Beginners - October 2012 (Page 13)

by S7krs
Method Default Argument Fetched Internally from Class?
I need to pass a parameter to a method. Said parameter may sometimes not be passed, then, it needs to default to an internally stored value. class simplic...
[6 replies] Last: Well Vlad I need to set something whilst returning at the same time. (... (by S7krs)
by dcftci
vector function erase
hi, I have a 2D vector and now I want to erase a certain row. I used vector.erase(myvec.begin()+temprow) temprow is the row number assuming that first row is...
[6 replies] Last: @ slider57: Like cire said, OP probably uses a vector<vector<CustomCl... (by Catfish2)
math problem
I want to make a program and have it explain to C++ that my int x is smaller than '<' my int z . Something like this: int main() { int x, z; x ==...
[4 replies] Last: You could create a class containing two elements; int less, int more. ... (by S7krs)
Load List Not Working Correctly PLEASE HELP!
Hey guys I'm currently writing a program that does a file and then loads the list then must print them. Something is going wrong and I cannot figure out what it...
[2 replies] Last: Another thing to note. Write you code in pieces, then test those piece... (by slider57)
by dcftci
text file directory
hi, how do I put a text file in the same directory with my cpp codings so I can open the file and take something out of it?
[7 replies] Last: thank you guys! I finally figured it out and it got me thinking that i... (by dcftci)
Lower case-upper case
Please help me to write a program to convert lowercase string to uppercase string Please!!
[5 replies] Last: @Catfish2 Your solution is very good & portable as well - the only do... (by TheIdeasMan)
SDL_FreeSurface() when surface goes out of scope
Hi all, if I have for example this function: void DrawImage() { SDL_Surface* image = SDL_LoadBMP( "image.bmp" ); SDL_BlitSurface( image, NULL, s...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, thanks! (by Fransje)
cout help
Hi, its been a long time since I've done any programing. Here's my problem, I can't get cout to work even in this simple test program. Using microsoft visual...
[2 replies] Last: (facepalm) I can't believe I forgot main. Thanks. It has been a really... (by Atlas742)
statistics program pulled from .txt file
Hey every body once again here for some help, not as much as help as before, lol and thanks again for help last time it really taught me a lot... I have writ...
[14 replies] Last: sure will i will get back.. (by bigman40)
problem with scanf
what does the following statement mean??? scanf(" \"%[^\"]\"",s);
[1 reply] : Read this: (by TheIdeasMan)
by mixxd
What data type to use?
Hey all. Uber beginner here. I'm curious as to what indicates what data type one should be using when writing a program. I understand that each data type (bo...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much for the addition, that was informative. Yeah I wasn'... (by Moeljbcp)
Causing a delay in a program.
I'm writing a program, and I need to cause a delay for several seconds. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int x; //I want to ...
[1 reply] : @bosox99 Add #include <windows.h> so you can use the Sleep function... (by whitenite1)
Reversing the input of an array.
For this assignment, I have to reverse whatever the user has input. So, if the user were to input: 123456789 I have to make a program that outputs: 987654321...
[10 replies] Last: Ended up with: char score = {'\0'}; (by degausser)
So I had started this off wrong and will go back to delete my first post. The assignment states: In Lab 10 you were asked to write a 4-function program to ca...
[2 replies] Last: I have to merge the numChildren and getIncome function into 1 function... (by Showdon)
by kready
help with overload program
I have this program that needs to overload the increment and decrement operators to increase the date by a day and decrease the date by a day,respectively. comp...
[8 replies] Last: the text or errors is "dateType does not name a type" but i do see wha... (by kready)
Need help with a password program assignment
Hi there, I am having some issues editing a program for my lab. The assignment requires converting character arrays into strings in order to enhance the secu...
[7 replies] Last: Awesome! Thanks! I completely overlooked that! Works perfectly now. :) (by Merriak)
How to find the median?
Hi, i have the mean and i also sorted the program but i need to know the function for median in c++? just point me in the right direction here is my code #in...
[1 reply] : If you've sorted your values, the median is either the middle one (if ... (by andywestken)
Calculator program using Functions
The required Functions in the program are: 1. showMenu 2. getNumbers; 3. getOption 4. addNumber 5. divideNumber; 6. subtractNumber; 7. multiplyNumber; 8...
[3 replies] Last: Whew! Finally, I was able to put this together. Could you please go th... (by jaynajay)
Random number generator isn't working???
I am using the directive "#include <ctime>" and I have the following set up: seed = time(0); srand(seed); Thing is, it works fine when I use the simple a...
[7 replies] Last: I see, yea I was running the same program over and over again. Thanks ... (by Tiger58)
Array counting loop not working
I'm having a problem with the sum counting the data being pulled in from my inputfile. I can display the input file correctly but the sum it not counting right....
[no replies]
October 2012 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 84
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