General C++ Programming - September 2013 (Page 10)

Help with SFML Game Development book
Hello, I have recently started building the project in the book and I have made it to chapter 3. But I have a problem, I was presented with this error sfmlapp...
[2 replies] Last: Yes cire, I was missing an include. Actually, I included the wrong one... (by twiggystardust)
Need Help with a Program
I'm still pretty new to C++ and am taking a course in college for it. We have an assignment that I am kind of stumped on. I was wondering if you guys could help...
[3 replies] Last: What have you written so far? (by LB)
by xoxos
elementary OO/game objects query
i'm experienced with procedural/algorithmic programming but have stuck for years to a linear style in c++ instead of OO. so, today i have a very basic and proba...
[2 replies] Last: tyvm for the confirm and lead! (aah! herb schildt's "c++ for begin... (by xoxos)
by SeBeQ
C++11/0x/98, problem with wcs case insensitive compare
Hi! I have Code::Blocks with MinGW with G++ (tdm-1) 4.7.1 I checked option with enable C++11. I tested auto, nullptr, etc. If I use -std=c++98, -std=c...
[2 replies] Last: Those are WinAPI functions. #include <windows.h>. (by Duthomhas)
Need help with factor problem
I'm making a program that prompts a user for an int value. The value input by the user must be a multiple of 16. If it is not, I must return an error message....
[5 replies] Last: I would like to add onto FatalSleep's post and explain what the comput... (by Willchill)
by tegi00
Possible to shorten this sorting algorithm?
[2 replies] Last: Nope we have to use a simple nested for-loop with compare and swap. No... (by tegi00)
should I use protected virtuals instead of public virtuals ??
[1 reply] : Best practice is actually private virtuals unless the overriders are e... (by Cubbi)
the program requires to register then search it and last it release the record .
there is still an error, it doesnt function well. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include<conio.h> #include<cstring> #include<string.h> using ...
[4 replies] Last: Some pretty massive problems obviously. I'm gonna start with the sma... (by slambert)
The Car renta program will not display the upgrade total.
The car rental is suppose to display the car rental upgrade total, after the user enters a condition. All I get is "You may upgrade for a total cost of BLANK" ...
[no replies]
1.2 Calculator in c++ by behzad khoker
//By behzad khoker //Beta (1.2) //Please reply and tell me what sholud do to improve this //--------------------------------------------- #include <iostr...
[5 replies] Last: behzadkhoker .. if you want to add color to the text you will need to ... (by ExtraMt)
VGA 4&16 color mode errors need fixing.
I have made some code based on the freeVGA documentation, but (with exception of the 256-color mode and text mode), all other color modes fail. Anyone can tell ...
[1 reply] : Part 2: byte getpixelsingleshiftmode(VGA_Type *VGA, int x, int y, wor... (by superfury)
Finding 8086 emulation errors?
Anyone knows what errors there are in my 8086 emulation? MS-DOS just won't boot... modr/m is confi...
[no replies]
Program Problem
How do I go about setting up the rental upgrade part of program. Here is what I need to do: The program will try to sell the next more expensive car if S or...
[2 replies] Last: @condor [quote=OP]How do I go about setting up the rental upgrade part... (by closed account jwkNwA7f)
My program is exitting before it is complete. Please Help :(
I need some homework help, I think I got most of it; I just need somebody to look it over and tell me if there are any problems and why my program is exiting be...
[16 replies] Last: Thank you, all is well. :) (by dkarayof)
HOW TO JUMBLE A WORD COMING FROM A FILE? FILE *DOCU; DOCU = fopen ("file.txt", "r"); if (DOCU == 0) { printf ("\nFailed to open!\n"); exit (1); } e...
[13 replies] Last: Urrrrgggh! can't get it. :(( im so stupid.. urrrgh! !@#$!@ please! c... (by lilpaul04)
using the NULL character
Need some help over here. I suppose to create a main function that is used to invoke a function that displays the first character of a string on line 1, the...
[3 replies] Last: > Is there any way of a simplify version of writing this below? It's ... (by JLBorges)
need help in switch statement
how can i add -1 in switch statement cuz even i put -1 nothing happen heres the code i've done int a; cin >> a; switch(a) { case -1 : { return 0; ...
[5 replies] Last: You don't normally need another break after the default statement.... (by Uk Marine)
switch statement
is it possible to compare value in switch statement? i.e: a > b is it possible??
[5 replies] Last: I guess that would to do it, I thought the OP meant for each 'case' st... (by Computergeek01)
Loop Issue
I need month #1's balance to be zero, but when I run the program, it is 100...Any suggestions? Here is my code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: how do i get the balance of the first month to be zero and the rest o... (by MikeyBoy)
excel ole automation c++
hello, i´m new in C++. i need to make a programm to write in a excell cell a number. i must use OLE Automation. can you help me?? how i can do it??...
[1 reply] : Move this to the Windows section. It will be more visible to the those... (by Computergeek01)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 89101112... 36
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