Windows Programming - December 2011 (Page 3)

by Phiru
Resizing with no-title dialog.
I am making a dialog without title. And I am trying resizing it. The first time i was doing it, i set the property of border with thin. But it didn't work. ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by Phiru)
File in use (Windows.h)
So I'm making a program that copies files as it detects them to another directory. The issue is that if I FileCopy() too soon it will only get a part of the fil...
[3 replies] Last: Never Mind, I figured it out :) (by SH4773R)
Create window and close existing one
Hello again I have a window created by the usual way HINSTANCE hInstance; WND splash_window, main_window; MSG msg; LRESULT CALLBACK splash_proc(HWND, UINT, W...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks to everybody. Let's get to work! (by alexbnc)
Grib Format Files
Has anybody done any work with .grb files? I am looking to extract information from these files, at the moment the wind and current. This is part of a final yea...
[no replies]
MFC or something else? (1,2)
So far I've worked on a console based snake game, now that I got understanding with that I'd like to make it more visual, like having images instead of symbols,...
[20 replies] Last: thanks a lot freddie! that's a great tut :D (by tofiffe)
MinGW conio.h
Why does MinGW include the conio.h. I was using MinGW so I could make code that would compile on Windows and Linux distros. Reading that MinGW was a win32 por...
[3 replies] Last: Helpful links: (by Duthomhas)
Variable that can store letters AND numbers?
I'm making a game, and for the HUD, I need to display the code page 437 characters (I can already do) AND display the variables of the health/xp/whatever, insid...
[5 replies] Last: But the classic way of storing multiple data types in the same memory ... (by freddie1)
MFC and threads.
Hello, I'm making a visual interface for an algorithm. To get period visual updates, I want my algorithm to run in a separate thread from the visual stuff. I...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, I'll look into that! (by Gaminic)
by Phiru
capture video with wmencoder sdk 9
My program works properly, capturing both audio and video. However, while capturing them, i am not able to double-click. That's why i couldn't open folder...
[no replies]
cin equivalent for stdio?
What's the stdio equivalent of cin and if there is one, how is it used?
[6 replies] Last: The term... char szBuffer creates a 256 byte block of memory yo... (by freddie1)
Displaying the contents of an int with printf
Is it possible to display the contents of an int with printf?
[1 reply] : (by Galik)
Keylogger Help
Don't worry! It's not for malicious purposes, just for my person learning. I want to create a key logger that will act as a service, so no window will appear. A...
[8 replies] Last: There is a workaround to launch a process in user desktop from a windo... (by modoran)
by Phiru
capture video with wmencorder
I've been working on a project to capture the screen of windows. It works perfectly, but I need one more option that is to capture only one monitor when i hav...
[no replies]
Drawing a bitmap with 1 solid colour, why's mine got 4?
I'm learning about bitmaps at the minute and I'm trying to make one with just a solid red colour. Here is the code that I have at the minute: BITMAPFILEHEAD...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the replies guys, I've learnt a good bit :) (by petemyster)
A small Help
Check out the following code settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(10,40,"Hello"); I want to input a text after giving a space with the same style ..... ...
[6 replies] Last: This person asked the same question: How to get input using GRAPHICS?... (by andywestken)
by Easelm
Custom Indentation, ICSharpCode.TextEditor?
I'm creating a Lua program using ICSharpCode. Now, what I'm asking is how would I code the Indentation? My friends and the community I'm in were asking if I cou...
[no replies]
Finding External IP Address
Hello, everyone. I have some code I copied from another article somewhere for a C++ program that will hit's automation file to find out my ext...
[6 replies] Last: Read my answer here: (by webJose)
opening jpeg with shellexecuteA
Hi does anyone know how to open a jpeg using shellexecuteA set for "edit". I can do this but the only problem is that it opens the jpg with the generic window...
[10 replies] Last: Modoran well done, talk about not being able to see the trees because ... (by bruno45)
Including windows.h in my VC++ project
Everytime I try to include <windows.h> into my project some kind of errors occur. First when I included it before "using namespace System;" is game me errors be...
[2 replies] Last: :-) When the compiler is told to use a pre-compiled header, it assume... (by andywestken)
Docking an HWND
HEy, I am using MFC and I wanted to know if it is possible to dock a regular HWND into a tab of a tab control. eg. make tab window make HWND dock the...
[no replies]
December 2011 Pages: 12345... 7
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