Lounge - May 2017

Lack of motivation with my course C/C++
Hi, I guess some of you suffered me asking for some questions I have while I am doing a course I enrolled about C/C++. I ask you your apologizes and also tha...
[4 replies] Last: When I was in chemistry class, we kept journals and I loved the lay ou... (by DTM256)
Sudenly I am having a lot of spam in my gmail account
Hi, This happened me recently, around 3 or 4 weeks ago. I am applying for jobs and I have subscribed to a lot of job boards but until now I had control of sp...
[1 reply] : You could use an email provider who supports throw-away alias addresse... (by nuderobmonkey)
by DTM256
Motivation - Problems & Solution
Hey guys, Sorry for being long winded, but I think you guys might like this too. Problem - Burning Out: I guess I'm a indie game developer hobbyist. Like...
[1 reply] : Well actually, The week came and went, and on Friday night I started ... (by DTM256)
LinkedIn Troubles
Hi, this is a bit off the topic of C++ but it's not completely removed. Perhaps I can get some help finding a forum for this. I have a LinkedIn account wher...
[2 replies] Last: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/t8whiu2mwri6i/Videos Hi, I did what ... (by CPPAWhile)
by Troaat
Posting a library
Hi everyone, I know there's the "Articles" section, and I'd like to know whether it is okay to post my library there, so that people can view it, use it, mainl...
[4 replies] Last: Yes I got that, and github already seems promising. I created an accou... (by Troaat)
How C++ should be taught (1,2)
Talk by Kate Gregory about how she teaches C++ to beginners. Delivered at CppCon 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnWhqhNdYyk
[20 replies] Last: why not learn pascal first ?? well I started to learn C++ on this si... (by Flaze07)
Licence Plate Idea
I was wondering if you guys can pitch license plate ids that are relating to computer science. The type of plate I want allows a maximum of 5 characters. Right ...
[4 replies] Last: MAKE ALL IFDEF 0 NULLPTR BOOLEAN FOO (on car), BAR (on trailer) (by PanGalactic)
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