Windows Programming - September 2013 (Page 2)

need highly informative resource about windows programming
i want to do windows based programming in c/c++. at present i know that gnu gcc contains windows.h header for that (yes there are also some other headers for wi...
[3 replies] Last: also, I don;t if you're doing any mfc, but i found this a very good bo... (by mutexe)
AddPrinter() function hang and doesn't return anything.
I am using AddPrinter() function to add a local printer. My operating system is Windows 8. But it got stuck and doesn't return any value. Here is my code sni...
[no replies]
SetWindowsHookEx WH_KEYBOARD_LL not responding on right shift
I try to use the Windows API in c++ and `SetWindowsHookEx` `WH_KEYBOARD_LL` does not seem to get events from the right <kbd>Shift</kbd> key (the <kbd>Shift</kbd...
[no replies]
by ltc
Shell Extension - Context Menu
Hello, I'm having a problem about displaying a menu item in Windows 7 64bit. I'd like to add a menu item into context menu after right-clicking on a file ...
[7 replies] Last: @Andy: I tried building a 64-bit version. It runs successfully. @Modo... (by ltc)
Help me with my game please.
Hello there. Ive been doing some c++ in dev-c++. I started a month ago, taught myself from books and playing around with written code, the basics and i now know...
[2 replies] Last: im sorry, i did this because i thought now many experienced programmer... (by uob8652)
C program communicate with serial port?
Hi. I am working on a university project at Chalmers where we need to make a C program that communicates with a serial port. The program will be runned in Wi...
[no replies]
C++ Compiler without redistributable packagE?
is there any good compiler that doesn't require redistributable packages and it is possible to work in it like in visual studio? e.g. you already have every lib...
[2 replies] Last: nvm got it, i guess, thanks! (by mekkatorqu)
What Should I use?
I don't know what to pick, I am stuck between win32, .net, and mfc. I am still fairly new to programming, I am strong in c++ and java, and some sql. I was think...
[2 replies] Last: I'd say learn either Qt or wxWidgets - both are C++ based and cross-pl... (by modoran)
Needing help with parsing (1,2)
I am working on a program that can swap out one orthography (writing system) for another to help with language translations. I have an Orthography class which ...
[21 replies] Last: It's not really a problem; it's a limitation (which was mentioned earl... (by andywestken)
Storing Strings - A lot of them.
I'm developing a simple random background switching program--which you might have heard about a while ago. I currently have the program setup to read jpg's that...
[1 reply] : I don't want my program [...] storing the names in memory Why not?... (by tath)
Redrawing Over Lapping Windows
In my application, I have sibling windows (have the same parent), lets say I created wnd1 and then created wnd2. When I drag wnd2 on the top of wnd1, the compon...
[8 replies] Last: Andy.. Thanks for your help and support. The issue is resolved. The pr... (by ahbazzi)
by cgw122
Removing GDI+ objects
I am attempting to write a program to randomly select images out of a directory and set them as a desktop background. I know windows has a tool to do this, but...
[2 replies] Last: Does that even compile? According to (by cire)
by aggsyb
Getting a char from one vector and adding to another
//Prototype void getChars (std::vector<std::string> *chars); void getFileNames(std::vector<std::string> *fileList); int main(); { std::vector<std::st...
[4 replies] Last: Could you give an example please? Note that for in parameters you sh... (by andywestken)
Graphics API
I am a beginner programmer, and I want to learn how to do graphics. I don't know which api to use. I want to be able to do 2d and 3d. Should I use directx? Or s...
[4 replies] Last: Well i definitely wouldn't recommend Directx for a beginner, go for SD... (by Uk Marine)
by tatai
gathering x,y data from txt file
I have a txt file like this book3.txt I have values of the x-axis in the first row. and values of y-axis in the first column. the file contains x, y data r...
[2 replies] Last: Well think of it this way, all your .txt file is, is just a big fat st... (by Factors)
How to kill a process using TerminateJobObject() API ???
Hi all, Can anyone give an example code to show how to kill a process using the TerminateJobObject API ??? Thankyou everyone in advance!!!
[2 replies] Last: Let me give you a leg into figuring this out. According to MSDN http:/... (by Factors)
I need to open CD-ROM by WinApi
Hi, I need to open CD-ROM by WinApi. My program does'n work. Please help me. #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc,...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much :) (by Observer)
Sdl tutorials or books
I am trying to find some good tutorials for SDL 2.0 but I have only found lazyfoo and sdltutorials. Are there any good books or tutorials you know of? Is sdl...
[4 replies] Last: I would go for SFML as a start for graphics, but SDL is also pretty de... (by Uk Marine)
Window Groups
I made a main, matrix window (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) and 100 child windows that all have edit control, laid out in a 10x10 grid. At some points during runtime,...
[2 replies] Last: Oh ... kay. I made a mistake with the class registering. Thanks! (by Khatuni)
CString - Capitalizing every first letter in a word
Hello, I'm building an agenda in MFC. I use some EditControl boxes that have CString variables attached to them. I want to process the data that is inserte...
[2 replies] Last: Its clear now what it went wrong. I used the last version. My agenda ... (by Gabirvl)
September 2013 Pages: 1234... 6
  Archived months: [aug2013] [oct2013]

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