General C++ Programming - January 2014 (Page 22)

What to study
i finished a book about c++ i learned the basics functions,arrays,classes,headears and etc.But i still dont know to make anything use full what should i do kno...
[2 replies] Last: Try this: They are ex... (by piperpipe200)
Why doesn't my code work to move my character for dungeon claw?
cin>>answer; if (answer == "w"){ playery++; } else if (answer == "s"){ playery--; } else if (answer == "a"){ playerx--; } else if (answ...
[8 replies] Last: -__-... Thanks i feel so stupid that I couldn't figure that out. Now i... (by piperpipe200)
Visual Studio 2012 Dynamically Linking & Statically Linking in 1 Project
Hello, I've recently integrated a scripting functionality into my game engine (squirrel), but I can't figure out how to dynamically link the library. I have ...
[8 replies] Last: Oh yea, I just changed the project settings on the library solution to... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Looping in a .ccp class file
Hello. I have a class with a .h and a .cpp file. (I'm unique!) In the .cpp file, I have a loop and a nested loop. It worked fine when it wasn't in a separate fi...
[1 reply] : My bike used to work but now it doesn't. Can you tell me what's wrong... (by LB)
Help with switch statements in GLUT
Hello ladies and gents! Just a quickie - I'm making a game in OpenGL GLUT. A ball is going to move forwards along the Z axis and hit a wall. I want to be able ...
[1 reply] : If I understood your question you should place instead of //do someth... (by JewelCpp)
by Ceset
sdl key press delay
hi when you press a key it automatically delays a bit then starts repeating without delay. the second key pressed action comes with a delay and i want it ...
[7 replies] Last: thx @Disch it fixed the prob (by Ceset)
Simple Address Book
Hello Everyone, I'm a noob of sorts. I have one class of C++ under my belt but I'm brushing up on my skills for the second class using Alex Allain's Jumping ...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome! That worked. Thanks for explaining why as well. Very helpful... (by christensen143)
by oswww
friend templates
template<typename T> class A { //... }; template<typename T> class B { //... }; template<typename T1, typename T2> void f(A<T1>, B<T2>){ /...
[5 replies] Last: sure: template<typename T> class A; // declares A as a class template... (by Cubbi)
std::stoi() problem.
Following advice from one of my other problems, I decided to make use of stoi(). Here is my implementation: //A sort of loading function char a...
[5 replies] Last: But thank you for the solution, anyway! (by TsarLenin)
fluxuating class members
I'm trying to make an address book program where the user can create as many addresses as he/she wants. The problem is, I have not the slightest idea on how to ...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags when posting code, to make it readable: http://w... (by MikeyBoy)
'String' does not name type
While compiling i got this error, C:\Users\Derv\Desktop\Census\QuestsAndAnswers.cpp|25|error: 'string' does not name a type| I tried fixing it by addi...
[9 replies] Last: Oh.. thanks :) (by FlyinPineApplz)
using library file unittest
hi my program is find non printable ASCII value(1 to 32) and calculate count from a text like "hi<tab>this<space>my text.i'm using library file here.(visual stu...
[1 reply] : It appears CppUnitTestAssert.h doesn't have a ToString() template spec... (by tipaye)
2D game problem here
Listen up guys, I have created a side scrolling game in 800x400 display. Ball continuously moves in right direction, camera follows. Enemy triangles keep comin...
[1 reply] : I see 2 problems with your previous approach. 1) You aren't wrapping... (by Disch)
Undefined Reference
I'm a college student majoring in Computer Science but i'm fairly new to C++. While trying to call a function in another class from main, i get the error Undefi...
[16 replies] Last: Thanks again ^^ (by FlyinPineApplz)
CRC 32 Calculation of File
hello i need to calculate crc32 of a input file and check with the original crc value of a file and return true/false ,,can anyone help plz
[4 replies] Last: boost example is at (by Cubbi)
bitwise or operator
int main(void) { int a=0000000000000001; int b=0000000000000010; int c=a|b; printf("%d",c); while(!kbhit()); return 0; } ans ...
[2 replies] Last: in addition to Cubbi's answer, you cannot represent a binary number li... (by fcantoro)
hangout game!
Dear friends....please help me with this code..i found pieces of code and put it together but it doesnt work.. the program works but it wont draw a hangman.....
[3 replies] Last: You have to increment the "state"-variable ( ++state ) or change the l... (by jzs)
pointer arithmetic
I'm struggling a little bit with pointer arithmetic. In the below example, let's assume argc is 3 and argv is an array of pointers, each of which are pointing t...
[4 replies] Last: while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv) == '-') while (c = *++ar... (by kbw)
Help read data from DAT file
Hello everyone. Everyone know about the Mummy Maze Game of Popcap, right? I want to make a game like it with cocos2dx. I want to read its map data, so I downlo...
[no replies]
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