General C++ Programming - August 2013 (Page 19)

SFML - Resource Manager
So what do you guys think of this class? Anything missing really? It's main use it to manage the heavyweight resources in SFML (Textures, Fonts and Soundbuffer....
[4 replies] Last: One thing I do is have the filename actually be the ID... rather than ... (by Disch)
by Smac89
overloading [] operator hashtable
Here is the code: #include "AVL.h" #include <sstream> //#include <iostream> <--declared in AVL.h #include <string> #include <stdint.h> using AVL_TRE...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks #pragma once #include "AVL.h" #include <iostream> #include <... (by Smac89)
Float Multiplication Error
THIS PROBLEM HAS BEEN RESOLVED. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP! Hello. I'm trying to write a function for a game. One function is as follows: int damagecalc(...
[6 replies] Last: The real error here is that I'm a complete f***in' idiot. Thanks a lot... (by closed account L0Shb7Xj)
by poorni
file handling
I created this project for students to take a test and included file handling. The program works well but the problem is that when a student takes the test, the...
[1 reply] : Hi, I did not read the code nor want to, reason being is that the cod... (by closed account G309216C)
by cniper
template class and C2244 error
i am writing a program for general array to be used for various types //Array.h #ifndef Array_H #define Array_H template<typename T> class Array { pub...
[2 replies] Last: oh man!!! my bad!! (by cniper)
by itsabe
Making the loop work
#include <iostream> using namespace std; char square = {'o','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}; int checkwin(); void board(); int main() { i...
[3 replies] Last: @itsabe Here's the modification I would do to it. cout << "Play aga... (by whitenite1)
Can someone quiz me?
I've been programming in C++ for a little over half a year now. I feel comfortable with many of the standard features of c++, but I decided I might as well as p...
[9 replies] Last: What are function objects (functors) good for? What are, or are not, ... (by htirwin)
I need advice (1,2)
I am new to programming and I need advice on what computer would be good and I am 13 so i have a budget of $1500. Also I would like advice on what language to l...
[25 replies] Last: you can buy a pc, why laptop? you can programming in any programming ... (by heepoo)
by Ceset
virtual functions
hi guys. well i was working c++ and i learned virtual functions just now. and a question come to mind if i already created the function for all derive classes w...
[2 replies] Last: ty Disch. even though i dont understand everything u typed. i will wor... (by Ceset)
trouble grasping a* pathfinding
hello everyone, my current data structure class is not going great. the teacher does not know anything about the class as he does not ever deal with it, so we a...
[3 replies] Last: A-star is pathfinding. The two popular ones I see named is A* and Dijk... (by BHX)
Defining a Class Matrix (integer matrix)
Hello, this question was on my midterm and my instructor wasn't nice enough to provide an answer key. I am having quite the difficulty of getting this to work. ...
[1 reply] : You have already done a good deal of the work. Some things to fix - Ma... (by maeriden)
by dgsm98
Confusing line.
Okay so can somebody explain this line of code to me? I am just learning c++ still and i am just a bit confused on what this means #include <ctime> #incl...
[1 reply] : Well that code is missing a > after the int . But anyways... The ... (by Disch)
helpppp! please :) remove char from string
hi, I've to do a function that removes char(input by user) from string , only if it appeared and to reduce spaces. for instance: string = abcabcd ; and the ...
[6 replies] Last: thank you vlad! have a good week meantime ;) (by shirush73)
Make Winforms application for Windows,Linux(Ubuntu), and OSX
I want to make a application that runs on Windows, Linux, and OSX. For Linux my IDE is QT and I run both Ubuntu and Mint. For windows I am using Windows 8 and...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by nickkorta)
Can some one help me to make a splash screen
I've been writing a small CLI program in C++ which will take and store some student data in ram and will manipulate them when needed. I've 2 questions now. ...
[4 replies] Last: You're freaking awesome man I could kiss you or buy you drinks till yo... (by Sinux Sand)
permutation algorithm
#include <iostream> // std::cout #include <algorithm> // std::next_permutation, std::sort int main () { int myints = {1,2,3}; std::sort (my...
[5 replies] Last: If i want to use the each numbers what should i do? when permutaion i... (by codeback99)
AES (aes-cbc-128, aes-cbc-192, aes-cbc-256) encryption/decryption with openssl C
I just want to test AES from openSSL with this 3 modes: with 128,192 and 256 key length but my decrypted text is different from my input and I dont know why. Al...
[1 reply] : If you are using an initialization vector to encrypt wouldn't you need... (by norm b)
error in program
Hey guys I have been stuck on finding the error in my program, it's not a syntax error but its not performing the way i want it to. for(int l=0;l<int(lenx);l...
[9 replies] Last: one more thing cout<<<int>(1,1,2); prints 10653532... (by asda333)
Functions in "if" statements?
Hi, I just wrote the classic tictactoe game, everything works fine, and now i want to use timers that can be toogled on/off before the game. void stimer() //s...
[5 replies] Last: and one more: what is better for 3D rendering, in speed, platform supp... (by pandasd)
MFC SDI Simultaneous Multiple Views
Hello! So, the title basically explains it! I am working on a map editor on Microsoft's Foundation Class (MFC), I used a wizard, blah blah blah SDT, blah blah ...
[2 replies] Last: You mught get a (better) response if you post your question on the cod... (by andywestken)
August 2013 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 28
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