Beginners - May 2012 (Page 53)

compressing vector of bitset
I have huge about of texts, with each line being saved into multiple(i am processing each line in another part of program..but i want to effectively keep each l...
[1 reply] : well..a bitset compression routine in C++ ... (by TheCpluplusNoob)
Add recursion to a function
I am writing a Minesweeper game, and would like the whole area up to the numbers, to be revealed when you choose a grid location. Like it does in the windows ve...
[5 replies] Last: For now, I'll mark as solved. If I run into problems converting the ab... (by whitenite1)
Separate Class variable returns as 0.
Hey, I was messing around and thought I would try and build a text based RPG to test the things I've learned. I've encountered an issue with a public variable i...
[3 replies] Last: thanks vlad, that solved it. (by roger911)
Not being able to sort out problem!! Please Help
In my class i have a pointer to its own type so that when it adds up then pointer of first gets address of second. But the program is giving segmentation erro...
[no replies]
Write/Reade array of struct to file
I'm stuck on writing array of struct to file and then read from it. Here is my test code. Can anybody point me where i'm wrong? I need use array not vectors...
[2 replies] Last: What format do you want the text written into your text file? word ... (by Kazekan)
Still no answers, Need help clock up charecters!
Basically this program imitates the stereo-typicle visual output of a password cracker but i need help with something. This program could be used for a game or...
[4 replies] Last: There's a reference page on this site... if you go there, you can prob... (by NerdTastic)
need help with hw
Part 1. The program should display a menu with the following options: Welcome to FastFreight Company. You can select option from 1-3. 1. Add Freight Order ...
[3 replies] Last: Also, you didn't ask a question... (by NerdTastic)
[1 reply] : Looks fine just by looking at it. Why can't you throw it in a stub wi... (by Kazekan)
I need a getline() equivalant for all lines
My first program i decided to make an encryptor using character casting into an int and then using a rolling code to change the value and then cast back into th...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you to codekiddy for that read() function and the link, this l... (by TheBeardedQuack)
help me in this ARRAY program
Objective: The purpose of this project is to expose you to: One Dimensional arrays, input/output of arrays and manipulating arrays. Problem Specification: T...
[15 replies] Last: Umm im running without debugging Well that's easily fixed. Run it w... (by Moschops)
Re-read a file
Hello guys, Is it possible to, fin.close then the same file again in one code? The reason why I want to do so is that I can have the comput...
[2 replies] Last: I think you are looking for this (by uhraurhua)
C++ Help Needed!
I know there are millions of types of variable types. But I've got no idea when to use which one. Such as, why use char, not string? Why use int, not short, or...
[4 replies] Last: instead of using typedef on cout , u can use #define:- for example ... (by Pter0dactyl)
by eli0
knights tour.
Hey guys, I'm trying to solve knights tour problem. but after all my knight makes only 42 moves out of 64. maybe u can see where is the problem? // knights_...
[1 reply] : Not sure about the knights problem, but your column value is going int... (by kameswarib)
by M987
OPP calculatot
Hi! I am having a problem in calculator.cpp, it says unterminated #ifdef. Can someone help me please. This is my code calculator.cpp #include <iostream> ...
[7 replies] Last: thanx for answering (by Pter0dactyl)
changing arrays
What is a decent way to take the values from the text file seen below and load the values for the next combobox based on the matcode? Say if MatCode == 1 then ...
[1 reply] : I think you'll have to use functions from fstream library, for example... (by codekiddy)
2D Array to create a grid map
How would I create a simple grid-like map using a 2D array, in C++? I want to create a grid-like map as a 2D array with 15 columns and 10 rows. This map will b...
[5 replies] Last: You could make a structure called player. struct player{int i,j;};pl... (by uhraurhua)
Hi I am learning about linked list and there is a part of the code that I do not understand for example: ListNode* newnode = new ListNode(); ...
[2 replies] Last: If ListNode were an object, you'd access its members using the dot not... (by Gaminic)
Dereferencing a Vector of Pointers
Background info: I made a class called "fish", which has a display() member function. I also have 2 other classes that are derived from "fish": "pike" and ...
[5 replies] Last: Oh right, I was thinking that you used the ++i in the loop, but the it... (by closed account jy7fSL3A)
Help! Stuck
So basically I have no idea what to do for this. My teachers assigned this as our final project and it is way harder than anything we did in the class up to thi...
[1 reply] : (by webJose)
Cin object being weird in loops.
'Ello. I've recently decided to pick up programming. The books I bought have been doing me well, however, I have one problem that I don't have answered. I was g...
[1 reply] : It's not cin that's weird... it's your logic. =) bool get_confirm()... (by cire)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 5152535455... 59
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