Beginners - March 2013 (Page 10)

initialising 2d vectors
//2-D vector can be used in this way #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<vector> #include<ctime> using namespace std; class aj { vector<int> ...
[5 replies] Last: Well, consider the following code as a base for your class design #i... (by vlad from moscow)
by cc9355
about output of pointer of functions: output sequence
my question is that why the output sequence like that? see the output plz following. int hi(int); int hie(int); int hiee(int); int main() { int (*...
[4 replies] Last: With function, which takes 3 arguments there will be 6 possibilities. ... (by MiiNiPaa)
anyone have any code to classify Salaries ascending or descending to this program
How do I print Salaries from smallest to largest and print top salary And calculate the total salaries by this program #include<iostream.h> struct emplo...
[5 replies] Last: Does anyone have any code to classify Salaries ascending or descending... (by Man silence)
by Anshh
how to take password in the form of '*'?
code to take input in the form of asterik.
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
Guessing game multiplayer
I wrote the code for many mini games and they all work fine, except for the one, where a player plays against another player. I removed all of the code for the ...
[3 replies] Last: I already had a do { } while (running); condition for my main menu, ... (by Vidminas)
stopping a for loop
Hi everyone, I'm going through the practice problems listed on the site because I am sort of self teaching myself c++ and I need some help with one of the p...
[3 replies] Last: Honestly i don't see anything wrong with using break to exit loop. F... (by tath)
help in C++ please
please I need your help in my project in C++ I dont know how to do it this is the project:::: write a program that lists European, Middle-Eastern, or A...
[5 replies] Last: can u do me even a small file cuz I dont know how to use file list (by Alyosha)
Please Help with C++
I'm taking an online class in computer science, it has been so easy until we started with C++ (and no, there's no dropping the class, its past that date or else...
[1 reply] : Firstly, the header file should not have the .h #include <iostream>... (by Zaita)
Filling a 2D Array from a Character Array
My assignment is trying to take an input from a user and store it into a character array and then count the number of characters so I can find the next greatest...
[1 reply] : You cannot do new int ; They have to be defined individually. e.... (by Zaita)
int a, b, c; printf("Dla dodawania wybierz 1\nDla odejmowania wybierz 2\nDla mnozenia wybierz 3\nDla dzielenia wybierz 4\nAby wyjsc wpisz x\n"); d...
[1 reply] : ANd what the problem is? (by MiiNiPaa)
Strange error
I've compiled this code in 2 different computers, Windows 7 and Fedora 18 and I get the same error. Here is the code: // Student.h #ifndef STUDENT_H #define ...
[5 replies] Last: You can write a corresponding method in your class to read data from a... (by vlad from moscow)
displaying the largest value
How do you display the largest value? I think I either need to use an array or have more variables but I'm at a loss. Thanks. #include <iostream> us...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, much simpler than I thought. (by jsmith1)
by fluffy
LOOP problem
Write a program that reads a collection of positive and negative numbers and multiplies only the positive integers. Loop exit should occur when three consecutiv...
[6 replies] Last: The loop can look for example the following way const int MAX_CONSEC... (by vlad from moscow)
Using array to make letters
For our recent project in school, one of the requirements that I cannot figure out is how to use a 5x5 array to make a letter using * and spaces like: **** *...
[no replies]
Trying to make a Rock, Paper, Scissors game, help please?
What is wrong with this program, why won't this work? I'm getting back into programming, I don't know how to make this work. Thank you! Note this is only part o...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by AandR2024)
eof looping one to many times.
When there is white space at the end of my file, the loop loops one to many times. When there is no white space at the end of the file everything works fine. I ...
[2 replies] Last: You are correct about GPA being a number and thanks for the help. (by cornf1979)
formatting problem
Hi, I was wondering how I can get the terms "honors, warning" on the same line as the GPA/ID number when one gets honors or warning. Thanks Sry for all the c...
[no replies]
Array problem help?
What is the value of the array element at index 1 in the array below? const int SIZE = 5; int nums2 = {9, 3, 6, 2, 7}; a) SIZE b) 3 c) 9 d) 6
[1 reply] : 3 because the computer starts counting at 0 then goes up. (by Ch1156)
Coding Issues
I'm not really sure what's gone wrong, but when I try to compile it gives me an error and highlights the first cout line: #include <iostream> using names...
[3 replies] Last: I have the code to the point where I dont get error messages, but now ... (by PaulIsDead)
C++ with OpenCv
Hello, I am a beginner in C + + and I need some help from you. I am in need Upload a csv file of temperatures and convert them into image (color shades). ...
[1 reply] : sorry for my bad english (by l2 top 200x)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 89101112... 87
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