Beginners - December 2012 (Page 61)

How to print X
How can i print X on the grid using an array? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char seatPlan ; char varStore =65; char charac...
[2 replies] Last: The X that is placed in grid will need to have been in placed in array... (by mcoliver88)
Help with this array
Hi here is my array, that prints out a grid, I want to get the Char X in rows D5 and E6, how can i do this #include <iostream> #include <cctype> using names...
[7 replies] Last: 1.) Do you actually update the display? 2.) If you want to attach na... (by DonLuccar)
friend operator function
I want to write it with friend operator function.this program gives two errors.what's the problem? Error 1 error C2678: binary '+' : no operator found w...
[6 replies] Last: You're welcome. Glad you got it. Sorry if my answer was unclear. (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Help with a cinema program
Hi Guys/girls Need help yet again. Basically i have been given an assignment where i need to create a cinema booking system. Now i dont want someone to give ...
[14 replies] Last: Hi i managed to solve the problem. but i then changed the output of th... (by mcoliver88)
I am writing a program for school.The details are that it only prints the even numbers between 2 numbers that have been entered from the keyboard. It must inclu...
[1 reply] : make datatype of ur print_even function as void. coz i dont think so t... (by Jamil Shehzad)
Please help me with syntax.
Hello friends, I've made a DLL which I load into the Sonic Generations game process, which I'm using to learn how to move variables around and whatnot in the...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you, Stewbond! (by Playerpawn)
Help with Vector Objects
Hello! So I am working on creating vector objects, and I am getting an error when trying to run: In function 'void populateVectors(std::vector<Library, std...
[6 replies] Last: And if I just use library to store the books, would it be better if i ... (by xulander)
by SoS
Problem: validation and output fomatting
after getting some sleep... i managed to hammer it out. thanks anyhow :P
[no replies]
if we want use different characters, we need input from user. but how we want to set user just input number, and we show it like that : e.g : user insert num...
[8 replies] Last: i had extend the coding to while looping. that what i get : Size ... (by myya6179)
cut out digits
can anybody tell me how to cut out the middle digits of a number eg: 255543 =23
[3 replies] Last: It's easy even without the strings library: int cutMiddleDigits(int i... (by Stewbond)
Please help!!!! multiple lines of input and save data
Hey guys, For my assignment I have to do this: "Write a program to do examination report generation for the Secondary 6 Science class. The scores are stored i...
[4 replies] Last: Out of interest... any progress ?? i got a problem similar :( (by xcindiix)
by fbvdh
Code not working
I want to know that why these codes are not executing using DEV C++. Code .1: #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); ...
[2 replies] Last: Function clrscr() is non-standard and may not exist in all compilers... (by Chervil)
by fbvdh
difference between turbo c++ 3.0 and DEV c++ 5.0 Beta
1.I want to know that can we execute the codes of turbo c++ in DEV C++. 2.What is the difference between Turbo C++ and DEV C++. 3. When i write the codes...
[1 reply] : You are comparing one very old compiler with another very old compiler... (by Chervil)
What are my options for saving long term information?
What are the different options for storing words and numbers from my C++ program? For example, if I want to create an address book prog and I want to save va...
[2 replies] Last: You could store everything in one file with commas and a 0 for a place... (by SamuelAdams)
Opening a .txt file until eof in a prototype
Could someone tell me how to open a file in a prototype? Specifically, I need to open the file and read and store the data until end of file. The prototype l...
[7 replies] Last: Assuming you're expected to write the successive integers into the suc... (by Cubbi)
HELP!! Please Explain to me what this means!!?!!?
I opened a .txt file in the main function. Now my instructor said he "passed in the input file stream as a parameter" which I believe is to be in a read functio...
[1 reply] : If you do something in main() and have other functions. They do not kn... (by SamuelAdams)
Help and Feedback
I have been working on this all day and can not figure out why my overloaded setAnnualSalary functions are not working. Can anyone point me in the right directi...
[6 replies] Last: If the base class implementation does the correct thing, the only thin... (by cire)
Please Help (1,2)
I need to write a program that prints all the even numbers between any two numbers using print_even that takes the initial and ending number as parameters, and ...
[21 replies] Last: I dont think he knows what a function is. He's using someone elses cod... (by SamuelAdams)
Reverse String - Odd characters showing up from mem address?
This is basically what the problem looks like: Enter string to reverse: AMAZING Reversed string: ===============GNIZAMA Do you want to insert another string (Y...
[6 replies] Last: If you are asking why the MA at the end of the 2nd it might be since y... (by Raezzor)
No operator "<<" matches these operands
Hey guys and gals, I posted earlier regarding problems with my program being split into 3 files; a header, implementation and main. As my title says, I get that...
[7 replies] Last: Got cha. I'll try that in a bit. (by BinaryGeek)
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