Beginners - November 2013 (Page 75)

How do I clear recent screen output instead of having to CLS everything and outputting the whole screen again?
Question is pretty much everything I have to ask. The reason I am clearing screen and outputting it all again is that I don't want the ERROR message output to b...
[7 replies] Last: The gotoxy() function is found in <conio.h> . If you are using an o... (by Duthomhas)
User populated arrays
Hi, all. I'm working on another homework assignment, and once again, I'm having a bit of trouble. I've searched the web quite extensively and everywhere I look,...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome! Please mark this thread as Solved. (by condor)
Program does not give desired output
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include<fstream> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; int r...
[16 replies] Last: No problem, you're welcome. (by Chervil)
Loop with file input not ending properly
I've got an input plain text file that I want to read in from, terminated by a newline character. The input is being stored in "Star" objects, which are stored ...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, thank you! The concept of checking for input failures within the... (by closed account o9wX92yv)
by wolfv
Makefile error: No such file or directory
Someone please tell me why this Makefile is getting an error. The Makefile, error message, and directory listing follow. Thank you. Makefile: OBJS = ob...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you ne555 and ShodanHo. That worked, and I learned about the -o... (by wolfv)
C++ base-26 string hashing formula
I have a data structure contains a 4-letter string as a key (char key ) with all the characters in upper case. I'm trying to write a formula to calculate a base...
[1 reply] : Your formula is correct though you can write it easier: ((((key - ... (by rodiongork)
Creating a player
This is for general knowledge and I'm still learning c++. I'm working on a project with a group and a member was assigned to make a player. My question is how s...
[5 replies] Last: A good place to start until you learn more is to define how you your g... (by BitRat)
iloextractable 372 ilonumvarI has not been extracted by IloAlgorithm 00759DE8
I am using VS 2008 and cplex 125 version. My computer got broken down and i need to get my code running, I have my thesis proposal this week. And getting the ab...
[1 reply] : Okay. What's wrong with your code? Some of us may be missing a header ... (by Albatross)
by mauri
Using isdigit()
So i'm making a small function to add 10 digits that the user has input and then i check if that input is a digit or not. but it's not working. Whenever i put ...
[1 reply] : isdigit() is meant to be passed chars. For example !isdigit('c') but i... (by helios)
Segmentation Fault error help when using arrays.
I've been trying to figure out how to solve the segmentation fault. I put up a partial of the code and the text file of the code I am reading. Trying to put num...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys! I, however, need to reread the whole chapter about array... (by Hashamali96)
Power Function Help :(
I'm having a tough time making a formula when the raise is higher then one. I have the variable counter set which will increase until the users desired raise. M...
[5 replies] Last: If raise is less than 0 you should return 1 / value. (by giblit)
Roll Dice Help!
In this program, the two dices will be rolled. The user will prompt a sum they want to obtain. The dices will keep rolling until the desired sum is receieved. I...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you for your help whitenit. :) did learn a tad more (by fahmankhan75)
Where to put #include 's and other
Hello, I'm new to C++ and have a question about where to put #include 's (like #include <iostream>... from std library for example, not my own headers) and st...
[5 replies] Last: Oh, I didn't know about that! Thank you! (by match88)
unrecognized character escape sequence
Getting these errors: 1>c:\users\shawn\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\ghathica\ghathica\main.cpp(16): warning C4129: '|' : unrecognized character escape...
[5 replies] Last: JLBorges (3502) Thanks man, that's what I was looking to do. I need t... (by Vorstoss)
Where to go from here? Please help
Okay, so am not sure if am posting this in the right place but i needed some help. I've been alternating in-between 3 books so far to learn the beginners bit o...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=miltonio94]Thanks. But could you expand on how its hindering my... (by LB)
I don't know what's wrong with my code. i had to compare each jumble word from file to the dictionary word in another file and if they matched...i had to print ...
[6 replies] Last: My output says... "Program ended with exit code: 0"..!! (by gphuyel)
by Ariamn
Caesar Cipher
Heya, need a tad help or input with my Caesar cipher program, what seems to be the issue is that when I input xzy, or if characters exceed the final alphabet ch...
[8 replies] Last: Solved! #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; ... (by Ariamn)
stuck on understanding system (cls);
Hi i am kinda new to programming but am getting better at it and i am stuck on understanding the system ("cls"); function. i was told i could use it in a while ...
[2 replies] Last: You shouldn't use system("anything") (by giblit)
windows to mac and others
Is there anything extra required to run an .exe written in c++ on mac or other types of computers? a friend of mine has a mac and i was going to see if he would...
[1 reply] : The only way you can run an .exe [...] on mac or other types of compu... (by xismn)
Hiii Experts.... can u tell me the problem in my code please??
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct linkedlist { linkedlist *nextvalue; string value; }; class link {...
[6 replies] Last: linkedlist *_new=_new; you are trying to assign the value of _new t... (by nvrmnd)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 7374757677... 80
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