Beginners - May 2013 (Page 62)

by fetzjr
Should i even take the time to learn Qt?
Okay so I installed Qt and have been working around with it a little, following some dude on youtube :D. But I can't help to notice that when creating the UI's,...
[2 replies] Last: You CAN create things dynamically in qt creator I never use the Qt Des... (by giblit)
Help Please
How can I get the house listing to print only once and then print the customers that match the correct sales price with budget? I've tried a view different l...
[1 reply] : It looks to me like the you're going about this in the incorrect order... (by HoneyBoy)
Date loop
In the while loop at the bottom I want to get the date to increase. The month is the only part that changes but I need for it to start over at 1 once it gets to...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, that worked perfectly! (by kortneycoles)
Adding sales and customers to a database
Iv got some code done to try add sales and customers to files but its still not working.. i dont know where im going wrong.. Below are the 2 functions i wrote....
[no replies]
by Enchie
The Age Old "which one first?"
Okay simple enough. Which language should i learn first, here's a few filters to help you guys narrow it down for me. 1. Im self-learning 2. I did java fo...
[1 reply] : C/C++ if you want better understanding how things works closer to hard... (by MiiNiPaa)
Recursion and Arrays
So, basically, I have never ever seen an example of a recursive function that takes only an array as its sole parameter and somehow manages to recursively retur...
[12 replies] Last: You can remove all stuff that deals with templates. For example size... (by vlad from moscow)
comaring string (1,2)
hello , my code does (trying....) a simple thing : 1.sending command to device (working) 2.getting a response from it (not sure if working correct) 3. comp...
[20 replies] Last: Anyway, as I said a few posts earlier, add these lines in your functio... (by Chervil)
by tpinon
question help on pointers
I can't wrap my head around this one. Can you guys simplify this concept for me so I can understand easier? What would the output here be? I tried running this ...
[4 replies] Last: great. thanks Vlad! (by tpinon)
New to C, a few 'invalid conversion' and 'too few arguments' errors
This is my first timne doing an actual project in c, I'm getting a lot of the same errors so I assume its just the same mistake in a few places, any help would ...
[4 replies] Last: An immediate problem I see is that in your functions you try to access... (by Catfish4)
Read input from a file and output results
Hi all, I need to write code to read input from a file and then use that input to output results. My file looks like this: 5 S 2.99 12.45 13.23 21.9...
[4 replies] Last: This need some sort of loop structure. First read the "5 S" part. Then... (by Chervil)
Having Issue with output to text file.
OK this is one of my assignment for my computer science class. I have to decrypt a text file using it's position factor. I pretty much figure out how to decode ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow... I couldn't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks! it works! I'... (by xdavid817x)
determine if an undirected graph is a tree using map
Hi all, I tried to check if an undirected graph is a tree using std::map container , I have number of nodes in the graph(n) and number of edges(m) and ev...
[4 replies] Last: I changed the idea to this and now it works as expected : #include ... (by BaseRev)
Help with a class
Im supposed to write a class to do various matrix operations. The class has a 2d array to represent the matrix. It uses an add method to add 2 matrices together...
[4 replies] Last: You have to create a Matrix object in the function and return that one... (by keskiverto)
by odai
what is the wrong in this function ?
so ? and how can i call it in main ? please help the error is under the code ^_^ template<class T1> queue1<T1>::queue1(T1 a ,int b,int c,int...
[10 replies] Last: my program working but there's wrong in this function !! template<cl... (by odai)
*s vs s in a function
In the "myPrintf" function below (which runs correctly when called), I don't understand how it takes a const char * (pointer) as a parameter but then drops the ...
[1 reply] : 's' is a name of variable that is a pointer. The va_start and vprintf... (by keskiverto)
how to return to beginning of the case if user press wrong Character?
Write your question here. #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main(){ int score = 0; int count = 0; char answ...
[1 reply] : while ( cin >> answer && ! ('a'==answer||...) ) { cout << "You ... (by keskiverto)
Encryption program
Hello forum people.... I am trying to make an encryption program with various kinds of encryption techniques..... Presently I have just the matrix based enc...
[7 replies] Last: now thats what i call an encryption program......:):):) thanks a lot ... (by closed account 1wvX92yv)
Program skips if statements
For some reason the if statements at lines 52 and 109 are ignored. Also in the battle function, the enemyH = enemyH - atk; does nothing. How should i fix this? ...
[4 replies] Last: Your line 54, the: enemyH = enemyH - atk; can be replaced with: ... (by Ispil)
quick sorting a dynamic array
no one seems to want to talk about how to work with variable length arrays so im having trouble figuring it out. i used this code to generate the arrays. the...
[1 reply] : Wait, what are you sorting here? If it's numerical, I know that there'... (by Ispil)
How Can I sort 2D Array?
I know there is a function called sort from algorithm, and how do i make it sort a 2D array? how about finding the min or max values of it?! Thank you for y...
[2 replies] Last: Well, I don't believe you can sort a 2D array using the sort function ... (by Ispil)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 6061626364... 66
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