Beginners - January 2014 (Page 8)

Need help with understanding concepts for upcoming quiz.
I don;t want to come off as lazy, but since my professor doesn't really answer any of my questions without yelling I have come here in need of help. She gave...
[10 replies] Last: I got all of it except for question 8. (by noobplusminus)
i need vector & srand help
I am making the beginnings of a dice game. I am starting to use vectors with srand and I am relatively new to them. In this game to start I need the vector to r...
[4 replies] Last: (i'd pass your vector by reference into your print method too). (by mutexe)
Undefined reference to a class
Hi! I can't figure out what's wrong with this very stupid code: when I try to compile it, that's what I get: jacopo@jacopo-laptop:~/Documenti/C++ Prove$ g++ ...
[6 replies] Last: Yes!!!!! Many many thanks EssGeEich, that was it! These stupid beginn... (by Jakobus)
by chry44
transform a code to pointers
Hello can you please help me on how we can transform this code into pointers(put pointers in this code) im a beginner and im finding some difficulties cause its...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you all so much! i really appreciate it!! I have this part too(n... (by chry44)
by Dcull
Dynamic Memory Allocation Problem - "expected type-specifier before"
Hey Guys, So I am new here, and am totally new to programming. I am trying to take a c++ programming course, and to be completely honest, am lost half the ti...
[2 replies] Last: Oh man... That's embarassing. Thanks LB! That makes much more sense an... (by Dcull)
by Doggie
String Subscript Out Of Range
Solved! Thanks
[1 reply] : The sizeof trick that you use to calculate the length only works on ar... (by Peter87)
Problem with moving x and 0
Hello i have a problem.I want to make some moving x and 0 for a main menu for a tic tac toe game and it works but i want a x on one side and a 0 on other side n...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thanks i fixed it : changed len to 8 instead of 9. (by SorinAlex)
How can I make these classes live in peace and cooperate with eachother?
When I have e forward declaration of PoliceOfficer the compiler complains invalid use of incomplete type 'struct PoliceOfficer' But when I take away the fo...
[3 replies] Last: You can define the functions outside the class definitions. (by Peter87)
Internal or External command
runtime error "not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include "iostream...
[5 replies] Last: Anyway, if you did want to run the shortcur, you need to specify C:\C... (by TwilightSpectre)
C++ Area of a Rectangle
1 and 2: Write a function RectArea that takes in lengths (double) of a rectangle and returns the area (double) + overload RectArea to take ints in place of doub...
[3 replies] Last: No, do not include rectArea.cpp . You just have your compiler both fi... (by TwilightSpectre)
Visual Studio 2012 Errors
Following is the list of errors: NewProject -> Win32 Console Apps (or) Win32 APPs (Console), errors are same regardless of codes. #include <iostream> #in...
[1 reply] : what happensif you try and create a completely empty project and ins... (by mutexe)
Sorting through STL containers
Which type of STL container is used for automatic sorting?
[5 replies] Last: std::map does sort on insertion (kind of automatically): http://www.c... (by coder777)
Upcasting and downcasting
What is upcasting and downcasting?
[1 reply] : Again, ... (by mutexe)
STL containers
What is the difference in stack and queue?
[2 replies] Last: google... (by mutexe)
Character array problem.
// I'm learning arrays todays and its going great so far. But I can't seem to under that how to use character in arrays. I made this simple array and its giving...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by talhabhatti5)
signed or unsigned int problem
I am working on code in class. The idea is that you enter three numbers into the program and it tells you which number is the highest. I have gotten my code to ...
[5 replies] Last: also you might want to make use of the algorithm max function http://w... (by Yanson)
Object slicing
What is object slicing?
[1 reply] : (by keskiverto)
Break my code
I have an assignment for my C class that I've finished. I think it should work, but it doesn't work for two cases. I cannot think of any reason for why it wou...
[17 replies] Last: Yes!!! Thanks for all of your help! That was exactly the problem. T... (by GRex2595)
Problem with codeblocks in Ubuntu: fatal error: month.h: No such file or directory
I'm trying to learn to separate specification from implementation but this is an error I get even if I go to file >> New... >> Class... rather than making it ma...
[3 replies] Last: Actually... now it isn't working when I tried doing the same thing in ... (by theperson)
Multiple recursive functions
Hello there. I am new to c++ but not pretty new. I was reading a c++ book and I went across an example on recursive function along the way. There were some bunc...
[7 replies] Last: You are right. I should have said that is a non-printable character (A... (by ats15)
January 2014 Pages: 1... 678910... 44
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