General C++ Programming - May 2013 (Page 38)

Game design help
So for the past 4 months iv been working on a video game for my advanced game design class. Sofar its alright but i'm having...'Technical difficulty's'. I cant ...
[15 replies] Last: Its an object in the game in one way,the only thing game object really... (by steven venham)
Advanced Calculator
Hi there, I want to program an advanced calculator and need your help. I'd like to enter some more complex expressions like -17+3*4*(4-sqrt(4) and i want, th...
[2 replies] Last: thx (by ARMinius)
FORTRAN from C++- some tips required
Hi, I will give you a short description regarding my University project and shall be grateful if you can provide me soem tips 1) I have got an existing FO...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a lot. Few clarifications: 1) ShowCppDialog is a C++ routine, ... (by jerome12345)
from printf to string
Hi, I have the following line of the code. Now I want to save the content to a string. Is there a quick way for me to do the conversion using the same argume...
[3 replies] Last: You should use RAII so that won't happen any more :) Reference Analysi... (by LB)
CPU with multiple cores and GPU
My understanding is that CPU that have multiple cores do multiple tasks simultaneously. So is there a way to make a program that will perform 2 operations at th...
[2 replies] Last: CUDA or OpenCL for GPGPU computing. CUDA is from one vendor only, Ope... (by keskiverto)
by Almrls
Standard Deviation using Array and Class
I can't understand why the mean function isn't adding properly: #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int N = 10; class Stand_Devn { publi...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, of course. Thanks very much! (by Almrls)
Can you have two timers(Settimer/Ontimer) in one file
Hey, I am working on this project where I need two differnt timers on a dialog. I have tried to add two timers but it is giving me problems. Are you allowed to...
[4 replies] Last: L B, Thanks alot!!! (by tnjgraham)
C++ assistance please, before midnight.
#include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int user = 0; in...
[10 replies] Last: @vlad ya ya ya,,I understand your point... thenkz... (by junkz)
Assign string to char array of struct problem
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct box{ char maker ; float height; float weight; float length; float volume; }; v...
[2 replies] Last: are there any methods to input string to char array on the case (by alantheweasel)
find the determinant of a matrix
I use Laplas to find the determinant, but the result is always 0. my code: #include <iostream> #define N 100 int P ; using namespace std; void deter...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry but i do not understand what your function does and have no any ... (by vlad from moscow)
emergency i have6 hours maximum please anyone can help
Enter a number of integer values between 100 and 200 inclusively in the edit box. Click OK button after each entry in order to accept the integer number. Clear ...
[1 reply] : anyone can help please by this code please i don't know how do it anyo... (by paolomakari)
Question with outputting to file
Hey guys/gals have a program wont output any information to the txt file that I have specified it just creates it but it leaves it blank :( . Her...
[2 replies] Last: soooo it wont write whats on my class? is there a way to write that in... (by JuanB89)
Functions, so many functions...
Given this code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; const double GramsPerOunce = 28.35; const double GramsPerTroyOunces = 31.1; const double Cur...
[1 reply] : Check to answer your ... (by tath)
Derived classes from DLL
I've created a base DLL for all my future DLL's, a way of getting version numbers and such and that compiles fine, but I can't add it into a class for a new DLL...
[6 replies] Last: Hey I've updated the topmost post and code... I only get one error sa... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Question about threads
Hello, I have a quick question about threads. I am working on a project where I need to do something every sec. So, I created a thread and every second the thr...
[no replies]
add COM components in toolbox
i added teachart.dll in visual studio 2010 toolbox, but had some problem plea...
[no replies]
SQL Connection
Query : rc = SQLDriverConnect((SQLHDBC) hdbc, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)"DRIVER={SQLServer};SERVER=;DATABASE=Rohit;UID=sa;PWD=sql2005;", SQL_NTS,retconstrin...
[no replies]
Global Class Instance in Multi-File Project
Hi all, i'll just tell you in short how my Problem looks like: I should implement a New Class in a SourceCode i didnt write myself. The source code is extrem...
[2 replies] Last: So , i tried to implement the singelton-class via a pattern i found on... (by beinando)
Segmentation Fault with OpenGL tesselation
Hello to all. I have a problem that I can in no way understand. I wrote a program in C + + and OpenGL using MinGW, which displays a map in 2D. The following is...
[2 replies] Last: I found where is the error. The following two instructions gluTessBe... (by giorgik)
image help with code::blocks!
Hi guys! I would like to add an image to this code where the arrows are: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> using namespace st...
[1 reply] : You cannot add an image into text console. You should move on some g... (by MiiNiPaa)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 47
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