Beginners - May 2014 (Page 52)

Code Is skipping over parts when inputting.
Write a program to complete the employeeType struct on page 604. Prompt the user to input a employee's firstName, middleName, lastName, empID, address, city, s...
[3 replies] Last: no problem :) (by rich1)
Timer in the game
I am begginer.. and I have some kind of trouble with making my game. I don't know how to count time while "person is thinking" from one pressed enter to next.. ...
[3 replies] Last: I think @Softrix thought you wanted to have a runtime during said game... (by PrivateRyan)
by h4ever
How to rotate image "safely"
I got AHK script which uses GDI or GDI+ and there is rotation funtion, which rotates image (map which has several solid colors like green,blue,red,yellow,orange...
[3 replies] Last: LowestOne, I have tried it without interp. but it looks the same like ... (by h4ever)
Error says cannot convert from int to const fruitType
I am working on a code for school and keep getting that error. It also likes to tell me my file does not exist. not recognized as an internal or external comman...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, that didn't exactly fix it to run but i had to change some ... (by sirkssim)
Standard C - Strings
Hello I was wondering if someone could give me a good example how to use realloc with strings in standard C, not C++. I am reading lines from a file char by...
[4 replies] Last: strcat wants string as argument how do I cast char 'a' to string "a"? (by theanswer)
API's and my struggle to understand them.
okay, so the title is a tiny bit misleading. my misunderstanding is not with what API's are, it's more or less how to use them. See I'm trying to learn how to u...
[17 replies] Last: Are you using Visual Studio? You might need to add additional dependen... (by closed account 2AoiNwbp)
Pointer to member of derived type
My compiler throws an error cannot convert a pointer to a member of a derived type to a pointer to a member of it's base type: class B{ }; class D : public...
[3 replies] Last: thanks (by closed account z0My6Up4)
by chofs
using isalpha fuction
hey guys just wanted to know where in my code can i place the isalpha function to ignore digits and other code runs by the way.....thanks in ad...
[2 replies] Last: i got the code working here it is // string::size #include <iostre... (by chofs)
how to convert .csv file to .xml file using C++ code ?
[1 reply] : Use some XML library like tiny XML to read/write XML Develop code to p... (by codewalker)
if (option ... 2) {
Hello, I want to make some sort of easter egg in my program once a number is higher then an allowed number. Which code do I use, do I use > or <, since I learn...
[2 replies] Last: Thank u! (by Darryl123)
Debbuger option question
I've been trying to debug my programs for the past couple of weeks. However, when I step into the program it shows the header files/classes. For example the hel...
[4 replies] Last: step over does the same thing now... I'm so frustrated, code isn't run... (by incongruentbalance)
Help with two dimensional arrays
I'm not sure if I'm reading too much into it. But I'm trying to make a 5x5 two dimensional array count as such. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17...
[5 replies] Last: hope the following code helps....its from a text file if you infile...... (by chofs)
by chofs
outputting number of alphabetical letters per line
hey guys i seariously need ur help asap ihve posted this problem before but couldnt quite get it....i want to calculate the number of letters in each ...
[3 replies] Last: Perhaps you should show that "first thing" that you did. for ( auto w... (by keskiverto)
Finding the Average Rainfall
Hello fellow programmers, I need your help with this problem trying to find the average rainfall. I got most of it, but I'm not understanding the part where I h...
[2 replies] Last: try this...Its working;.............. #include <iostream> #include <i... (by alfredokang)
overloading operators
Hi, my assignment is to use overloaded operators to do arithmetic on fractions. My question is, am I supposed to write code to find the LCD when adding and subt...
[1 reply] : I wouldn't have thought so. (by mutexe)
How to print commas with linked list elements?
I'm trying to insert commas to separate the elements in a linked list. (1000 should read 1,000, 219038210 should read 219,038,210 etc). I've tried counting up ...
[2 replies] Last: i supports fun2code answer (by alfredokang)
by arul94
Need some help with variables..
Hi , im new in learning c++ i need few thing to clarify . I know variables if it was declare one by one , but this coding is confusing.. im confused , what ...
[1 reply] : here... choice is the input variable userinput() is the function aski... (by jyntpanwar)
Weird error with vector
Hi I am trying to print out information from the vector called choosepoke but some weird error comes up whenever I try to compile it. It says: 1>c:\users\ashr...
[4 replies] Last: This is my source file. #include <iostream> #include <string> #incl... (by hunterx893)
Problem with a linked list
I've written a small program to experiment with a linked list, but the add function doesn't work as supposed to. After adding an element with add(element, list)...
[13 replies] Last: Super thanks a lot guys - thumbs up! (by Hiddencage)
Variable length input to char array?
*std::string is not an option* How do I allow the user to pass input to an array of characters where the length of that input can vary? I have something like...
[4 replies] Last: ok im sorry if this is not what you were asking but here is a messed u... (by mxood)
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