Windows Programming - December 2011 (Page 2)

fetal error
fetal error c1083 : can not open include file
[3 replies] Last: which file is not being included, that file is user made and being see... (by meenakshipahwa)
HELP! http client problem
i am new to network programming and i am working on a small project (making http client) with the winsock2...i made a connection successfully and sended an http...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much for the reply but there is another problem it resp... (by ahmadRade)
>>>>How to Get Currently Executing Instructions in Operating Systems<<<<
Hi I want to know which instruction is processed by Operating Systems currently. Can i take copy of these instructions ? Is it so... Is it possible to execut...
[no replies]
by Phiru
How to add a string into edit control properly??
The id of an edit control is IDC_ABC. The steps that i want to do is like this. 1. Retrieve string from Edit contorl. 2. Add the string i got on step 1 i...
[2 replies] Last: I got it! Thanks modoran. (by Phiru)
Visual studios and program analazys
So, i have a program and I want to analyze its behavior. I know it is possible to do in VS but just adding executable does not simply work. Any ideas?
[no replies]
by ToniAz
Dialogue-based vs. Frame-based
Hello everyone! I want to start implementing my win32 console program in a win32 API project. I'm using Code::Blocks with mingw and it's asking me whether I ...
[4 replies] Last: About all I can say Tony is that coding is a very intensive activity, ... (by freddie1)
comboboxex no higlight
hello, I added a regular comboboxex to my dialog and put some images as item. I don't want comboboxex to highlight selected image, is there an option or style f...
[1 reply] : You might have to subclass the comboboxex class to handle the OnPaint(... (by kooth)
DirectX vs. OpenGL
Ok so I'm not here to debate which is better, because I realize that that just won't be possible. I'm wanting to learn a graphics library for C++, and I want to...
[5 replies] Last: DirectX binds you to Microsoft products while not providing anything o... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
How can I download the entire winapi reference to my computer?
meaning I can access the API reference even when I am offline
[5 replies] Last: I use this two.. http://... (by blackcoder41)
Keypress not working...
Hello, i'v been coding a computer assistant type program that runs in the background. When i press a certain key it pulls up the program and when i press it aga...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks bro ill look into it. That fixed it. I swapped it out with the... (by ArtimosPenguidor)
by rom87
Adding a console window c++ (Winapi)?
Im making a game using opengl and would like to create a small console window along with the game window to output some stuff whilst debugging.Where do i start ...
[1 reply] : (by Null)
OpenGL Programming
Ok, so I've been getting tired of programming in the console, since I can't seem to find anything worth programming in the console. So I decided I'd try to move...
[3 replies] Last: try GLUT. It is way easier. If you are not a professional programmer. ... (by biplav17)
Uploaded a log to an Online storage site.
I have created a simple script that records my computer input and creates a log of it. I would like to be able to have the script automatically upload this to a...
[2 replies] Last: You said it yourself, this would be a terrible idea for a key logger. ... (by Jayhawker503)
Set a messages handler for a window
Hi What code should I use to set the message handler for a window. I have two windows and I want to set a separate messages handler for each one of them. Than...
[3 replies] Last: OK. I got it. So, I can create a class for each window (at build-time)... (by alexbnc)
y should we initialize any function like below - virtual bool is_available () const =0;
[6 replies] Last: thanks (by meenakshipahwa)
by Phiru
CStaticText control lbuttondown?
I made a new class based on CStatic. And I put it on main dialog. The new class has LButtondown Function, but when i clicked the Cstatic text, lbutton...
[1 reply] : I solved it :) (by Phiru)
Whats wrong with this code? wchar_t* pszString = L""; GetDlgItemTextW(m_oTextbox.GetOwner()->m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT, pszString,...
[2 replies] Last: thanks.. for the information.. actually i am currently doing a unicode... (by ealforque)
A lot of Compilation Problems and a Solution.
I've been trying to compile a solution and it's been giving me a ton of build errors. Now, I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Professional. The solution is not mine...
[1 reply] : Well, without anything else we simply cannot help out. You need to pr... (by webJose)
state machine
how to find the actual states of a logic for the sates machine?
[4 replies] Last: Maybe if you explain what you are trying to solve using a state machin... (by bbgst)
by abu
what is msvcr100?
Hey friends, I wrote one windows application in c++, using microsoft visuall express edition 2010. I could run the exe file in my computer and works fine but...
[1 reply] : That dll is vs2010 implementation of C runtime library, if you want to... (by modoran)
December 2011 Pages: 1234... 7
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