General C++ Programming - August 2013 (Page 21)

Access Between Classes
Hello! I'm building a game using SDL and I'm having some issues with my class design. I've got two classes which need to talk to one another, and I'm unsure the...
[1 reply] : The bricks shouldn't be caring about how many of themselves were destr... (by firedraco)
Issue with functions searching a database
I am trying to write a program to search a library file with the name of a book or author and return the books that match the searched string in some way. For ...
[1 reply] : Lines 10 and 34: your condition is true for every string::find() exc... (by Duthomhas)
Running % on doubles?
im writing my own version of Bajarne Stroustrop's calculator, and i want to add % to the operators it can use. my only issue is doubles can't use modulo. i thou...
[8 replies] Last: naraku9333 + 1 Thank you. (by Duthomhas)
Is there an API for playing sounds on a console application?
I'm thinking of making a horror text-based game, which would use sounds, if you could also tell me of an API to display images in an alternate window that would...
[6 replies] Last: Bass is really nice, but it's also not free for commercial use. (by htirwin)
by dgsm98
Input question
Hello everyone, i was just wondering if this is possible : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Pick A or B"; int choice; cout << ...
[6 replies] Last: i actually just did that, i thought of it after. (by dgsm98)
by xeltic
My code is stopping after a couple of minutes
int main() { while(TRUE) { Sleep(0); info(); if(myaddr5 == 0 && pointed2 == 1 && myaddr6 == 0 && myaddr7 == 0) shoot(); if(pointed == 1 && ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you mikeyboy, I'm an idiot that's why I am using api functions w... (by xeltic)
Menu Help!
Hi there i need help with making a menu for a guess game, could you help me please thanks! #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> using name... (by Chriscpp)
accessing a vector<Point3f> element
Hey guys anyone know how to access an element of the point3f vector e.g int main() { vector<Point3f> a; a.push_back(Point3f(0,0,0); a.push_b...
[8 replies] Last: oh, i see (by asda333)
Story idea for my game?
I'm making a game based on 1 on 1 fights with enemies in all sorts of terrain, but I can't think of a story aspect to approach this from. You do use weapons in ...
[6 replies] Last: How about this: "The short-tempered Captain Blaggard and his renegade... (by fafner)
What is the difference
char* data1; char* data2; data1 = new char(200); data2 = new char ; Thanks in advance
[6 replies] Last: My mind is a bit hazy as it's so long ago... But I thought the Micros... (by andywestken)
what is compiling wrong?
im working on a compiler based off of bajarne stroustrops calculator and i only have this so far: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream...
[3 replies] Last: yeah sorry my bad. most of my previous threads were in the lounge so i... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by fazraz
Tab color
Okay, I have a form and I have a tab control thing. On the second tab, I have a button which is supposed to turn the background green. So, I have this: ...
[3 replies] Last: your right: (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Can't find the errors as mentioned by the compiler!
Here's the program: #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void CountAVD() { int Vowels=0, Alphabets=0, Digits=0; i...
[2 replies] Last: and saying if isnt going to do what you think. its going... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
is useing freeglut for an game engine. is that a good idea?
the title tells it all
[14 replies] Last: heepo, SFML and SDL can all that besides 2 things. do that. Archived ... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by dragon
what is the problem here
hi , this is the program #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int lowercase(char ); string file...
[8 replies] Last: Have you made sure that you have cleared the flags before the seekg fu... (by abhishekm71)
how to do this. Please help
Hello I just wanted a help on how do I do this. Okay! what I want to do is that a person should enter an alphanumeric code(without any space) containing 2 alp...
[5 replies] Last: > char ticketno ; A c-style string is a sequence of characters term... (by JLBorges)
by LunarB
C++ - WriteProcessMemory Pointers C.E.
Hi guys! So I'm trying to do something here. I made a program to "Hack" my own game I've created. Like a virtual joystick. It's a second program in which all...
[5 replies] Last: (by kbw)
fstream class, not reading word for word
int countTextWords(ifstream * file) { string textWord; int wordCount = 0; while((*file) >> textWord) { wordCount++; } return wordCount; } ...
[9 replies] Last: Ahh I see. Coder777 you were right, I couldn't read anymore input thro... (by MienTommy)
coloration problem
Hi this follow link is the one of the ACM competition problem PDF. I'm not sure how to represent the t...
[6 replies] Last: You should concentrate less on creating a class to represent the trian... (by Smac89)
Overloading output stream and pure virtual functions
Hey everyone. I'm working with inheritance and pure virtual functions, and I want to overload an output stream operator. However, every time I run the program ...
[4 replies] Last: I tried that, and the system printed this: pure virtual method called ... (by ohlala191785)
August 2013 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 28
  Archived months: [jul2013] [sep2013]

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