General C++ Programming - August 2016 (Page 2)

How is this technique with this | sign called in Unix and how can I implement? cat | sort > out.txt Background: my wordchecker does not sort and filter d...
[2 replies] Last: thank you!! it realy works! DOS: c:> wordchecker | grep "PROJ" puts... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
Writing readable code
Okay, family. I have a confession to make. I'm that guy who writes the unreadable code. I'm trying to get better through rehabilitation, but I'm going to need s...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks guys, that's really helpful. (by RealGiganitris)
Difference between doing #include<limit.h> and #include <climit>
Difference between doing #include<limit.h> and #include <climit>?
[1 reply] : The header <climits> defines a set of manifest (#define) constants. ... (by JLBorges)
modular division function implementation ?
if a function to implemented that takes a, b, c and the function is to find a/b (mod c), for example if a = 1, b = 2, c = 7, so the function will return 4. i h...
[3 replies] Last: (by helios)
by ZimCa
Need help with C++ OpenGL
I need help to make a program that works so that when you press the mouse on the object to the object destroyed sry im bad with english #include <windows.h> ...
[19 replies] Last: Where can i find algorythm ? (by ZimCa)
List of generic references to mixed types
I just posted a topic titled: "template for access of single element of static array". But after second thoughts, that might be a false start. It might be best ...
[9 replies] Last: Maybe the scope of my concept is just too broad to explain. But I'll g... (by NorseMN)
Xcode can't read the txt file
Im typing a code from my textbook just to test my Xcode. i put the txt file in right path and nothing wrong with code, but when i hit run i see this The numbe...
[10 replies] Last: This all works for Mac OSX & Xcode latest, sorry Chervil to cut acros... (by Chervil)
Need some advice on a C++ project idea
I'm not a well versed programmer, but I've made a couple of things so far, right now I am trying to make a background process that will run and detect if a wind...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Samuel, the more confusing part to me is how I can allow the us... (by CreativeEcko)
Multidimensional Vectors
m trying to get data to store in multidimensional vectors. While executing m getting Error : "vector subscript out of range". I think the way i am trying to s...
[6 replies] Last: That works. Thanks!! (by adbharad)
clang produces a different result than gcc
Hi guys, This code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int someFunction(int var1, int var2){ int total = var1 + var2; cout << "The total of someFunctio...
[5 replies] Last: > I have heard that clang is a much better compiler than gcc, With th... (by JLBorges)
Fastest Nth Prime Algorithim
Whats the fastest way to get the Nth prime number? There can be no gapes what-so-ever, and N can be as big as a few million-ishy (maybe even a billion or two in...
[12 replies] Last: Well, that could be right and was something I quickly thought about an... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
int24_t, char24_t with exactly 3 bytes
Hello, sizeof(wchar_t) is 2. It can store any character from 0 - 65535. That is why I need an universal integer which can store a Unicode character at any rang...
[1 reply] : Create a user defined type char24_t which holds three bytes, and has... (by JLBorges)
A solution to exercise 2.1 of "C++ Template Metaprogramming"
hi, I have benefited from the kind help of so many programmers in this site that I felt I needed to give something back. As it happened, a problem I had no ide...
[no replies]
write a c++ program to tell degree or class
writing a c++ program to tell the degree or class of a student when you key in the cpga. dont know what to do again. need help #include <iostream> using names...
[1 reply] : its now running. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main... (by clementleibniz)
Help compacting Functions (1,2)
Hey guys, I need a way to compact functions. In order to understand my question, please go to Click DestkopServer/sr...
[21 replies] Last: You can pack your n < max_args arguments into a tuple of max_args ... (by mbozzi)
A file has some fields with white spaces - problem reading some fields
I am reading a file that contain string and int data. However, some strings have white spaces in between them yet are of one field. So when i read using getli...
[3 replies] Last: take a look at string erase (by SamuelAdams)
how can i read this file!?
how can i read this file file.text names "admin" lets say i have file called file.text i want to read the "admin" string how can i do it with c++:...
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
c++ to tell degree
How do i write a c++ program that tells the class or degree of a student when his cgpa is keyed in... thanks
[1 reply] : You need to tell us what you've tried and what issues you are having. ... (by JayhawkZombie)
List of generic references to mixed types (Part 2)
I have managed to get a few things to work. Maybe some example code will help to focus the conversation. (Sorry to paste my code in-line. I can't find any way...
[2 replies] Last: TheIdeasMan, Thanks for the link to the "How to use tags" article. I s... (by NorseMN)
Moving Robot C++
The walking robot based on a series of orders given , each command is one of the following types: - A reference < , which means that on the robot to move to th...
[5 replies] Last: If you like to create a simulation of roboter movements (2D)... I hav... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
August 2016 Pages: 1234... 12
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