Beginners - December 2012 (Page 62)

Help with my program
Ok so heres the code: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <cmath> //Grade program! using namespace std; int grade; string opt; int main() {...
[2 replies] Last: Haha i feel so damn stupid :p (by Adiminium)
by lion99
Tic Tac Toe
Hello after so many years of sitting on my back wasting time, i finally decided to fulfill my passion, Programming, and i decided to start with C++. i've read t...
[3 replies] Last: I am not sure which is easier, I have only done a small amount of work... (by closed account EAUX92yv)
Recursively counting combinations
So in my current assignment (one of the last few for the semester) I have to create a recursive function. What it does is it counts how many different ways you...
[8 replies] Last: So when i made the variable cnt, it was completely unnecessary? Good t... (by ThirdAge)
Creating classes
So my prof wants me to build classes using three different files. Kind of like this: //Circle header #ifndef CIRCLE_H #define CIRCLE_H #include <iostre...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah. I think I actually solved this one on a different problem. My te... (by macleight)
is it a true question?
Write a programe that inputs a series of integers and passes them ONE AT A TIME TO A FUNCTION 'EVEN' which uses the modulus operator to determine IF AN INTEGER ...
[7 replies] Last: @ Stewbond yes good answer... (by azmizryk)
by Veltas
Returning an Object
Returning an Object is pretty simple in C++, we merely set the return type to the class and then 'return' as usual. Except when it does this it returns a copy ...
[3 replies] Last: Now that I think about it, a std::unique_pointer wouldn't have much o... (by Athar)
How can I write a loop that counts only the odd numbers out of the first five numbers entered from the keyboard, but skips the number 7 inside the loop?
[3 replies] Last: But how would I write it using a for loop? If I choose to do so (by ny24gray)
Question about searching through strings.
Hello I'm stuck on an assignment where I have to open an fin file and then search each line for an "@" sign. When I find an @ sign I'm supposed to take that an...
[no replies]
by KAB11
Help with Tic Tac Toe program
void checkMark(char array, int userInput){ int c=1; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ for(int j=0;j<3;j++){ if(userInput==c){ ...
[2 replies] Last: array is of type char. It is not an array. void checkMark(char ar... (by cire)
Reading a mixed data type and taking certain data and placed in an array
Ok, so I'm given a .txt file that is in this format: John 32 0 1 James 12 2 1 Kevin 3 1 0 I don't know exactly how many of these sets there wil...
[7 replies] Last: Your array is declared as a vector. Naming a vector type with the "arr... (by Raezzor)
C++: How to hide user input?
Like: string pass; cout << "Enter your password: "; cin >> pass; How to make it not display what pass is? Thank You in advance!
[no replies]
This is very much a beginner thing, i dont know why this function doesnt check the if statment
the idea is to match a string with another string, and at the same time return true or false in order to keep the rest of the code checking to see if the pair i...
[1 reply] : BOOM its easy! (by devonrevenge)
Help with pointers
Hello. I've been studying pointers and wrote a code that shows an error for some reason. The target of the function is to get 2 strings (name and last name) and...
[3 replies] Last: This makes no sense. It's not allowed to dereference null pointers, so... (by Athar)
Virtual function problem
Hi! I'm about to submit my program for my course, but there must be at least 2 virtual functions in it, and whenever there's a virtual function, I get a runt...
[no replies]
[Win32API] WM_LBUTTONDOWN not workin
ok so I have main dialog with 5 tabs (child dialogs) and I want to capture left mouse click in first tab (TabOneDlgProc/IDD_ONE), however the wndproc is not eve...
[16 replies] Last: I have this LANGUAGE LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL IDR_HIMENU MENU {... (by mekkatorqu)
Why do you need different files on large programs?
Just wondering why you would need multiple files on large programs and what they could be used for.
[4 replies] Last: say you have a large project, you might work on 2 files, while someone... (by SamuelAdams)
return in function
When do you not have to use the keyword return when you define a function???
[4 replies] Last: And in the contrary situation, even when the return type is void, the ... (by Chervil)
by KAB11
Best book to learn C++?
I am looking for a good C++ programming book to teach me the basics as well as point me in the right direction to more advanced coding. So far I have looked at ...
[7 replies] Last: Alright thanks guys, I think i'll be buying the C++ Primer 6th edition... (by KAB11)
I'm very confused with this program.
I think its not working cause I'm not calling the functions right, but I've changed the function calls in every way I could think of and they aren't working. If...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much Athar :D (by plusone)
Modifying Private Members of a base class
Hi, I am having trouble modifying a private member of a base class when using inheritance. Can please shed light on why this doesn't work and explain a work...
[1 reply] : No. If you want the child to modify it, make it protected. (by hamsterman)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 606162636465
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