Beginners - December 2012 (Page 59)

Problem with dissecting strings
What I want to do: a ghostwriter function that takes in a string and slowly prints out each letter with a small pause in between. as if someone is actually sit...
[2 replies] Last: thanks james. it works perfectly now. (by BlackJayce)
Having trouble with 2D array
I'm very new at C++ and for an assignment i am supposed to create this 2D array display using a loop. Pattern A + ++ +++ ++++ +++++ ++++++ +++++++ ++...
[1 reply] : Your logic is flawed. It should be something along the lines of: Curr... (by Moschops)
***Calling class functions in main***
As you can see, I'm struggling with classes. How do I call my fraction plus(fraction second), fraction minus(fraction second), etc. functions? #include<iost...
[4 replies] Last: I got it to print the sum, but the sum is wrong. I think it's because ... (by mezzoforte)
by relyth
Hello OK so i am writing this program for the pythagorean Theorem and i got everything together and went to compile it, but i keep many errors and i cant fig...
[9 replies] Last: iLL LOOK INTO ALL OF THOSE THANK YOU (by relyth)
something with programming :) I have encountered 2 things which my brain does not have any idea on how to handle. The first one is seemly major(maybe minor)...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry I'm a little slow sometimes :) int counter = 0; cout << "Deal ... (by jlillie89)
Issue with 2D Array/increment
Hey guys, I'm trying to store a "Difference Index" within a 2D array. The rest of the code works fine except for this part below. The error is directly related ...
[4 replies] Last: Wow... Thank you. Tonight, toum, your my hero. I appreciate the help s... (by TaytayB)
I need some assistance
I am new to programming, and I am having trouble understanding the srand(time(0). I am using it to create a program that will generate random times of the day....
[1 reply] : srand() is a function, and not a type. You would call srand like this:... (by pogrady)
by Andym
Retrieving values from Arrays
If I create an array in a function, I can do this: int main(); { int ConstantArray = { 01, 02, 03}; cout << ConstantArray return 0; } and it should p...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! I made the array global and made the changes like fun2code... (by Andym)
I need help with my program
hello i am very new to c++ and i decided for practice that i would make a simple text dungeon crawler game however i have run into a problem when i type in the ...
[1 reply] : It's because your class names are uninitialized variables. Declare the... (by toum)
Can someone explain enumerations?
I've read through the section in my book about enumerations multiple times, and watched several videos. For some reason I just can't grasp the idea of enumerati...
[2 replies] Last: :O (by devonrevenge)
simple calculations
i am trying to do two equations: 1st : (value1 * value2)/2 //shear in a beam 2nd : (value1 * value2^2)/8 //moment on a beam My code look s like: ...
[no replies]
I'm trying to answer a couple questions for self checking. I believe I know the answers, but would like someone else's opinion. Thanks in advance. Q1. ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. (by rock4rigo)
How to use a loop with strings
delete please
[no replies]
hey guys, can someone please help me with this code!!? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; float BMI (float w,float h) { flo...
[12 replies] Last: Great, KhaledSH!!! Good luck! (by Marcos Modenesi)
developmently challenged
I'm looking for thoughts & ideas to develop a school-room app where every hour every teacher changes rooms and subjects ( and students) This is not fantasy, ...
[no replies]
cin vs. scanf
I´m (obviously new to C++) and reading more and more material in the web I´ve come to notice the coexistence of two similar sintaxes: cout << "text"; ...
[2 replies] Last: I use printf so that I can format my vars. int a=3; float b = 12345.6... (by Incis B)
[HELP] 2d Array sort row accoridng to sum of their numbers... (1,2)
Well i have made a 2d Array and filled it with random numbers... and while printing(cout) it out i added a sum of numbers(i each row) at the end. Now i would ...
[28 replies] Last: That's right. The row numbers will sort just like rowsums and the row ... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
complicated alot... HEEEEELP!!!! X(
Part I Create a text file named FF.txt that stores the information about your friends and family in the following order: first name, last name, gender, relatio...
[4 replies] Last: Here is a piece to get you started #include <iostream> #include <fst... (by SamuelAdams)
Best way to write a graphics decompressor?
Hey, ProgrammerGuy here. I'm pretty new to C++, but I've read a couple basic tutorials and done a little bit of programming. But the main reason I started lear...
[4 replies] Last: sounds like something like this. Open input file (Read mode, Binary m... (by Incis B)
Circle Class Problem
I am having trouble understanding classes and this is the first problem I have to do. If I could get some help with it I will be able to do the rest of my homew...
[4 replies] Last: This is what I have so far. All the program does is ask for radius the... (by Malexander)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 5758596061... 65
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