General C++ Programming - October 2013 (Page 9)

C++ and C Similarities and Differences
Hello Everyone, I want to teach myself some C. I was told it was not so necessary if I am already learning C++, but why not. I am trying to change the followin...
[3 replies] Last: It would, but not at the same time as learning C++. Learn them at sepa... (by LB)
Dynamic Data structures (Linked List)
I need an explanation of what linked lists are. How the nodes are been defined and used, especially in an object oriented programming. With a code example. Than...
[1 reply] : A linked list is a data structure. A data structure is basically a con... (by Catfish4)
Basic stuff - Need Help with Array
Hello. I'm learning programming on C++ and I need to solve this problem using nothing more than basic stuff: arrays, if/else and for's. The problem: Create ...
[5 replies] Last: Nice, thanks for the explanation. I'm still trying to understand the ... (by Lemonkiss)
Why are there different implementations of the C++ Standard Library?
Microsoft has it own implementation, Apache has it's own implementation. Every compiler has it's own implementation. One implementation could be different from ...
[7 replies] Last: If that were true I would be getting paid a lot of money to program fu... (by Duthomhas)
Factors of an integer
I want to make a simple program that will print out the factors of an integer. My program right now only outputs "The prime factors of 221 are 221, 221, 221, 22...
[3 replies] Last: 1 and 221 are not prime factors (by ne555)
Cross platform plugin library
I need a Cross-Platform, easy to use plugin library. It needs to be able to load share libraries for Windows (.dll) and Linux (.so I think). The only one I cou...
[5 replies] Last: I just got it to return a class! This is the code for the host applic... (by TexanMonkey)
Why is there no message box in my CodeBlocks?
It's really weird. When I click Shift-F2, the manager pane appears, but when I click F2, nothing happens. I can't see the messages. When an error appears af...
[4 replies] Last: I've never thought about preferences when deleting CodeBlocks, so I do... (by gameprogrammer)
I need help with a do/while loop please
Okay, our instructor gave us two labs at once. I finished the first part, and it works just fine. It does everything it is supposed to do. What I need help wi...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int duration... (by arkad)
sorting vector<string> in alphabetical order
hello all, I know there is a function in algorithm class called sort() but I need to sort ignoring the case of the alphabet Is there any function that d...
[2 replies] Last: std::sort(std::begin(myvector), std::end(myvector), (std::string con... (by LB)
no output
so i wrote this code that basically simulates the playing of craps. the code worked fine but i have to write it using classes. Since ive never programed using...
[17 replies] Last: You're welcome! (by abhishekm71)
by asdx3
Code::blocks; 0xC0000005
Hello, I wrote a programm for school which generate data to Hand it over to an algorithm. But when I want to saved the generated data with the following code a...
[1 reply] : > I cannot add the array to the watchlist during debugging. ¿why not?... (by ne555)
need help trying to implement a linked list, but it failed to compile.
IM TRYING TO COMPILE THE SOURCE CODE but its giving me errors: 1>------ Build started: Project: KrishneelCAD5430CISP40013F, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ ...
[5 replies] Last: can you show how to get the output on the screen as shown below: that... (by GokuK97)
Working on an assignment, and bit confused! need help!
a)Create a Document class to load the text document in memory. For this purpose the constructor of the class is in charge with creating a memory structure repre...
[no replies]
Help with a 2d vector function
I have been struggling with this program. Im hoping someone could see what im doing wrong or give me some tips on how to approach this. thanks in advance ...
[11 replies] Last: nice interface style by the way. (by DeXecipher)
ncurses: problem with highlighting a line of characters
This is quite a specific question, but I couldn't find a forum on ncurses so I thought I might as well ask it here. I am writing a program using ncurses that n...
[3 replies] Last: Odd indeed. I'm on Slackware. Did you try setting attroff between mv... (by mariostg)
Can I if(for(?
Can I? I need to do make a loop inside a condition. Can it be done? I don't want to call another function to do it. Any way at all without calling separate fun...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks stew & Bourgond Aries! @ Mutexe, tried it, didn't work, though... (by belgarionriva)
How to create a loop for this?
Could someone please show me how to take this program, and function the exact same way, except include a loop that asks the user "Would you like to add interest...
[no replies]
a program to input and display in a tabular manner
I just need a program to input values like name, class and register number and output in tabular manner with proper heading.
[no replies]
Pointer to a Class ?
Hello all, I am reading "C++ : The Complete Reference 4th Edition" The author says ( pg 292 ) : "No member can be an object of the class that is being...
[3 replies] Last: Yes you are right. (by abhishekm71)
Battleship program problems with classes.
I am writing a battleship program that uses classes. I don't entirely understand classes, so there are a few errors, but I do not know what to do. I'm not exact...
[no replies]
October 2013 Pages: 1... 7891011... 46
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