Beginners - December 2013 (Page 65)

Login based startup for programs
Hello, I have an exercice for school I need to make a login system so I can make different things happen for different persons. The program needs to c...
[1 reply] : I diden't have any code yet so I would not look stupid I suggest if... (by SamuelAdams)
please help me :(
i cant figure out why my if else statement wont work. every time i run the program it completely skips the statement and ends it. //display user's weight ...
[4 replies] Last: figured it out, turns out all i needed to do was restart my software. ... (by dgchillin)
I am trying to develop a clock with looping system!!! But its is too fast to see that is running properly!!! What command should be applied for this problem??...
[1 reply] : (by mutexe)
by Roua
help please!!
Write a C program to compute the car parking fee based on these rates: first 2 hour SR1 per hour, the following hours is SR2 per hour. Example, parking fee of 4...
[2 replies] Last: In your else statement, since you know that a is bigger than 2, you kn... (by aleonard)
char Being Displayed as Numbers
I'm writing a program where the user inputs four test grades each for three students, the values of which are stored in the array grades . These grades are the...
[7 replies] Last: //displays everythng as one array void table(int output , string la... (by castellanspandrell)
by Jecs9
SIGSEGV error with getchar and not with scanf
Hello all I have the following code, if I submit it to codechef with scanf function to read the inputs it works fine, if I submit it with the ReadFastInt16()...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, I didn't try with consecutive whitespaces, that was the ... (by Jecs9)
by cpcp
Why I'm geting the wrong string?
I try to understand what is the problem with this code char name ,id ,act ; scanf("%s %s %s",act,id,name); sprintf(s2.mtext,"%s %s %s",act,id,name); printf("...
[6 replies] Last: I just checked and, yes it works. I think it works for any kind of spa... (by aleonard)
Looking for pointers on my game
I just wrote this in the last hour, I have been plying with C++ Java and a few other languages for a long time, but I never took an official class or anything. ...
[no replies]
Outputting a string image on console
First, can the members tell me if this is how you make a correct initilizatoin of alphabets. I want it in 5 columns(represeing total height) and 2 rows(represen...
[1 reply] : Well, you can try unrolling the loop, examining its contents to see if... (by Zhuge)
Input file not being created unlike outputfile
Sorry to bug you guys with another different question. Having same problems for my output. First, I really need help getting answer for this question. This is t...
[2 replies] Last: Lol makes much more sense now...Got my confusion cleared up!!! (by fahmankhan75)
Creating immutable class.
My assignment asks me to create my own class, the class must be immutable. So I wrote up everything how I thought it should work, however, I've run into some is...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, I think I've got it up and working now. Thanks to... (by WillX47)
Reading test scores only from input file
I have to write a program that reads a file consisting of students test scores. I have to use arrays for this part, but can't really see how to implemented in a...
[5 replies] Last: Knock knock...anyone there (by fahmankhan75)
Code Checker! Should i improve anything here?
I have the following code here. Just want the forum members to check if everything looks ok and whether I can improve on something here or not. one more thing i...
[4 replies] Last: Hello? (by fahmankhan75)
info from a vector to a textfile
I've been working a program which takes information from a textfile puts it into a vector and once I'm done at the end a function quit_program will save and qui...
[no replies]
Tree class with node class
I wrote this as part of an assignment that I turned in, problem is I could not get some of the functions to work. I do have the add working and was able to get ...
[no replies]
C++ Data Structures problems
Hi! I'm having problems with a program which should store information for a max. of 50 books (Option 1) and then show them (Option 2). However it goes on loo...
[3 replies] Last: Good question! See: (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Can not figure out the .h file concept at all
I have three files. When i try to compile I get sooo many errors I have no clue what to do. main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using names...
[9 replies] Last: Okay wait. I put std:: in front of all the ostreams then put std:: in ... (by jkelly18)
Adding values from a file
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to get certain values to add up into a total value. This assignment was to create a program that would read...
[1 reply] : Your indentation is really confusing. Move lines 38-43 to after line ... (by Duthomhas)
Need help!
I'm newbie in programming and I've met a problem for a week. I try to create project with Win32 Console Application and others. My code is "Hello World" on ...
[no replies]
Need help with understanding the question
So stuck please help me understand what to do in this situation Modify the lookUpBook() function such that it will prompt for the title then search this v...
[2 replies] Last: i enabled (by luv2program)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 6364656667... 69
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