Beginners - November 2013 (Page 77)

Reprinting line infinite number of times
I am writing a program for grading a multiple choice test. The test data is pulled in from another file. My problem is that its only pulling in the first line o...
[no replies]
Change Breakdown computation. Can't make the formula.
Okay, our programming teacher gave an exercise for us, the output should be like this
[5 replies] Last: store the result of (wholePart - (thousands * 1000)) and then use tha... (by keskiverto)
by enemy
shortening a fraction (1,2)
Hello! Please, how to write a program for shortening fractions? Many thanks!
[21 replies] Last: TNX!!! YEs,I did not see the Chervil's answer!!! U are great!!! (by enemy)
Help me >>
Make a .txt file has student information: Rollnumber, Fullname, Avaragenumber. Write C++ program, filter the students that have 5<= avaragenumber <=7 and then w...
[5 replies] Last: please do this exercise for me fully. If you don't make any code, y... (by nvrmnd)
Write a program that accepts a positive integer value n and uses a function to calculate 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n 2 for the given value n. The result s...
[2 replies] Last: in fact it is suposed to print the total of the square number i.e if ... (by krisapp)
by mjyz
Using Functions & Files!!
[4 replies] Last: Ok, so the simplest way to read a data assuming your text pattern and ... (by nvrmnd)
please i need your help
welcome, I wana make a menu driven calculator but when I start debug there is error "1>c:\users\toshiba\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\sheet 6\sheet 6\sh...
[3 replies] Last: thank u so much ^^ (by waad abdulla)
int n float
when do we use both int n float at the same time and why
[13 replies] Last: thank u all ... (by krisapp)
How to output message if user inputs nothing.
Hi all, In my program I want the user to input a value 0 or greater. I know how to output an error message if user input is negative: if ( input < 0)...
[9 replies] Last: thanks! I was able to figure it out. (by chiedozie)
Storing/Manipulating user input into array?
Hello everybody! This is my first post here and I am extremely new with C++ (and programming in general) so please be patient with me! I'm writing a program whi...
[2 replies] Last: bump (by caguama)
plese help me with this
welcome , I just have a Question my code to show multiplication table for just 1 number if the user wana put another number to show him also another table what...
[5 replies] Last: no prob. ^^ (by Dammned Programmer)
please help me -
welcome ,please help me I don't understand the question what the homework need and I don't know how can I solve it . thank you so much . Write ...
[1 reply] : (1) to enter a number, try: cin >> number1; cin >> number2; refer ... (by ShodanHo)
compiling cosine function from any integer input
For my assignment I need to write a function outside of a main that outputs a min, max for 4 arrays and produces cosine of an angle inputted to system. The m...
[1 reply] : a lot of errors.. First I declared cos140 function as I did with max a... (by jamiejimbo622)
Random Number Generation for Boolean Variable
Hello. It's me again. I'm experimenting with random generators. I would like to generate a random number between 0 and 1. This will be multiplied with reliabili...
[1 reply] : Your problem seems to be in isComponentWorking 1. rand() is always gre... (by ats15)
Issues with getting data form a text file
I have to make a program that grabs two values from a txt file and multiplies them together but it's getting totally random values. The output of the following...
[no replies]
Collaborative Project for Beginners
I've been in and out of C++ for the past three or so years now. I am interested in taking my low level command-based programming to the next step. If you range ...
[11 replies] Last: Question. how do we know when it starts? (by Dammned Programmer)
plese help me
good morning every body , I have a a homework for tomorrow and I didn't done from it , I have problem with this code " fatal error C1075: end of file found be...
[2 replies] Last: yah , I understand that . thank you so much for your help . (by waad abdulla)
Help with first text based game
Hi, I've just started a course in Computer Games Programming So far I've been doing fine but I just need a bit more help adding characters and keeping track ...
[1 reply] : (by Pured)
Student statistics. How to read the middle intial of a student (1,2)
Prelimary rough draft of a code here that reads the first and the last name from a text file. Suppose, in one of the text files, the user has a middle name. How...
[26 replies] Last: Before I start bugging you guys :D just one tiny concern please :) su... (by cire)
Incorrect Output
Hi, I have written this code to calculate theoretical clothing sizes according to the question in my book. However, two of my clothing size outputs are obviousl...
[2 replies] Last: ((age - 30) / 10 > 0) and ((age - 28) / 2 > 0) Redundant. If the ... (by Pured)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 757677787980
  Archived months: [oct2013] [dec2013]

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