Beginners - January 2013 (Page 44)

Increment variations
How to use increment? And what difference dose the position of the increment operator, ++ make? Ex:K=j++ and k=++j.
[1 reply] : i = n++; would set i to the original value of n i.e. 5 and would the... (by Pickle Gunner)
Generating different random numbers
I have a loop that will generate 10 random numbers between 1 and 25 and then insert in into an array but I cant figure out how to make it so that the 10 numbers...
[7 replies] Last: Yet another method... The STL and C++11 are terrific, but what happen... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Checking if a variable is an integer
Hello, I am now to C++ (I started yesterday), and I am trying to make a program that spits out prime numbers. My method is to divide an odd number by every num...
[6 replies] Last: Congratulations and welcome! My method is to divide an odd number by... (by SamuelAdams)
by orly24
tetris game in turbo c++
hi everyone... I'm a first year I.T. student. our prof. told us to make a tetris game using turbo c++.. please help.. tnx. XD
[14 replies] Last: How do you write such a code in just 1 day without knowing about this ... (by PalashBansal96)
structures in file
i created a file for snake game and append scores with name of that person in a structure every time when i play game now i want to know how much structures a...
[1 reply] : Check this out: (by Stewbond)
by Shiro
How to EnableVisual Styles?
Hello im using IDEĀ“S Codeblocks and UDEV with Borland cpp as compiler. im trying to enable visual style with same code from visual studio pragma comment(link...
[2 replies] Last: i guess this is Visual Style (by Shiro)
by kid204
problem with getting data from file
hi sweet friends ! i'm a newbie in C++ and i have some trouble with my code in order to get some data from a text file. i have a .txt file which is looked l...
[1 reply] : My first thought was the code looks more complex than it needs to be. ... (by Chervil)
Help with deleting lines
I am writing a program that gives you the least amount of change when you type in a number. It is sort of a change calculator. What the program currently does i...
[3 replies] Last: I need C++ program of calculator that solve such an expression 10*(24... (by faiz)
file invalid or corrupt
I'm getting an error message stating the file is invalid or corrupt. #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> #inclu...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Pickle Gunner for such a speedy reply but, unfortunately aft... (by deltaJazz)
Whats the best way to split large cpp files into seperate ones ?
Hello I've been coding in c++ for about 3 years and always written my code in one big file rather then separating it. I felt it was easier but I'm tired of s...
[2 replies] Last: The easiest way to split a huge file into separate ones is to use its ... (by vlad from moscow)
Code below implements heapsort. It does not give desired output tho. It sometimes crashes and sometimes gives partially-sorted array. What am I doing wrong? #i...
[4 replies] Last: You aren't `MaxHeapify()'-ing the root in `BuildMaxHeap()' (by ne555)
smothing picture c++
hello everyone! i have a project. I want to smooth a picture by median and by average. The pictures type is numbers matrix. how can i do this? tnx.
[2 replies] Last: get opencv it has median and average and a bunch of other filters (by Darkmaster)
entering strings dynamically
Hi, I am trying to enter strings dynamically. Suppose i enter 2 strings, it is accepting only 1 string. can anyone solve the problem #include <iostream> ...
[1 reply] : for ( int i=0; i<emp; i++ ) { string str2; cout << "enter name"... (by vlad from moscow)
Help with loops
Ok, total newb here --- loops are driving me crazy. I know the solution is probably very simple to my problem. Honestly, I'm trying to wrap my head around loo...
[6 replies] Last: Please use code tags - see the <> button in the formatting options o... (by Chervil)
program without usingfunctions from math library
Hello,Good day! I am trying to make a program that is about to accept number and display it's floor and ceiling value.Here's the example of the output Ent...
[4 replies] Last: > To get the ceiling add 1.0 and cast to int No. if n \in Z, the ceil... (by ne555)
Application Error 0x000007b
Hello, I have been learning the SDL libraries with C++ and was opening my first program when I got this error message. "The application was unable to start c...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help James. I downloaded a 32 bit version and my progr... (by callum5558)
unresolved externals error. What does this mean?
Hey guys I'm trying to get back in the swing of programming and I'm getting a very stupid error. It's not a syntax error so I don't know what the heck it is or ...
[8 replies] Last: found a site that taught me how to manually add it to the debug drop d... (by science man)
by oddboy
hey gang, i have a function in a library i'm trying to use. the function returns an int which is a bit field. i'd like to do a switch/case with the result ...
[3 replies] Last: I'm guessing that each bit will require us to do something different, ... (by Stewbond)
Need help with simple C++ code
Hello! First time posting here. I've been learning C++ by myself for almost a week now and I'm currently learning about Variables, Input, Operations, Assignment...
[2 replies] Last: I knew it would be something simple, tyvm! (by GMPoison)
Adding parameters
Thank you all for helping.
[6 replies] Last: I'll try it that way and see. Thank You all. (by closed account y05iz8AR)
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