Beginners - February 2013 (Page 2)

by mramey
While Loop, and generating random numbers
so i have a while loop, each time it runs i want it to take in account each previous number that was randomly selected. When i run the loop i want it to create ...
[3 replies] Last: Here is my attempt at generating only unique numbers. It doesn't ever ... (by rcast)
.txt file and arrays
I need to get lines of information from a .txt file and read them into an array or arrays, but I can't seem to find the code I need to accomplish this. I have a...
[8 replies] Last: I ended up using a struct as suggested, Thank you for the information ... (by DarkLady228)
Help: i dont know where to start.
Hi, anyone with advice or hints on converting from base 10 to binary AND from base 8 to base 2.
[2 replies] Last: Try this link as it provides some methods of implementation which coul... (by Smac89)
DOS Window problem
Hi Guys! I compiled my first .exe and I am very happy :) Now my problem is, it is a Windows Form applicaiton but the compiled .exe is popping up with a DOS con...
[2 replies] Last: This may help: FreeConsole(); (by Chervil)
Importing using fstream and loading into Set
Im trying to import a text file which holds all dictionary words to be used to solve an algorithm to predict words by adding one letter to the beginning, and on...
[6 replies] Last: remove the second getline() on line 3. Then yes, it should work. Abst... (by coder777)
Practice Problems - Jumping into C++
I purchased the Jumping into C++ book from cprogramming as suggested by a few people on the forums here. I'm at the end of Chapter 5 (Loops), Problem 7 (Page 81...
[3 replies] Last: Consider this technique of input: int Input = -1; do { std::cin.... (by cire)
errors in c++ class (iso c++ forbids declaration of with no type)
#ifndef SALLY_H #define SALLY_H #include <iostream> #include "sally.h" using namespace std; class Sally { public: sally(int initialAge); sa...
[2 replies] Last: It looks like the header file with name sally.h is trying to include ... (by vlad from moscow)
Using variables two times (Help)
Hello, I have a problem, I am making a simple program to improve my c++. I have a problem, when using the variable two times, it does not get updated. For...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks abhishekm71 & iHutch105, iHutch105 solution worked smoothly. I ... (by IBCFQ)
by ezra8s
SDL First try, super basic program. Fails to compile
Hello, Just for little fun I am trying to compile the first simple program using SDL libs. #include <stdlib.h> #include <SDL.h> using namespace std...
[1 reply] : I reply myself, it seems the order in which you call the libs matters,... (by ezra8s)
A program
Please help, I keep getting the operator error error C2677: binary '||' : no global operator found which takes type 'std::string' (or there is no acceptable...
[3 replies] Last: I changed the = to == (by Code Apperentice)
Help: how to re-present the menu options.
Hi, i am new to programming. Actually i'm new to this subject of Computer Science. I am trying to make a menu system to give a user 3 choices to choose from, i...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot earthearth,it works really fine..... (by TsundzuLance)
Cannot call a created Function in body of code.
Hey I've created a function and I'm unable to use it in the body of the code. I have no idea what's going on. Good luck. Thanks. #include <iostream> #includ...
[3 replies] Last: No problem. And don't worry. I still make mistakes, everyone does! Tha... (by Lynx876)
by blunty
Problem with variable initialization within a class
Before I start I would just like to say that I am very new to C++ and programming in general, so my structure isn't the greatest when it comes to making prog...
[1 reply] : i'm not sure but the problem seems to be where you are trying to chang... (by abhishekm71)
by ezra8s
Hello. Newbie here.
I didn't see an introduction thread so I chose the beginners forum. I just registered in this forum, although I've been following for a while now since I dec...
[1 reply] : std::cout << "Hello, ezra8s\n"; Hope you enjoy you endeavours wit... (by MrHutch)
Program jumping?
I have this program that I put in the startup folder of my computer, it is a password program. I made this program a few hours ago. I have a problem, everytime,...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks @Chervil I did the Delay to make it OS independent, Sleep is OS... (by Code Apperentice)
System Pause
Hello people, I want to ask this question... What is wrong with system("pause") other than the fact that it is OS dependant
[8 replies] Last: Ok thanks ppl (by Code Apperentice)
Non-close able program
How do you make a program that is not close able(Instead of just removing the X), Like not shown in Applications in the windows task manager, and access denied ...
[4 replies] Last: ? Yes I do most of the times... (by Code Apperentice)
creating an array of structures
each struct created must hold the information (vendor name, category, desription, etc) for up to 20 booths at an event and write em to a file. i need to be able...
[3 replies] Last: there is not enough matching brackets. (by nannasin28)
Constructos with Dynamic Allocation (1,2)
I'm making a class that dynamically creates arrays. I'm having a lot of trouble with the constructors. I'm trying to make a constructor that assigns a value ...
[20 replies] Last: if you don't do that you will have pointers of each object basically ... (by nannasin28)
by scar95
Max/Min of a quadratic equation
Hey guys, I was just wondering is there any way to use c++ to find the max/min of a quadratic equation?
[7 replies] Last: I suppose you could input the coefficients.. (by nannasin28)
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