Windows Programming - February 2012 (Page 7)

while loops?
okay for uni i got given a question in class, i am at a loss at how to solve it i understand that i need to put boundaires in and average my loop but i don't kn...
[no replies]
Visual Studio 2010, Error C4430
Trying to find the average of n numbers, where n is part of the input. Here is the first part of my code, it's still missing the calculations to find the av...
[3 replies] Last: In this case type the following 4 letters before main(): int ... (by modoran)
C# DoubleClick Event
I know this is "C++".com, but I've not been able to find a good alternative, and I like the community on this site better than any other site I've ever used for...
[9 replies] Last: 1. 你可以在InitializeComponent()函数里面,添加上this.Doubl... (by Tralon)
Class help
frac.h class Fraction { public: Fraction(); // Set numerator = 0, denominator = 1. Fraction(int n, int d=1); // constructor with parameters // stan...
[no replies]
Basic commands not working in the main file
So, I've created a windows form application. This means that besides my form.h, I still have the project.cpp, which contains: #include "stdafx.h" #include ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I used to work in console C++ for a pretty long time, then I decid... (by brreakerr)
exe file
Ok, i made program and its exe file now.It works good but I have a one question. So when i open program and start to put some numbers in it it calculates and a...
[1 reply] : That can be achieved by writing the relevant information to a file and... (by Athar)
Undefine primitive datatypes
Hi, Is there a way where in we can undefine primitive data types? The requirement is that when I write something like int a; the compiler must substitute in...
[1 reply] : You can't undefine them, although you can do a #define int __int64 ... (by Athar)
by Ch1156
Problem With Tabs
Ok so i have the tabs all set up but when i went to make another tab i encountered a problem. In the program when i switch to the second tab it freezes that one...
[5 replies] Last: Oh ok, I tried putting in loword but I made a new switch statement out... (by Ch1156)
Declaring a single-dimension Array in a Form app.
After checking on the internet I've found out that I can't simply use static arrays like I used to in console c++ (int i ;) but I have to use some strange comma...
[13 replies] Last: go to design mode and double click your form. this will give you the c... (by bobdabilder)
by Ch1156
Need hel with tabs (1,2)
Scroll all the way down to the bottom.
[24 replies] Last: Ok, well i'll study this and all the other stuff i learned, thanks for... (by Ch1156)
specify execution time
i want to make a online cpp compiler.. working in windows env.. i want to specify the max execution time so no program runs for infinite time.. any idea h...
[1 reply] : Why would you actually RUN the program you were compiling? If you w... (by LB)
Failure of CDC::Ellipse() function
Dear All, I am using CDC::Ellipse() to draw points on the screen in onDraw( ) function of an MDI based MFC application. The problem is that upto a certain nu...
[no replies]
Windows Form Application Database Connection
So, I've got a MySQL Database (5.0). What I basically want is to get data from a certain table's column and add it into a variable in my program. I've searched ...
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Window's Installer
Okay so im trying to make a installer for my program and everything works great other then the fact of 2 things. 1. When ever i run the installer where the chec...
[no replies]
Capture a signal through sound card
Is it possible to capture a signal through the sound card (headphone/line in) jack using C++ ? If possible, can you please suggest a method to do? Thanks.
[2 replies] Last: You can find a library for Windows OS here: (by cnoeval)
Form application without .NET?
Is there any way I can make my Form application runnable from a machine without having .NET? The main problem of this is that for example some of my friends ha...
[8 replies] Last: So what it sounds like from what you are saying modoran is that .NET a... (by freddie1)
by newone
opengl, winapi, obj models, problem with textures
Firstly, like always i want to apologize about my language;]
[no replies]
by Ch1156
How to set text in the text box?
I have a textbox and i can get text from it but i cant figure out how to put text in it, im making a calculator so i want to put text in the box when i hit the ...
[3 replies] Last: case one: { SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,one,text); // text would ... (by Texan40)
by axtroz
Memory leak in function
Greetings, I'm creating a simple ping library to use in a larger project, but it seems that I've got myself a memory leak and I'm finding it hard to localize it...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, works perfectly. (by axtroz)
prints the things inside else block first
/* author : Chathura Widanage date : 2012/02/03 purpose : solve simultaneous eqns Title : simultaneous equations solver */ #include<stdio.h> #incl...
[2 replies] Last: thanx... putting the thing in a loop solved the problem. (by chathura)
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