I found here and I am stuck on...
[14 replies] Last: I think I will learn about sorting methods later then. I like to exerc... (by WyntrHeart)
Merging Queues and Hash Tables
I am stuck on how to do this without using vectors. Is it possible to create a queue for each entry of a hash table using just arrays? Or would it be necessary ...
[1 reply] : Hi there, It sounds a lot like you're trying to reinvent std::unorder... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
What's wrong with my program?
This program tests if a number is a prime or not. Although is shows the correct value for 5, 7, etc it doesn't show the correct answer for 2 and 3. Any advice? ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank You again! (by antirsi96)
by Cronin
(x == 100) ???
Hey guys im just wondering why when i say the following: if (x == 2) cout << "x is 2"; why do i need 2 "==" in the (x == 2) why cant i just say (x = 2). what ...
[5 replies] Last: and i'm suggesting you learn the basics for C++ first. you can find it... (by chipp)
by Akis
a beginner ask's for help
Hi guys. I decided to try C++ and i bought my book. It's First program is the hello world program but i have problem's compiling it through dev-c++. here's...
[9 replies] Last: 5.4.2 is the latest release version - last update 25 May 2013 . There... (by Chervil)
type of error in goto
Hello, what type of error is this:- main() {goto last; char ch='a'; : : : last: : : : }
[3 replies] Last: thank you amhndu:) (by Dknight)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 56789... 64
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