Windows Programming - December 2014 (Page 3)

by rfresh
Using SetWindowLong for FixedSingle Border
I've got this C# code below working fine. It removes an external apps border title and control boxes. What I'd really like to do is change the border style to ...
[no replies]
Hello programmer! Is there a way that when I type ipconfig it only give the IPv4 address out? Thanks in advance!
[1 reply] : No, there isn't. You would normally just pipe the output from ipconfig... (by Computergeek01)
User input of 1 character
I'm making a C++ program that displays a user input of only 1 character, so basicly it's the same as doing this: char x; cin >> x; previouslyDefinedVar = x;...
[3 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
Invalid use of template-name 'BigNumber' without and argument list
Hi I keep having this error message for the part "BigNumber B1,B2,RES;" where at the button, can any1 help me out please, here is the code. I tried adding to th...
[1 reply] : BigNumber is a template class; you need to specify what you want the t... (by Zhuge)
by rfresh
axAcroPDF.setView("Fit") not working
I'm writing a VS 2013 C# winform app and using the axAcroPDF Actice-X/COM PDF reader component. My PDF page (a single page) always loads in showing the top 2...
[no replies]
Resizing lock at particular width in MFC DHtmlDialog
I am new to MFC and i want to resize my MFC DHtmlDialog to a particular width and then lock the resizing. How can i get the Resize event in DHtml Dialog and ...
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Checking for socket availablity
Hello I was writing a program that made use of Winsock, and when I did this everything worked fine as long as I was only on one computer using the loop-back add...
[4 replies] Last: You appear to have a problem with addressing. You need to post your co... (by kbw)
by Yom
connecting USB to wireless port
Hello, I'm looking for some guidance on the most efficient way to receive signals from a game controller and transmit them out via a wireless interface to a ...
[no replies]
Global Variables Erasing
I've got to use three global variables: int maxX = 0; int maxY = 0; vector<vector<char>> mapVector(25, vector<char>(37)); I'm initializing maxX and maxY in on...
[1 reply] : You have to show your exact declaration and implementation. There ar... (by kbw)
Moving and painting
Hi, How can I ensure that after I have sized or moved a window that the whole client rectangle is repainted completely? Thx FC.
[1 reply] : If you put all drawing code in a WM_PAINT handler, you don't need to w... (by freddie1)
by Erhy
use comctl32 control in a Visual Studio Win32 project
Hello! I created a new project in VS C++ Win32. All was OK till I included a slider in a dialog. I defined the slider with Resource Manager, but ...
[no replies]
Trying to read com port data into a buffer using visual c++.
I am very new to programming. I am trying to access com port. Actually i want to read/write serial com port data into a buffer. So can you please tell me ho...
[1 reply] : Text + examples: (by tath)
Develope GUI Using VC++ express 2012
hello friends, i am working on one project for which source code writing is finished. I am working in VC++ 2012 express edition anybody can help me ...
[no replies]
Z-Order not modified when minimizing
Anyone notice this change? It used to be that minimizing a window automatically updated its z-order to the bottom of the stack. But these days (at least...
[no replies]
line of strings
Hi, I'd like to ask about this program, it seems to work in windows 7 but doesn't work on my windows 8.. #include <iostream> #include <cstring> usi...
[no replies]
C++ & Script program to find computer information
I am trying to use a combination of windows batch scripts as well a C++ program to put users data into one single .CSV file. Right now, I have a batch file tha...
[3 replies] Last: Here's the revised script: const strComputer = "." const Append = 8 ... (by Computergeek01)
Need Guidance on what GUI for C++
Hello, I am ready to start looking at what framework to learn to produce a GUI for C++. I am really only interested in Windows at this point and was wondering ...
[6 replies] Last: Grey Wolf, this is Greentoad55. Somehow I changed my username to ntman... (by ntman12)
by GQG83
Name of Named Pipe Given Handle
I'm trying to retrieve the name of a named pipe given it's handle. For example the handle generated by CreateNamedPipe. I found a way to do exactly that by ...
[1 reply] : To answer my own question here. GetFileInformationByHandleEx does exac... (by GQG83)
[C++11 - win32] - how can i compare the strings?
int GetMenuPosition(HMENU menu, string caption) { int i=0; for(i=0; i<GetMenuItemCount(menu)-1;i++) { MENUITEMINFO...
[2 replies] Last: now works fine ;) int GetMenuPosition(HMENU menu, string caption) ... (by Cambalinho)
VSE12 Error... C2731: 'WinMain': Function cannot be overloaded
I know it's been a while since I've done any C/C++ or Windows programming but I'm pretty damn sure that everything here is fine and I can't understand why MS:VS...
[1 reply] : Only going to bump once incase it was missed and someone does have an ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
December 2014 Pages: 12345
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