Windows Programming - March 2012 (Page 3)

MSVC++2010 Express IDE - Resizing text in editor uses "bad" scaling
Hi all, I've been customising my IDE look and feel and I'm now really happy with my setup except for a fairly annoying aspect which I can't seem to change. ...
[1 reply] : Any chance anyone has any input on this? (by MrJackson)
Message Box appears twice - Win32
New to the Win32 API, I have finally been able to register and create a main window with some children. I've even been able to name my children (use their HMEN...
[3 replies] Last: I don't know... I always used to hate EditBox's Message system with WM... (by S G H)
Transparent STATIC text changing problem
Hello I have this STATIC control displayed over a window that has an image as its background. When I initiate the control it displays a text. If I want to chang...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man, it works now. (by alexbnc)
Hide console window
I was trying to make a application. i want that application to run as process (no console window) but i can not hide it completely. when i use FreeConsole() ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks that worked for me. (by time to c)
#include<windows.h> #define WM_DRAWL (WM_USER+11) LRESULT CALLBACK mwpm(HWND hwnd,UINT message,WPARAM wparam,LPARAM lparam) { switch(message) { ...
[no replies]
My last resort! A grocery list program...
Hello! I've been working on this program for quite some time now... and I still can't get it right! I've tried many different things, but there's always an issu...
[3 replies] Last: Okay, thank you very much. I'll look for something else to use then. (by Sixjokercardz)
Structure as paramater in AfxBeginThread
Good evening! I try to pass a structure as parameter: Global structure: struct ThreadParams{ HWND window; LIB::ServiceContainer* mrt; }; ...
[5 replies] Last: The main thread allocated RAM using the new operator. To avoid a memo... (by webJose)
Good Win32 Tutorials?
Im looking to get away from consoles and do my everyday programs on windows that accept input and display output. From what i hear Win32 is a great option for d...
[2 replies] Last: 1)Download the English version of the pdf from the link below. Explana... (by dearvivekkumar)
how to make menu systems?
i am currently making a pong clone and i am at a loss at how to make my pong switch from its game play to a main menu system...could some one please explain or ...
[2 replies] Last: @Resident Biscuit Good Explanation, but I think he/she should also ta... (by Code Assassin)
Need help to create a program in C++
Hi I have a program to create for my coursework and need help does anyone have a program already done ? this is what it says : As at present, the member o...
[2 replies] Last: When is it due? At the very least you have some if not all of the requ... (by IridiumCore)
Erasing from a Text box.
Hello, I am very new to windows programming. I am just playing around with it and I was wondering how to erase the text in a box after hitting a button to put ...
[2 replies] Last: @Winston12, that code is C#, not C++. Post your question @ the MSDN f... (by webJose)
Is vector part of managed C++? (Visual Studio 2010 Professional)
If you search the web with above keywords, you’ll get lots of misleading responses. Very often though, List<> is suggested and the thread ends with a thanks....
[2 replies] Last: vector is in managed C++/CLI, but you must use the namespace cliext an... (by Arctic Inferno)
Can't get RICHEDIT content into WCHAR*
Hello again. I have changed some code from ASCII to UNICODE so I have to use WCHAR instead of CHAR. What I am trying to do is to get the content of a RICHEDIT c...
[2 replies] Last: If I do this: FileContent = new WCHAR[FileLength * sizeof(WCHAR)]; G... (by alexbnc)
Application searches for XX.dll instead of the debug version XX-d.dll
Hi, I have been trying to build an app relying on OSG 3.0, OSGart 2rc3 and VS 2008. I am not an expert on MS VS 2008 so maybe I have missed something whil...
[no replies]
by AliDh
Decoding a Webpage
I have managed to download a webpage's source file and now I want to open the webpage on one of my windows. I don't know much about web programming so I can't d...
[1 reply] : This is an HTML Renderer in C#: . ... (by webJose)
by Seloka
Can someone pls explain to me what the main purpose of the windows.h header does
[2 replies] Last: Windows.h is a header that includes many other header files, which you... (by AliDh)
Pointer + For Loop Where the Drama ?
My for loop doesn't print value of array via pointer . What am I missing ? side note is this valid? int count = 0; for ( count ; count < 4 ; coun...
[2 replies] Last: I think this is what you want. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.... (by Subzero030201)
ExtendedWin32Console.h Replacement?
I'm making a roguelike game, and I'm looking at this tutorial. I get everything in it, but the code calls for the header file "ExtendedWin32Console.h". I downlo...
[3 replies] Last: DWORD is a number, so pass 0 if you want to. (by modoran)
Enum(), openprocess() and terminate process()
Hers the problem: HANDLE OpenProcess( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // access flag BOOL bInheritHandle, // handle inheritance option ...
[6 replies] Last: ok. (by IWishIKnew)
Scope Question - Basic Win32 App
I'm starting to get a grasp of how to make a win32 app. So far I've been able to create a pretty decent clone of Notepad. I have a few questions about the way...
[6 replies] Last: Alright, this is getting much better, WM_SIZING: BOOL moveWindow(H... (by Lowest0ne)
March 2012 Pages: 12345... 7
  Archived months: [feb2012] [apr2012]

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