General C++ Programming - September 2012 (Page 25)

Writing codes in MFC Activex Control
I am trying this article The Hybrid Solut...
[no replies]
by gtkano
C++ &vector[] dose not return adress
& array does not work . Fail to retrieve the address of a item in a std :: vector. How to get the address of an element in a std :: vector? #include <io...
[2 replies] Last: thank you Disch :) (by gtkano)
I'am getting a problem getting the value of RVAToOffset for compiled vc2010 exe. Some of RVAs return 0 offset. Example usage: entrypoint = RvaToOffset(pe.Op...
[2 replies] Last: No. It isn't a 64-bit exe. I still haven't found any solution for thi... (by StoneHeart)
by vlc25
C++ small project job
Hi I am looking for someone who would be interested in doing small projects for a low price. I say a low price because the projects are easy and shouldn't take ...
[8 replies] Last: "I didn't do my homework and it's almost due. I'll pay someone here t... (by Disch)
C++ rand function
So when I called rand() % 4 a hundred times, I got 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1... all the way. That isn't very random. But when I called rand() % 3, I got truly randomized ...
[5 replies] Last: > Why would a rng use a multiple of 2 for it's multiplier > unless I m... (by JLBorges)
Funny C++ problem
Hey guys. Having a big of an odd error which I can't get my head around. After altering my dynamic array in the function fDetails, I try and display each li...
[1 reply] : yeah ur passing an empty array on line 24 (by Aramil of Elixia)
Problem passing a char**
I am trying to do something like char** readfromme(){} main(){ struct stopping{ char**category; char**stop; }; stopping.category=readfromme(); ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much for your help! (by michaelscott88)
by baki
C++ visual-2D array
Hi I am asked to use a 2D array(20x4). I have put it into a function, but now i want to read and display the function by using switch method. Can someon...
[3 replies] Last: in the function we have to open the file and display it in a 2D array.... (by baki)
Beginner User Input Question
I need to verify that all numerical input is positive. If not, output an error message that only positive numbers are valid and reprompt one more time. I have l...
[1 reply] : First of all you can define the type of the entered object as unsigne... (by vlad from moscow)
Please help me
I am currently having some trouble here where I am needing to display numbers in my segments of numbers for an assignment. I have been working on trying to gett...
[no replies]
Array requires constant; wont accept variable
I don't have any idea where to start looking for this,and have no explanation why it started not working. I have a file with some dynamically sized arrays, ie. ...
[10 replies] Last: Use std::vector. (by Peter87)
Widget promotion in Qt
With Qt Creator, you can make custom widgets with widget promotion. I have a question with what happens when you promote, for example, a QTextEdit to a custom c...
[1 reply] : I did a little more research. So MyClass must inherit from QWidget fo... (by Flurite)
by RyanV
Confusion: Timings For Binary Search Algorithm
Hello, I have a problem for my Data Structures and Algorithms class that involves running a binary search in three different programming languages, C++, C,...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for all the replies guys. What would be the benefit of using a... (by RyanV)
Writing a save file
Okay, so I have looked online for writing save files. I followed exactly what they said to do. here's the source code: //This is the region that defines th...
[3 replies] Last: Okay. Thanks for the help. I managed to get it working (by MasterBanana)
by oomjos
Addition operator failing
Problem with this Function: Row operator+(const Row &x) const; OUTPUT: Addition operator is returning an incorrect value. Addition operator should be cons...
[2 replies] Last: I do not understand why are you listing all this functions? Show the d... (by vlad from moscow)
Don't know what to call this maybe double quotes
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void add(int num1, int num2); void subtract(int num1, int num2); void ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok. Thank you. (by Reaper1)
by jaekx
Help please!
Alright, so I was given an assignment in a programming class and I'm a bit confused as to what is being asked of me. The instructions are as follows: Assignme...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, with a few tests I see now. I was always taught to set selection=0... (by jaekx)
Returning a pointer to an object
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class btree { struct node { node *left; int data; node *ri...
[19 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class btree { public: ... (by Rishav Paul)
CString.Replace not working?
I am using MFC VC++ 6. my aim is to search for a string in a text file, replace it with another string and write to another file.. CString str; CFile fil...
[no replies]
by oomjos
Trying to return a pointer of type double to a function
double *Row :: getData() { double *newRow = new double ; for(int i =0; i<size; i++) { newRow = dArray ; } return *newRow; } ...
[3 replies] Last: If you are goint to return a pointer then return the pointer not the o... (by vlad from moscow)
September 2012 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 32
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