Windows Programming - May 2013 (Page 2)

by te777
How to create – add C++ Windows Form Application in Visual Studio 2012
To know how to add / create a C++ Windows Form Application in Visual Studio 2012, check out the following page:
[1 reply] : Well, First of all I have no clue why you choose to tell us this becau... (by closed account G309216C)
Why do you return wParam in a windows program? What does it specify?
[4 replies] Last: Again, Google is out there man. As Andy pointed out, keep a note of ... (by closed account G309216C)
by Elidor
Issue Compiling Jason L. McKesson's OpenGl Tutorial
Hello, I'm having a problem building the Unofficial OpenGL SDK. I have done the following as the tutorial commands: Type premake4 plat <--- Where plat is the p...
[no replies]
Ref classes and Structs
Small question about Ref classes. This page: Says "It may contain as members C++/CX const...
[no replies]
Making game end
I followed the 3DBuzz tutorials to make a game, and want to make it to that if the character is dead or all the enemies are dead the game ends. So if isAlive...
[no replies]
WinAPI tutorials?
Where are some good tutorials for a novice on programming using the winAPI? I already know a lot about C++ console I/O, I wanna make modern applications now. So...
[5 replies] Last: You can always ask on this forum. Lots of smart people who can answer ... (by Anmol444)
by Cer
Problem with CString
i have a siily problem with CString ( MFC project in VC++6) . I don't understand why!!! There is a line " CString line = _T("abc") " in my project, I think th...
[3 replies] Last: To debug Unicode string you need to have the box checked (you said it ... (by andywestken)
Remote Instrument Communication by c++ problem
I had connected PC and CSA8200 by Agilent GPIB/USB interface, and using Agilent Connection Expert, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010. I tried to remote CSA8200 by using...
[2 replies] Last: I had already uninstall and reinstall. it doesn't work. i think it mig... (by victorwine)
Allegro Game Library not Running Correctly
So I'm using the Allegro game engine because it's easier for beginners than SDL and I cannot get it to run this basic text to screen thingy. Here's my code, I g...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I didn't know. I just thought I was programming in windows so... x... (by Xhalite)
Getmessage() function
From my book: "The second argument in the call to GetMessage() is the handle of the window for which you want to get messages. This parameter can be used to re...
[8 replies] Last: btw the 6th edition is for metro apps, the 5th edition is for winapi ... (by andywestken)
Windows Multimasking
From my book: " Multitasking If there are no messages queued, the GetMessage() function does not return control to your program. Windows allows execution...
[3 replies] Last: Alright thanks (by Anmol444)
Message IDs
About these message IDs WM_CLOSE The window or application should close. WM_DESTROY The window is being destroyed. WM_QUIT ...
[6 replies] Last: @Zaita Where? @andywestken Thats odd lol, I tried googling it seve... (by Anmol444)
MFC vs winAPI
Is there anything you can do in the winAPI that you cannot do in MFC?
[1 reply] : There are things than can be done with Win32 which cannot be done usin... (by andywestken)
Quiz Type Application Not Working
I like making programs that are quizzes, so I've been learning the code for that type of thing (using booleans and loops so the user can repeat it until they ge...
[11 replies] Last: Woops, sorry thanks lol (by Anmol444)
winAPI questions
From my book: --------------------------------------------------------- RegisterClassEx(&WindowClass); Easy, isn’t it? The address of the struct is passed ...
[7 replies] Last: Also by window I meant the borders and stuff, not the client area caus... (by Anmol444)
In this structure why does it need the size of itself? What purpose does th...
[12 replies] Last: Should I make a new thread for my other 2 questions that I posted befo... (by Anmol444)
What does "Windows" mean?
From my book: "I’ll mention a caveat about terminology that you need to be conscious of before I move on. Users tend to think of a window as the thing that...
[10 replies] Last: Yea same, I was confused as well because of that. Well thanks! (by Anmol444)
Unable to draw on button click
I've been learning win32, so been playing around with the code to understand things. Using this tutorial : I've b...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you modoran. I found and rectified my mistake. And I did not re... (by aquafatz)
Why does windows have its own data types?
From my book: "Windows Data Types Windows defines a significant number of data types that are used to specify function parameter types and return types in...
[4 replies] Last: Can anyone please help! (by Anmol444)
by lmsmi1
Multiclient-Capable Server
For a simple console chat in C++ with Winsock 2, how do I enable multiple connections on one server. I think I'd make a SOCKET array ( SOCKET* Conections; ), ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Learn Multi-Threading in Windows API. That's the only comment I w... (by closed account G309216C)
May 2013 Pages: 1234... 9
  Archived months: [apr2013] [jun2013]

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