Windows Programming - February 2012 (Page 5)

by Win32
Rock Paper Scissors in regular C
So everything seems to be working fine except when it gets to 'player2' input it just skips it and procedes to print everything under all the If statements. ...
[3 replies] Last: or you could change your scanf format strings to " %c" so that they ... (by cire)
by Zapeth
How to calculate Listbox limits?
Hi, I am using a listbox in my program to show a lot of strings so of course I would like to know about the limits of a listbox. Now I already searched aroun...
[7 replies] Last: I see. Your description then sounds like you may sometimes have a rac... (by webJose)
Is stdafx.h really necessary?
I see that many people using Visual C++ include <stdafx.h>. I understand it has something to do with precompiled headers but can't you use precompiled headers w...
[4 replies] Last: If you want to know what the minimal is to create a console Win32 prog... (by freddie1)
guysss help me please until 10am tommorow
This is the problem<<<----- Cable Company Billing Write a program that calculates a customer’s bill for a local cable company. There are two types of ...
[3 replies] Last: please guysssss (by janmich07)
by Zapeth
ntdll.dll crash, corruption of heap
Hi I currently have a strange problem with my program. It runs great once it passed a certain point but sometimes (it seems total random to me) it almost immed...
[4 replies] Last: You should also provide the symbol files for your other dll's, like l... (by Zapeth)
by Honnou
New to CPP, when using WriteConsole from Windows.h problem
Hey there, I'm new to both this forum and C++ I've been following this tutorial and up until now everything went flawless, but all of a sudden I had to use ...
[2 replies] Last: Well, being the noob that I am, I just obediently followed the instruc... (by Honnou)
SendInput and GetMessage do not work together.
Hello Everyone, I have been trying to make a simple C++ program that combines the use of Hotkeys and Generating Keyboard Input. I have however noted that ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello and thank you for your reply. I read what you have advised me to... (by Alexander Kirilov)
by atjm88
I need an advice from u guy too, now I'm doing the project related to image processing, which library u think is the best and easiest to do with image? Open CV ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Computergeek01 for the info, so u mean there is someone who did... (by atjm88)
How to get all hWnd controls?
Hi I have a STATIC control containing other STATIC controls created dynamically. Their number can vary and I want to get their ID or handlers. I wonder if there...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. EnumChildWindows(), that worked for me (by alexbnc)
by Zapeth
Set cursor for child window
Hi, I currently have a Win32 window with a big listbox as a child window in it. I also managed to set the custom cursor for the main window with this line in...
[13 replies] Last: I checked again the original URL. Now that I knew about it I found it... (by webJose)
Pointer urgent
I trying to create a matriz with pointer .this matriz is normal square for order n>1 ..Using siamese method meaning .. ex. step 1 1 step 2 ...
[no replies]
CreateProcess fails after Delay?
Here's what I'm trying to do (Pseudocode-wise) *Start Group of Processes* i=WaitForMultipleObjects(hLength,hList,false,INFINITE) //Wait for any process to...
[no replies]
by musico
Windows SDK not found
I have had some trouble lately I have never had before where in a windows application (such as those on I get a string of objbase.h errors,...
[no replies]
ShellExecute problem
I have some app that i need to call and pass some params to it. I tried this with cmd and it worked but somehow ShellExecute doesn't pass params to my app. I ca...
[5 replies] Last: If this does not work, that means that myprogram.exe is not equipped t... (by LauraArnold)
If someone could please just tell me what is wrong in this program and try to write it right way. . thanks
[1 reply] : You should read a basic tutorial on C++. Line 29 is trying to fit two... (by webJose)
BHO: How to "click a link" ?
Hello, I have a BHO working with IE9 on Win7(x86), made with VS2010. What is does for now is quite simple: - Listens to OnDocumentComplete events - Copi...
[3 replies] Last: To actually simulate a user click you'll require access to the DOM. S... (by webJose)
OpenGL 4.x
Which header files would I need to include in order to create an OpenGL 4.0 program without the use of GLM or GLEW? Do I still need to include Opengl32.lib? An...
[4 replies] Last: I got it to work with WinAPI and GL3W. (by BrokenSilenceDev)
File Locations, For Libraries, etc (GL3W)
Does anyone know where I'm supposed to put gl3w.c when setting up gl3w? I have gl3.h and gl3w.h in C:/program files/windows sdks/7.0a/include/gl3/
[2 replies] Last: I figured it out (for the most part). I had to do #include <gl3/gl3w.... (by BrokenSilenceDev)
Attach to another process
I am trying to write a program to see how much time students spend on different websites throughout the school-day and on school computers. My question is how ...
[1 reply] : Put your money on BHO's for Internet Explorer or browser extensions fo... (by webJose)
WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC for child controls
Hello world! I am trying to change the text and background color of a STATIC control. As long as the controls is created as a child of the main window, the WM_C...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, it is what I did, subclass the parent control. Thanks! (by alexbnc)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 34567... 9
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