Windows Programming - February 2015 (Page 3)

Can anybody help me? Eclipse errors
I've written this code three times over. #include <iostream> // include stream for input/output functionality using namespace std; // function main b...
[1 reply] : Please do not post more than once: (by LB)
how to throw erros in COM DLL for use in VB6
i made a ActiveX Library with C++ Builder XE3 for use in VB6 i want to throw a error like the dao360.dll do (VB6 stop on the correct line) not just show a m...
[2 replies] Last: i found it after many searchs on the internet and many try of differen... (by sergelac)
Basic Painter design flaws and questions
Hey everybody, I recently began learning Windows programming with VB and I'm having some issues with an assignment. The basis is to create a window called Dra...
[2 replies] Last: Don't know how VB works but can you debug your program step for step a... (by strike089)
Newbie help with chars and ASCII!
I am using Visual Studio using c++ in a Windows Form application. I have a char which holds a value. I need to add the value to a text box, so I have: cha...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the response. The problem with that though was I would sti... (by cybernetuk)
How to share my code with my friends.
I’ve written a console application that “screen scrapes” data from various websites and produces an Intranet website on your local disk as output. To kee...
[5 replies] Last: I agree with Computergeek01 (by Mark333)
Another newbie windows form question
I’m totally new to creating a window form application. My first attempt will be a form with two drop down combo boxes and a WebBrowser control under them. I...
[6 replies] Last: Thank u guys, had the same problem! (by Mark333)
WDK MSPLOT install error
Ive compiled the WDK files and am trying to install the MSPLOT example; I keep getting the 0000002 error that a part of the file is missing. Im not sure i...
[no replies]
Script to access and make changes to a remote PC
I am looking to build a program which I will execute from my desktop and it will take input an xml file. Using the values in the xml file the program will acces...
[3 replies] Last: I was right then, you are approaching this problem from an awkward ang... (by Computergeek01)
by yariv
MFC - flloating toolbar always active
I' m new with MFC. I needed to create a floating toolbar (CToolBar) with no option of docking and save and restore its last pos. The toolbar also should be a...
[no replies]
winsock , can't receive the file data .
hi there , i'm new c++ winsock programmer , i'm writing c++ code using Winsock so i can send a text file from client to server , the problem is the serve...
[5 replies] Last: aphelix , please can you tell me more about it ? what this tool have t... (by thejackal)
how a GetMessage function is getting arguments?
say for example WM_QUIT message, in what form(value) get message receives the msg parameter ?how it returns -1 or 0 or 1?
[1 reply] : It's in the wParam of the msg struct. (by Silvestar)
Help with FXC error?
I googled this quite a bit and cannot find a solution for the life of me. I am working with Direct3D 11 (in the tutorials under /Sample/ - the cube one). It use...
[1 reply] : If you're compiling shader at runtime, exclude your shader file from b... (by Silvestar)
WaveIn crashes when cable is unplugged
Hey guys, I am working on a recording program using win32 API and waveIn. Everything works fine so far, BUT the waveIn part crashes when I unplug the microph...
[3 replies] Last: The first message I get from WM_DEVICECHANGE is DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED a... (by Caevynn)
reading from memory without access violation how?
hello there, Is there a safe way to read from random access memory of other programs using c++ in windows8. (without getting an access violation error.) ...
[no replies]
Help about error! C++
Hello everyone, I'm new here and I need some help. I'm having error like: Debug Assertion Failed! Program: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM3MSVCP110D.all File: C:\Progr...
[5 replies] Last: Something like this: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Some basic newbie GUI questions
I’m an old fashion batch data programmer who just retired and I’m writing my first GUI application with Visual Studio. The first thing you need to know bef...
[1 reply] : WM_SIZE or WM_SIZING. This isn't a comprehensive list of all of the po... (by Computergeek01)
Need a compiler
I need help - New to C++ and was told I need to to download a compiler and not sure which one ('free' of course). Any ideas?
[3 replies] Last: which operating system are you using? scratch that! some fool forgo... (by Jaybob66)
Visual Style working but font is not changing
I enabled the visual styles for my MFC application by using #pragma comment. But still the button's font is old-fashioned. I want the button to have a consis...
[1 reply] : Isn't there anybody who has faced this problem or could provide soluti... (by letscode)
by nnxen
Reading WaveIn samples
Hello, I've written some C code for a PIC microcontroller to do some ADC sampling and perform some signal processing, which is fully working. For off-chip m...
[1 reply] : the waveIn interface directly supports an interrupt mechanism via its ... (by Disch)
window form html page
I’ve written a program as a C++ console application. It does stock market analysis and runs in two phases. The first phase creates a market snapshot on a hi...
[1 reply] : You could use Qt framework to write a GUI program: http://qt-project.o... (by keskiverto)
February 2015 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [jan2015] [mar2015]

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