Lounge - May 2015 (Page 3)

How far are we from AI?
Hi, I just feel like you guys are the most tech-savvy people around and pretty much up-to-date of technology itself. I was wondering how far do you guys ...
[9 replies] Last: In many ways, human intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Thi... (by Manga)
Gaming (1,2,3)
I like to play on my PS3 quite a lot and have got quite a few FPS games. Favourite game is Battlefield 4 I think. What platform, and favourite game?
[48 replies] Last: Damn looks like you caught me there. Well, back to the drawing board c... (by James27)
double ended vector?
Hey there std::vector is known to be contiguous in memory but it's interface only provides a poor way to insert elements at the beginning, right? Did any ...
[8 replies] Last: I ended up using a std::vector and whenever I need to insert (let's sa... (by Gamer2015)
May the 4th be with you.
Excitement rising... http://www.starwars.com/films/star-wars-episode-vii-the-force-awakens In any case, I hope they paid attention to this: http://geekleag...
[3 replies] Last: I'll agree that foul language doesn't belong on the forum, but I also ... (by Duthomhas)
Tutoring - Line Between Cheating
Hi all, I've been tutoring for over a year now for students in C++, C#, etc... A common thing I get is this: "Can you show me how to do something for my ass...
[10 replies] Last: I always try to segue into the topic and teach them how to handle the ... (by Little Captain)
sfml transparent problem using vs express for windows desktop
Can anyone help me. when im running a test program of SFML in vs express, i keep getting this weird transparent window, even in codeblocks. when im using ...
[4 replies] Last: That doesn't look like a 200x200 window. Also isn't 200x200 too tiny o... (by S G H)
by MIZ
Another C Question
I need a little bit of help from C programmers in this forum. Im going to learn C as i soon which to create my own Linux distribution after i get more advanc...
[11 replies] Last: Okay, seriously, just start with SDL http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/... (by Lachlan Easton)
fellow programmers
Hi! I'm looking for young - teenage beginner programmers so we can help each other learning the language. It would be best if I could find someone from Europe ...
[3 replies] Last: If you're not interested in skype just PM me and we can communicate vi... (by Homberto)
Are there any sites where you can download programs?
And launch them in VB / C++ to see how others code things or do things. Like download a flappy birds for VB, or a tic tac toe game for VB, or whatever else ...
[3 replies] Last: www.github.com What you're looking for is source code to other's prog... (by IWishIKnew)
May 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [apr2015] [jun2015]

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