General C++ Programming - June 2012 (Page 7)

Help turning ints into pointers
I'm trying to figure out how to turn ints into pointers but every-time I try, the program errors out. So I have to revert back to using regular int i.Keep in mi...
[12 replies] Last: I think I get it You don't want to use a counter, but just pointers.... (by Lestor77)
recent books for C++?
hello everybody i'm currently reading Thinking in C++ 2nd edition but it's quite an old book since 2000. so after i finish it i want to read something more r...
[no replies]
Inheriting static variables
Hey everyone, I was wondering if there is a way to inherit static variables, but to have them different for each child class. Say I have the static varia...
[4 replies] Last: Mhm... I am having a bunch of classes that inherit from a 'block' clas... (by strongdrink)
Help with pointers!
Hi! I'm a begginer and I wanted apply what I've read from tutorials. But something isn't working as I expect.Given an character, I create a pointer to it, and p...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks!, I solved it! (by chrishans)
Const Struct (Typedef?)
Pseudocode: class Accel { public: Accel(const struct &F); etc... }; I know this is wrong, it won't compile. I'm looking for WHY it is wro...
[6 replies] Last: It would be a correct code if you would write class Accel { public: ... (by vlad from moscow)
by adn258
How Can You Tell When A Class Object Disposes?
I have been using classes for quite some time now and just basic classes get be How can you tell when an object doesn't exist anymore? For instance take th...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks guys this has been really helpful. Hopefully someone can answe... (by adn258)
Hi need some help
Hi, Everyone i need to make this to an exe file but there are 5 files and i dont know how to make it to exe, and i downloaded TC++ 3.0 can some one tell me how ...
[2 replies] Last: Way i want to compiler is because i have made my own dos operating sys... (by andrewjrmill)
by shn
How to measure the memory used by a graph
I code in C++ on Windows, using codeblocks with g++. I have a graph defined as follow (using boost): struct NodeData{ /*...*/ }; struct EdgeData{ /*...*/...
[no replies]
I know this isn't exactly c++ but Im looking to call c/c++ functions from assembly. I got this straigt out of the nasmdoc and Im confused as to why this compile...
[no replies]
Declare virtual class
Psuedocode: virtual struct getLinearAccel(); I know this doesn't work, I need to know why it doesn't work and how to make it work. I ultimately want to ...
[2 replies] Last: virtual struct getLinearAccel{};//learn the syntax and Semanitics be... (by DeXecipher)
A Class design problem, need help.
I got this problem when i was designing a class. This class C has two virtual member functions: A and B. And each function has two possible implementations: A-I...
[9 replies] Last: Alexandrescu's 'Modern C++ Design' ? I must get one. (by mimichacha)
wxWidgets wxGridCellEditor question
Hello people, I hope someone can help me with my wxGridCellEditor problem. So, I want to edit my grid and I have to use GridCellEditor. Here is the code ...
[no replies]
Programming Style Question
Does anyone still use null. And what is your purpose for doing so. I used to use null (for initializing ptrs) but the only reason I see for doing so is to make ...
[4 replies] Last: People typically use NULL specifically for pointers, which is what I u... (by Ikaron)
ccPlus1.exe Has Stopped Working
Does anyone know what it means? Google doesn't give anything useful. Wazzak
[7 replies] Last: Manual or automatic defragmentation + memory failure error = file co... (by Catfish2)
Step by step read data from exe file to memory.
Hello everyone. I have exe-file which I want manually map to memory. I open a file with: HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA("Test.exe", GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN...
[no replies]
int readnumbers, what about readwords?
I'm working on a AI project and am looking for a code that can read the user text.. just like int readnumber but with words :p
[1 reply] : string readword() { string a; cin>>a; return a; } (by viliml)
by ostar2
help with c++ system() function
I am trying to make an application on the console and I need to be able to take the input from x and add it to the end of a system as command arguments. It is m...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks, this will actually make things alot easier. (by ostar2)
by macs
errors in general execution..
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { char line , wd ,ch ; int l,i,j=0,w=0,k=0; clrscr(); printf("ENTER A L...
[10 replies] Last: worked (by macs)
how to calculate factorial of number in C
I just want to calculate the factorial of a number 450000 in C by using "larger integer airthmatic" concept of data structure in C or any number which has ...
[8 replies] Last: what I meant is that the average sized data type cannot store it, whic... (by DeXecipher)
stringstream error
Im getting an error on line 17: "std::stringstream convert" has incomplete type and cannot be defined. Not sure what the problem is. Any help would be appreciat...
[3 replies] Last: mordoran: I tried another variable aready. Same thing. Peter87: DOH! F... (by ariesthechamp)
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