Windows Programming - February 2012 (Page 8)

DireXt 9.0c moving Sprites not Loading unlike statics one. Why? Async position-SpriteLoad time maybe?
Please somebody explains me or if at least has any idea why this happens. The code cant be more clea...
[no replies]
Sound sinchronization on winapi
Hello, my problem is, i´ve created a windows program that plays a sound with playsound function from mmsystem.h and then starts a timer that works with getsyst...
[2 replies] Last: thanks, but, with the direct sound already set up, can you give me a c... (by CristalEnt)
Interface of a piano in windows 3.11 programming..
I need a simple program of a interface of piano in windows 3.11 coding...please post the source code and how may a interface may look.. please i need this asap....
[3 replies] Last: I need a Visual Basic GUI Interface to track the IP address of a kille... (by hanst99)
New student of C++ plz reply me
Friends I'm a student of C++. I want to ask that is it possible to write an windows application which opens by double click (other than DOS :/ ) and can give pr...
[14 replies] Last: Your welcome glad to help :) (by Ch1156)
Copy and replace Visual C++
hi guys, i am new to c++ and i really need some help. I am going to make a patcher for photoshop cs 5.1..... For testing only. So what i have is a dll file whic...
[5 replies] Last: OK i runs just fine now, it worked to run as admin thx to modoran and... (by MoXo Dester)
by Ch1156
Whats wrong with my Menu?
I have a menu i am trying to do, i got it from MSDN but i cant figure out whats wrong, it just keeps saying syntax error, i wish it would tell me so i can fig...
[4 replies] Last: I got it thanks. I did try Res edit once but didnt know how to set it ... (by Ch1156)
Adding extension to a string.
This is what I've got: private: System::Void champName1_TextChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { Bitmap^ myImage; String^ Locat...
[4 replies] Last: Managed to do it using iImage = Location + ChampName + ".jpg"; Th... (by brreakerr)
Question! (no need to hurry)
You don't need to hurry answering me. I just need to ask if there is any possibility to make a Windows Program using MinGW Developer Studio, and NOT Microsoft V...
[5 replies] Last: As long as you aren't relying on any compiler extensions or non-standa... (by Athar)
Okay so I am attempting to make a checkbox that the user selects to create a shortcut on his/her desktop. I In my program i have a progress bar and when ever so...
[15 replies] Last: Im not quite sure how to use this function in my program? (by mackw44)
How to get started with ATL/OCX
Hi, I usually create DLLs and Windows low level applications. I have never had to create an ATL. However, right now I have to write a library. In fact I h...
[5 replies] Last: Hi modoran! I have no problems with using Microsoft's midl. I... (by freddie1)
Help me with Shared Library before going crazy
I have a GUI project and a Shared Library with functions that are used by the GUI project. I have up to 11 functions (of which only 10 are shared with the GUI p...
[6 replies] Last: Stupid me. Indeed, I fucked up the build settings of the Library proje... (by alexbnc)
Visual Studio won't be able to compile MACRO function with local variable?
Hi, geeks: It seems Visual Studio is not able to build the following MACRO with a new local variable __x allocated. #define FAST_SCALE_PQ(X,P,Q) ({ \...
[2 replies] Last: I think this surrounding the macro in parathesis is a GCC compiler... (by guestgulkan)
by poda19
winsock doesn't send "GET"
hi i'm writing a winsock2 program to send a simple http get and receive the server's answer. anything i send to the server is sent properly exept when i use HT...
[10 replies] Last: Like I said, the server knows that JET is an invalid command so termin... (by kbw)
Need to find a substitute for the path of Documents and Settings
I am using the system command of copy and it reads "C:\\Documents and Settings" as "C:\Documents". I have tried underlines and no spaces, but it is still not a ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Ryan Jacobs)
I want a blinking cursor
Call me crazy, maniac or whatever after reading this. I have an EDIT control created with CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "E...
[2 replies] Last: You've apparently subclassed the textbox. Are you correctly passing o... (by freddie1)
The size of the value returned is too small, I'm trying to find out why myself using Google but would speed things up if I can get an answer here. void hexWin...
[2 replies] Last: for both functions the values are the same (except for v of course), p... (by awsdert)
Can someone explain to me how to use WriteProcessMemory correctly I definitely have the value of the address right but I don't think I'm passing it correctly b...
[7 replies] Last: It's definitely gotten to the write function with the right HANDLE, ad... (by awsdert)
can anyone explain the complete detail of addtrans() function..............
[5 replies] Last: the related link is last ... (by meenakshipahwa)
by Ch1156
Displaying Bitmap
I cant seem to display a bitmap on my window, i looked all over the web but i get long complicated code, im trying to keep it simple as possible. Im using a res...
[7 replies] Last: I use code blocks and it worked for me. (by Ch1156)
ASCII Comunication
Someone can send to me an manual of ASCII comunication in C++ ? Communicaton with Pannasonic FPX.
[1 reply] : (by Stewbond)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 6789
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