General C++ Programming - August 2013 (Page 7)

Did I create this function correctly for the first part of the programming assignment?
Write a program to read the coefficients of a series of quadratic equations from a text file and print the associated roots, or appropriate errors if there are ...
[1 reply] : Your "solution for the first part of the problem" makes absolutely no ... (by LB)
by dfith
find remainder of two many-digit numbers
if i have two integers, say number1 and number2, stored in arrays where each index is a digit of the number (i.e. if my numbers are 321 and 158, then number1 = ...
[1 reply] : Is this a challenge? Why do you need them in arrays? (by LB)
Problem with the fopen(); function.
The simple glitches like this one are always problematic. I wrote a program that generates a file. I wrote another program that calls this program and opens the...
[2 replies] Last: You're right. That completely slipped my mind. With Windows, it actual... (by Flotonic)
Differences between ...
Hello, I wanna know the differences between these,: void calculate (char *x) void calculate (char **x) And these: void calculate (char *x) ...
[4 replies] Last: If you need to change the value of the pointer pointed to but can't us... (by LB)
by shoxsz
accept error
Hello guys, i'm trying to use the function accept() in a thread of my class, but i don't know what's happens, the function ever returns -1 and when i call perro...
[6 replies] Last: You need to initialise the parameters you pass to accept. I don't see... (by kbw)
by CroCo
float point number?
how can I check if the number is float point number without converting the number to string and then find '.'? For example, this number (5.0) should not be inte...
[9 replies] Last: whoops, that was a typo that I had corrected in my IDE, but forgot to ... (by Stewbond)
Need help on 2D arrays
Good day to all, I'm quite a beginner to C++ and require some help on my codings. Hope you guys can help me out on this. The following will be my code. I'm act...
[8 replies] Last: What I would like to have is the total daily donation for the 5 days ... (by Daleth)
by onqel
Need performance tips on this 4D LUT
Hi guys This is my first post here so bare with me ;) I've made a rather simple solution for a lookup-table class for up to 4 input variables of float/double t...
[no replies]
visual arrow follwoing motion of ball.
Hi, I have created plane as floor and sphere as ball. I used physics equations to it and ball falls under gravity. Now i want to attach visual arrow to this ba...
[1 reply] : I assume that you need the equation for velocity. It would be useful t... (by ats15)
Setting up libcurl with code::blocks
Hello, I'm having trouble setting up libcurl with code::blocks. I have done evereything as described in this tutorial:
[no replies]
c++ task
Hey guys I have a task for you guys and want to see who wants to accept the task. just to test your programming skills as well as help me understand how it is...
[no replies]
by CroCo
subtraction problem?
I have the following function void Robot::move(float theta, float distance) { std::cout << theta - (M_PI/2.0) << std::endl; // <------ here the problem ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you. Can you tell me this problem under which section in program... (by CroCo)
plz correct it
i want to find out addotion of numbers from n to 1;(but this programme doesnot work) #include <iostream> using namespace std; int sum (int); int main() {...
[3 replies] Last: please mark it as a solved problem (by CroCo)
by coder1
i wrote this GCD function to find gcd of an array of numbers here is the code: long long GCD(long long min,int loc,long long b ) { for (long long i=min;...
[6 replies] Last: oh thanks for helping me, many times i repeat this error (by coder1)
SetPriorityClass Problem
I'm trying to run a program in low priority mode, not my C++ program but some third-party programs like iTunes and etc. Here's my sample code int main() ...
[no replies]
C++ errors help
Hey everyone, I could really use some advice. I am creating a pizza program for ordering a pizza and I have removed all the errors except for two. I hav...
[5 replies] Last: I got the above error to go away. I had a reference wrong. (by Jerry Fraley)
I have been given this task by my boss a
[1 reply] : A "task given by boss" and "urgent"? Sorry, I'll call this "homework"... (by keskiverto)
by akm
cin.get() forcing user to press enter twice
When the user gives no input, they have to press enter twice before "Done." is printed. cout << "What do you want the name of your page to be? "; std:...
[2 replies] Last: perfect, thanks (by akm)
Need help counting occurrence of char in a an array
Hi, I have tried to work this out for myself, could someone point me in the right direction. I have #define LessSymbol -1 #define MoreSymbol 1 #define Ne...
[2 replies] Last: You are, a god dahm legend. Thank you very very much (by lemonysage)
by Mats
Writing a C++ RTS Game - General help?
I'm trying to code an RTS style game and having trouble on finding decent resources to help me learn things such as pathing, AI etc. Does any have some suggeste...
[12 replies] Last: I didn't see anything saying it is only available to US citizens. Eas... (by Yueeng)
August 2013 Pages: 1... 56789... 28
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