General C++ Programming - July 2018 (Page 3)

This is giving me a headache
Does anybody know the codes for this problem? or does anybody encountered this type of problem? (Check Digit. Credit cards usually have a so-called check digit...
[2 replies] Last: there are 2 ways to do this. you can get the input as a string and cho... (by jonnin)
Krishna and Containers (1,2)
I am getting time limit exceeded for the following problem.Can anyone optimize my code. Is it because of sorting i am getting TLE or is there any other reason ...
[22 replies] Last: 'check in array after sort' why are you still sorting? We took that ... (by jonnin)
Trying to get Random Array into bubble sort
I am trying to get my Array to work with bubble sort. I have the Array to pick 10 random numbers from 1 - 100. It prints the results, how ever when I go to add ...
[1 reply] : You can't use the assignment operator= to "copy" an array you will nee... (by jlb)
Operator <<c++ (1,2)
Hi can somebody help me to get rid of the errors? #ifndef ASCIISCREENSOLUTION_MYCODE_CRECTANGLE_H_ #define ASCIISCREENSOLUTION_MYCODE_CRECTANGLE_H_ ...
[31 replies] Last: Somebody there ? (by Jackson33)
Function Templates gcc error shadow parameter
Hey guys, i am trying to work with function parameters. However once i pass 1 argument template<class F> void bar(int test, int te...
[4 replies] Last: As tpb said, F isn't a function, it's the name of an arbitrary class (... (by Ganado)
Codechef Long Contest Problem
problem link : i didnt get from the editorial will someone please explain with examples.!
[3 replies] Last: @nikita Think for closed polygon (by ghostrideriit)
by Delgeo
Is it really worth learning C++ When C ....
Hi everyone.. I studied C++ a little a college (Didn't get to complete my exam 20+ years ago though: i was young and thought i knew it all - so i was also dumb ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, that has helped clarify my questions regarding the two. I... (by Delgeo)
c++ compilation assembly or not?
Hi guys reading from this article it says you're c++ source code...
[3 replies] Last: thanks guys,and very good point never looked at it that why before, t... (by adam2016)
template classes vs instantiation?
Hi guys I am reading this topic and in the diagram it shows a template class in blue and below a instantiation in green just wondering what is the difference...
[7 replies] Last: extern template class declares (but doesn't define) an explicit inst... (by mbozzi)
by K2411
writing a dll with already defined variables\functions
Hello I am working with simulation software written in C++ and I need some help. I created a DLL file and linked it to my original code. now I need to ...
[1 reply] : This sounds like a 'stop coding' moment. Put it down, go get a sheet ... (by jonnin)
Help - Inputing data from file to Arrays
write a c++ program that read from a datafile 10 records. The records consist of: Employee Name (array of 10) Employee Wages (array of 10) Employee Hours ...
[1 reply] : string name ; You can't declare the size of an array with just anoth... (by Thomas1965)
Variable or Field Declared Void
So I have been writing a program for a bank recording project and when I get to line 23 I get the following error "variable or field 'modify' declared void". I ...
[3 replies] Last: "variable or field 'modify' declared void" void modify; Currently... (by Ganado)
Linux vs Windows programming
Hello guys I have a pretty complicated question I guess but I need to know how this all works,sorry if this post is long, anyway so I have been programming on ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Jonnin, that makes sense :) (by adam2016)
I am trying to make a small change to the original tree.h : Here's the original tree.h class Tree { private: struct Node { int i; Node* left,...
[5 replies] Last: lol I didn't even see that. Good catch, my bad gopinathpc . (by Ganado)
Having trouble with this logic
string password; string input = ""; int pass = 0; while (true) { cout << "Enter your Password: "; getline(cin, input); cin >> password; stringstream my...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you dhayden but sorry because I'm just bad :( that moment it is ... (by zerefwizard)
Codechef Long Contest
problem link : even after reading the editorial i am not able to get what actually we are doing so please coul...
[3 replies] Last: Stav, I think your explanation has one small problem. Rule #3 for the ... (by dhayden)
CurlPP SSL Issues
Hi All! So I have been working with CurlPP lately and when trying to connect to a site with HTTPS I get: "SSL Certificate problem: unable to get local issuer ...
[no replies]
menu driven app
can someone help me to find my error in my menu driven app?? #include <iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cmath> using namespace std; //Function ...
[1 reply] : What error? Why aren't you giving us all the information that would h... (by MikeyBoy)
Dragging Objects in 2d
How can we drag an object in 2d space with a mouse with the given coordinates: top left of window = (0, 0) top right of window = (window.width, 0) bottom l...
[6 replies] Last: Well one way you could do it (and this may be a bit advanced as it req... (by Uk Marine)
SNES Megaman X Opening
Windows 7/Dev C++ 5.11 I'm working on an opening for games/programs that will run in the command window and I'm basing it off the Super Nintendo Entertainmen...
[1 reply] : Let's take this in stages. First, use an array to declare what you wa... (by gaxio)
July 2018 Pages: 12345... 9
  Archived months: [jun2018] [aug2018]

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