General C++ Programming - May 2014 (Page 29)

by CRooky
1D Arrays program
Hey everyone I'm having trouble getting this program to compile and Im trying to figure out the last function can anyone give me a hand..?? Sample Output:...
[3 replies] Last: You've defined points twice (line 14 and 29). Once as a const int and... (by AbstractionAnon)
Constructing Treap data structure
Hi All, When constructing TREAP data structure we have both key and random number for a node. What if we have a conflict in constructing as BST as random ...
[no replies]
Input and output files
Write a program that opens two text files (input1.txt and input2.txt) for input and one for output (output.txt). The program should merge the two input files ...
[3 replies] Last: am new to c++. can u show me the syntax for a jump statement. thank yo... (by aishT96)
Airline Reservation System( Can't get only available seats to load)
This is my code, however I can't get my program to print only AVAILABLE SEATS; instead it prints Both Available and Taken. //Program allows you to delete and ...
[6 replies] Last: == 0 and == false is the same. 0 == false and anything else == true. (by giblit)
by zinat
Coding Style checking
Is there any opensource tool which can check the coding style use in a program. plz help..
[2 replies] Last: sir it can be either tool or plugin which would say which coding style... (by zinat)
Dynamically increasing an array in class
class Album{ private: char albumName ; Song* List; int numSongs; public: Album(char*); ~Album(); Album(const Album&); Album& operator=(const Alb...
[2 replies] Last: In addition to what Computergeek01 said, you have a couple of proble... (by AbstractionAnon)
Compare not comparing (1,2)
Can someone tell me why this is not comparing.. I'm pulling my 3 string of hair out my head.. I'm trying to compare 13.4701.. when this is true.. come out of th...
[29 replies] Last: Based on the logic of the do while loop.. I had the less than sign wro... (by brokeas)
by b100
Creating a file
Hello, I want to write a visual C++ program to create a script file for Autocad. A script file has the extension .scr The goal is, to create the file, wri...
[2 replies] Last: // // uitleg_label3 // this->uitleg_label3->AutoSize = tru... (by b100)
Please help me with the syntax
15 template<typename EvalT, typename Traits> 16 HeatEqResid<EvalT, Traits>:: 17 HeatEqResid(const Teuchos::ParameterList& p) : 18 wBF (p.get<std::string> ("W...
[1 reply] : (by ResidentBiscuit)
Sorting a Netpay Array with Pointers
So I know this question/issue has come up before on these forums. I've been through them researching and trying to debug my code for this for awhile now as wel...
[6 replies] Last: Got this 100% complete now thanks to the help you've provided. I also... (by Moonshine2183)
Task Manager? C++ Help!
Basically my program is supposed to be a "Task Manager". My program runs correctly, however, I think I am messing up with the "Design Considerations" and the "g...
[7 replies] Last: All you did was change the name of TaskEntry to TaskList. Requirement... (by AbstractionAnon)
Looping Problem
How to do the problem below using loop? Input numbers until the user types a 0, then output the product of the non 0 numbers: e.g., if the user types 2...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; ... (by alfredokang)
Fatal Error: One Unresolved External
I'm trying to implement this queue class, and I don't know why it won't compile. I wrote a main function in the main.cpp file and even commented out the calls t...
[4 replies] Last: void Queue::add(char item) { // Create a new node Q... (by cire)
by chhe
sorting question
I have two vectors a string vector and a double vector of the same length namely, vector1={dog, cat, giraffe, rabbit, snake} and vector2={2.3, 19, 5.67, 4, 1.00...
[3 replies] Last: I know I will invite a lot of flak, but I can't resist pointing you to... (by abhishekm71)
by Alated
Project Help!
Hey guys, Brand new to the forums, thanks for hearing me out on my troubles in advance! Lets get right into it.. Program Description: Write a program tha...
[no replies]
When to use smart pointers in real life?
I'm 13 but I program since I was 8. When I was that young, I was used to use pointers and dynamic arrays. But today, I saw everything I can do with a pointer I ...
[18 replies] Last: [quote=Dput]speed is based on the algorithm, not the language. What di... (by LB)
NEED final Project help!
I'm working on a final project for my computer programming in C++ class, I know nothing about programming, and I think I bit off more than I could chew with thi...
[3 replies] Last: I think I'm almost there! I'm just having trouble getting it to pri... (by stanbrogan)
by Aceix
gcc-4.9.0 on xubuntu raring(13.04)
Is it possible to compile gcc-4.9.0 on xubuntu raring? because the configure command keeps asking for necessary tools, whic have been removed from rarings repos...
[1 reply] : ... Aceix. (by Aceix)
C++ Project Help
The last thing I need to make happen with this project is get the chosen planet name to be outputted. Since I did a switch statement I'm not sure how to make t...
[6 replies] Last: Call the function this way(repeat for all cases): showResults (name, ... (by Aceix)
array value
basic details of program your stranded in a desert quadrant 1 positive x and y, you enter a series of compass directions ie NSEESNEW these are stored into an ar...
[no replies]
May 2014 Pages: 1... 2728293031
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