Lounge - April 2015

by MIZ
Help from C programmers
I was looking around other languages and was wondering what would be my second language of choice. I want to learn c as it is the building block of all langu...
[9 replies] Last: @cheraphy I mean third part libaries To add to that can i just use the... (by MIZ)
Going Through Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
Hello, I am new to programming and have chosen C++ as my first language. I have done a lot of research and decided I will self study Programming: Principl...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for the link! :) I had joined earlier (it came up through ... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
Do you even blog? Lol. But seriously, I'd like to start blogging about techy news/games reveiews etc. Is it as simple as it sounds? Wondering if I should buy a ...
[6 replies] Last: No prob bob:) (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
by ahcfan
How does JPG store pixels?
I'm wondering if Windows has a native pixel format corresponding to JPG pixel format.
[8 replies] Last: Hi, IIRC from a long time ago, JPEG does all sorts of things, includi... (by TheIdeasMan)
Real time mountian tracing
Hello, I have a somewhat elaborate question that none in my friend circle seems to have an answer to. I am working on a project in my mathematics class. To keep...
[1 reply] : How complex was the source he gave you? Refactoring the Mac specific p... (by ModShop)
Hey, I'm not trying to get out of buying people presents, but just out of curiosity... What is the "programmer's equivalent" to drawing someone a present for th...
[14 replies] Last: I've just come up with the perfect Valentine's Day card... #include ... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
by MIZ
Games and networks
If my understanding is correct A network is 2 or more computers connected to share dats,information and hardware. But how does this work with games. For...
[13 replies] Last: Oh thank you so computers networks and game networks are diffrient ? T... (by MIZ)
Good Literature (Not Programming Related)
I've been reading lately and I've found the Andromeda Strain to be quite entertaining. I'm currently in the process of finding other books that are interesting....
[12 replies] Last: Ah, Catch-22! A book I was planning to read but I forgot! Thanks! We... (by Avilius)
Kinect Sensor
how to get height ,width and lenght of the object(Carton box) in front of the camera in inches in C++ I am getting the point cloud value x,y and z axis properl...
[2 replies] Last: I have not used OpenCV .I am refering this link http://www.cs.princeto... (by Gaurav Tiwari)
Favorite Role Playing Game.
What is your favorite role playing game and why?(graphics, story, specific game elements, battle system.) I'm starting the initial stages of developing one(beli...
[9 replies] Last: Divinity Original Sin is a lot of fun. A friend and I have been playin... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Ceset
Focusing on wrong lines!
Focusing on wrong lines and keep focusing and then focus some more for NOTHING! I was trying to learn how to work with bits. Of course code compiled but it d...
[13 replies] Last: I don't see how your programming issue is related to psychological eff... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Starting job as a programmer, but don't have knowledge many CS subjects
I'm starting a job as a programmer soon, but I do not have a degree in Computer Science. I've worked as a programmer before for a brief period of time. All I kn...
[1 reply] : The #1 skill you can have is the ability to learn new things on the fl... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
by koopey
NEPAL 7.9 earthquake!
I must share this. Nepal was recently hit by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 on Richter scale, the biggest the country has ever seen. Hundreds of kilomete...
[no replies]
Can anyone identify old TV program?
I've been trying to figure this out for ages with Google, but I still can't get anywhere. I only remember bits from when I was very young, maybe mid-eighties...
[9 replies] Last: startrek is amazing (by davidabish)
by MIZ
How to learn more about Computers
Every time i ask a question the asnwers are so advance i sometimes get even more confused When i mean how to learn more about computers i mean how to learn m...
[3 replies] Last: If you're interested in the ins and outs of Windows I highly suggest y... (by ahcfan)
Is there a C++ library for implement a BPMN workflow engine?
Hi, I have to implement a business process workflow engine (BPMN2 standard) and I wonder if there's a C++ library to get started quickly. I've been looking t...
[no replies]
CS Graduate Memes
After reading through this thread: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/163111/ This is all I can picture for the future of the industry: http://i.imgur.co...
[no replies]
HTML/CSS Q: popup exceeds html box
I don't know enough about this to fix it without relying on jQuery or something. I would prefer to keep it pure HTML/CSS. I have a popup (position:absolute),...
[3 replies] Last: Here's a solution, but it's JS: 1) append ID's to the body and the pop... (by Homberto)
How did everything start?
Place to discuss theories about how everything started like the Big Bang etc. One day, I hope, we can start answering the question why instead of how....
[14 replies] Last: Closer and further away lol, for every answer to a question about a th... (by James27)
by Kman
How did they program the first programming languages?
Nowadays, we know C++ can tell the difference between an int, string etc., but how? We know it expects "()" after a function, but how did they make it so that i...
[6 replies] Last: No kidding? I've never really thought about that before, cool article! (by robocop1)
April 2015 Pages: 1234
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