Beginners - July 2012 (Page 48)

by abaz01
arrays question
aight so im trying to write a program that takes in one value of an array and quaruples it each time for 6 times, i cant get the rest of the numbers to quadrupl...
[11 replies] Last: @shadow123: ah yes, my mistake. otherwise its gonna give an out of bou... (by ThangDo)
Reading data from the buffer
Alrighty, I may have asked this before, but I need to know some more information. So let's say that I have a bank program, which writes the data stored in the...
[no replies]
by abaz01
arrays matrix
im tryin to add a matrix array and it should look like this: 1 2 3 2 4 6 3 6 9 4 5 6 + 2 2 3 = 6 7 9 1 2 3 3 7 1 4 9 4 heres what i have done...
[1 reply] : First of all you are totally wrong your code will give result like thi... (by HiteshVaghani1)
Trouble With Binary Converter
I made a converter that takes a decimal number and converts it to binary but when I get to the conversion part the numbers dont print? Can somebody please help!...
[5 replies] Last: I fixed the backwards issue by reversing the string. this is like w... (by Jikax)
by abaz01
arrays min/max value
im having problems finding the minimum value from an array plz help, heres my code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const...
[2 replies] Last: Initialize to min after taking input array let's say min = myArray ;... (by HiteshVaghani1)
Help with pointers to classes?
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help me out with a program. It is a homeworky type problem (and the admin post said to be careful about those), but h...
[3 replies] Last: a code tags makes you code more readable... example: int main()... (by Jikax)
Job Prospects
Hi, I've been trying to learn C++ as just a hobby at the moment, but I was wondering what types of jobs are available if I finally get a competent understanding...
[4 replies] Last: GOOD (by Winshell)
Amount of Code
Hi all! Can anybody advise me how to shorten the beneath code? because I always have the idea that my code is way to elaborate. Thanks! #include <iostream>...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! I didn't know there were existing functions for this. (by Fransje)
Are these two data strucures the same?
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; struct movies_t { string title; int year; }; int main () { st...
[1 reply] : That's are not same because you are making global to the instance amov... (by HiteshVaghani1)
by Ch1156
Need help with code
I have this code and it keeps giving me these errors. #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <random> #include <string> using namespace std; ...
[14 replies] Last: bump (by Ch1156)
GUI Question.
Hi.I am learning the basics of C++ and have learnt most of the features such as variables,loops,conditions,arrays,pointers,functions and i know about the basic ...
[3 replies] Last: There are lots of Library available for example, JUCE(jules utility cl... (by HiteshVaghani1)
Begginer needs assistance
I am required to make a program where i input a sentence and the program outputs the number of characters and the number of times a certain letter is used withi...
[1 reply] : Hi there, You shouldn't cin a string from keyboard because it only ge... (by teaflavor)
Need help with C++ Go nuts. Wazzak
[13 replies] Last: Thanks! (by aplapl)
Looking for some advice.
Hey guys, im pretty new to c++ programming and am using visual c++ 2010. I recently created a little program and the best way to describe it is by saying its si...
[9 replies] Last: Basically, \n is just a character. It has an ascii value and all that... (by Phil123)
finding string from a text file
Hi, I currently have a program that is able to write a string of characters(serial number) into a txt file. The program will then read from the file and creat...
[5 replies] Last: Erhmm, It's Satsum a :D And yes i had a suspision that this was fair... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Need a way to pickup keys pressed, Even when app's out of focus.
The GetAsyncKeyState() returns 1/0 depending if the valued key passed to the function is pressed or not (and also works when application is out of focus). With...
[6 replies] Last: This is a fair enough suggestion for future applications, i'm gonna st... (by TheBeardedQuack)
MSDN dll tutorial problem
hi If you guys had followed the msdn tutorial for dll you'd probably notice that whilst it allows you to link a dll embedded in the same solution as your pro...
[13 replies] Last: It looks like I am wrong yet again: (by Computergeek01)
by Dobush
Totally New to Programming
Hello All, I am totally new to the programming world and looking for some direction. I have a strong background in math, statistics, and finance. I am quite ...
[8 replies] Last: Wow, I just started the process of ridding myself of VS and those were... (by Lowest0ne)
by uhh
Program that calculates a water bill
I am not completely done with all the specs for the program but I can not get it to calculate anything but the constant variables SANITATION_FEE and STORM_WATER...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I will go back and look at it and hopefully fix the problems. (by uhh)
overloading operator>> for an array class
I'm trying to create an array class with functions and useful operators. But im stuck on the input method, my initial design would go like this: Array<double,...
[3 replies] Last: You showed this example arr >> cars //read arrays/objects in(overloa... (by vlad from moscow)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 4647484950... 54
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