General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 8)

Difference between strings and arrays?
Hello every one! Can anyone tell me the diff between strings and arrays? Here is sample: ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
[2 replies] Last: thanks bro and sorry for late reply! (by Ahmad1797)
fixed point implementation c++, problem in calling a static member function
hello all i am doing fixed point implementation in c++ which is done by the following code #ifndef __fixed_point_header_h__ #define __fixed_point_header_h__ ...
[14 replies] Last: i think i need to seperate the cossin_cordic function as cos_cordic... (by Rahul kumar S)
I need help getting started. Processing bank account with a class.
1. The class should keep track of a bank account, recording deposits and withdrawals, plus a count of the total number of transactions. 2. It should have to c...
[2 replies] Last: @Keskiverto this is what I have so far objective 1. The class shou... (by nickelcarbonate)
Best way to split main program?
I need to split my main() function into two separate functions. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Where would the best place be to split it up? ...
[1 reply] : control statements like while , for , or if are usually good for p... (by coder777)
C# helicopter programming
Hi i'm currently doing a project and I am required to do a C# program for helicopter. I need urgent help.
[2 replies] Last: http://www.dreamincode.... (by Catfish4)
Im trying to use an object that i declared in main in another class
Hey guys, im trying to use an object that i declared in main() and use it in another class, but im getting an undeclared variable error. Player Class: cla...
[1 reply] : battle::start is a function. It can refer to variables that are membe... (by keskiverto)
Can anyone help me sort case INDEPENDENTLY instead of case DEPENDENTLY?
Hi guys, my program is finally working now but it was returned by my professor because apparently I'm not sorting case independently, I'm sorting case dependent...
[1 reply] : ... (by keskiverto)
help with picing out a word from a text file
hi would like to set the nick to be a word picked up randomly from a text fille i have of thousands of name i dont know how to it heres the code using System...
[no replies]
Astar Problems
I'm currentlying making an AIAgent class that uses astar to path find but i think i messed up on my astar function could some be amazing and have a look at my f...
[no replies]
help with class with a vector
Im having a hard time trying to implement this vector into a class can someone please help #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> us...
[1 reply] : int Course::minimum() { vector<Course *>numbers; //Creating an em... (by MiiNiPaa)
by tsftd
efficiency in threaded processing
Ok, so I have a program in which I execute a series of transforms on a set of images (crop, resize, rotate, etc). It's threaded, so it will process multiple im...
[9 replies] Last: cubbi: again, that's perfect, thanks! in the context of my program, w... (by tsftd)
Visual Studio Express will not debug
Hello. My visual studio will not debug, and when I try, I get an error box saying it "cannot find {name of project I am working on}.exe" I have tried reins...
[1 reply] : If you have compile-time errors, you need to fix those and compile pro... (by MiiNiPaa)
Testing the speed and effectiveness of my programs
I believe that I've been coding C long enough to start thinking about speed of my programs, to make sure they perform the same task, only faster! I am using ...
[2 replies] Last: cheers for this, really helps (by SuperStinger)
Overriding virtual operator of parent class [solution with dynamic_cast]
Below is simplified code consists of two classes, namely Parent and Child . Child is inherited from Parent . All member functions of class Parent ...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks a lot ! (by activecat)
by ted21
Incorrect Operands and Undefined Identifier
I'm writing a program to read in a Master.txt file and then update it through a Transaction.txt file that contains various transaction types [Adds (A), Deletes ...
[7 replies] Last: Ok, thank you very much for the help. Everything you said makes sense... (by ted21)
don't understand unhandled exception
Hello, I'm having problems with a game I am making, when I run it I get this error message and I don't understand it. Unhandled exception at 0x000a2259...
[5 replies] Last: So I got it working, for the most part, it gets past that now and Disc... (by twiggystardust)
So, here is the problem I am having. I created a button with fltk in a function that when pressed just outputs "Appointment Added". However, right now I want to...
[no replies]
Can someone help me with Vector slot splitting
Suppose I have this vector it contains dates example Vector.Dates [slot 1][slot 2] [slot 3] etc... anyways slot 1 contains [ 05282013] slot 2 contains ...
[1 reply] : 07032015 / 1000000 will print month %1000000 will leave (day,... (by Melicalol)
Interview problem
describe the different between using static and const for a function in a given class. my answer is if one uses static, he can't use the pointer *this, and s...
[1 reply] : Not quite . You see, using constant in a program- anywhere in a progr... (by Ispil)
Bank Account program using class
objective 1. The class should keep track of a bank account, recording deposits and withdrawals, plus a count of the total number of transactions. 2. It sho...
[no replies]
April 2013 Pages: 1... 678910... 53
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