General C++ Programming - December 2018 (Page 6)

Class children pointers into a vector of the parent class
Hi, I have been searching the forum but found no solution to my problem. I have two vectors(one in the garage class and on in the car registry(transportstyre...
[3 replies] Last: You were right thanks you for the solution! (by Mimmsan)
In what environment do I work
I have questions : What code editor do I have to use ? More generally how to create an environment to write C++ pgm ? Windows 10 system. Regards
[3 replies] Last: Visual studio is the way to go, however I would also consider setting... (by jonnin)
GCC (MinGW-w64 through MSYS2) on Windows Questions
Hi there! I've got a few questions regarding GCC on Windows. I've gotten to build a program just fine via makefile. However MinGW has some DLLs it require...
[1 reply] : I generally have the same problem as you - how to deploy. I usually g... (by CPPAWhile)
Error "cannot convert const char to char*
The only error that appears in my code when I try to run it and I am having trouble figuring out how to fix it. I receive the error in my all my header files in...
[2 replies] Last: it should be a string. you can't assign char* directly. you can use ... (by jonnin)
Find the most frequent words from a file
Hello everyone, I have a project from data structers and algorithms. However, I have some problems about the project. My project is about find the most freque...
[6 replies] Last: Do you know how to implement a linked list or dynamic array? Using one... (by Thomas1965)
Program for a warehouse
I am trying to create a program in which I can store different materials from our warehouse, for later on search for them either by the name or by the location ...
[7 replies] Last: I mean actually look at the contents of material.txt. I think you'll f... (by dhayden)
by ahalvo
Linker error in Xcode
I have struggling to figure out what has been causing this linking error and it has been driving me nuts. The error that comes out of Xcode is the following: ...
[1 reply] : Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "Velocity::Velocity()", ... (by Repeater)
Cout issues within game program
I've been trying to run this program for a while, but I can't seem to pinpoint what exactly the errors within it are: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib>...
[1 reply] : The compiler error message tells you which line to look at. It's this ... (by Repeater)
Intermediate C++ book or resource
Can someone recommend an intermediate C++ book or some other resource? I'm getting back into programming after many years (COBOL, Basic, others) and I'm delight...
[2 replies] Last: Many thanks! I've checked Amazon and with its page-turning feature and... (by snugthejoiner)
smart pointers
I have a question if I'm using pointers in a function Node* current = &this->head; can I rewrite it as a smart pointer instead for example std::uniq...
[3 replies] Last: is that what you mean by using it from the start? I mean you should... (by Repeater)
Hello, I'm trying to study and review for an exam, and this I'm not sure if this question is true or false. I feel like it is a trick question. QUESTION: A...
[1 reply] : well... english it up: if x is bigger than y or x is less than y, can... (by jonnin)
by Satan
What C++ compiler do you use?
I use Visual Studio C++.
[6 replies] Last: Similar to jonnin, g++ but use visual studio for editing and navigatin... (by Ganado)
if (condition) vs if (condition=true)
What is the difference between those two examples? boolean x=false; 1------ if (x){ do some stuff } 2------ if (x=true){ do some stuff} } My program works w...
[5 replies] Last: > that both operands will be converted to the same type before the com... (by JLBorges)
Association C++
Any example Association relationship in Object Oriented c++ program?
[4 replies] Last: I wonder if the OP means aggregation or composition relationships? ht... (by TheIdeasMan)
two dimensional vectors
how can i initialize and access a two dimensional Boolean vector in c++. i need an example program. plz help me.
[1 reply] : Show us your code so far :+... (by TheIdeasMan)
Connect Four Board- dynamically allocating 2D array using function
I cannot figure out how to dynamically allocate a 2D array in order to create the connect four board. We are given This basic format to expound upon. Could some...
[1 reply] : The below code should create a board (not using contiguous memory). T... (by CPPAWhile)
by R3tr0
Reding in a file to a binary tree
I am trying to read in a list of numbers from an external file to a binary tree. And I just can't seem to get the file to read in if I manually insert it works ...
[2 replies] Last: while (infile.is_open()) { root = insert(root, counterNumber); }... (by ne555)
Sorting strings in descending order using parallel arrays
I have been given an assignment to create a customer contact program that takes 8 customer names and phone numbers as input and stores the information in parall...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, after some fooling around, I realized that i was missing a line of... (by mistyjohnson2869)
stacking issue in a game
Hey guys, sorry about the second question in the space of 30 minutes,I'm pretty bored so I decided to mess around and try create a kind of connect four kind ...
[7 replies] Last: also tpb,please do not delete posts on here it is a selfish thing to d... (by adam2016)
[C++]Code for outputting maze
Hi, I'm in final year of High School and IT university I want to study (the best one in my country) has made a programming tasks, and whoever will complete them...
[1 reply] : > and whoever will complete them, is accepted So if we help you to get... (by salem c)
December 2018 Pages: 1... 45678... 10
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