Windows Programming - January 2012 (Page 8)

Anyone good with libraries?
Hey this is my first post, great website! At any rate, first off, I'm developing on a Windows 7 PC with both devc++ and vs2010 at my disposal. I've been program...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, yeah I've been spending some time with it. My issue right now... (by Zamaster)
mySQL with C++
Hi guys, I'm experiencing a problem in my project now. How do i actually get a value from my database and insert the data into a variable in my program? ...
[1 reply] : The C API documentation is on MySQL's website. I usually only mess wi... (by Texan40)
3D depth issues with OpenGL
I'm trying to make a cube in OpenGL and make it rotate, but when it rotates it won't keep the depth in order. It just draws the most recent quad on the previous...
[6 replies] Last: That just makes a blank screen. When I switch the sign of all z values... (by DeadEli)
wxwidgets vs qt
I have been playing with wxwidgets for about 3-4 months.Still a beginner. While im still at the beginning of road, can someone enlight me for choosing between ...
[no replies]
by drfrev
Simple bitmap image in window
I am currently working on the simple idea of a motion tracker using c++, and one of the core components of this is to display the outcome. I know how to do all ...
[14 replies] Last: Well I don't quite know why but if I display both curFrame and lasFram... (by drfrev)
using boost libraries in Code::Blocks IDE
I have to use boost libraries for my C++ codes. I am using Code::Blocks IDE in win 7. I found quite a few information on internet, in boost forum and in codeb...
[no replies]
Windows Server 2003
Hi all. I have written a program (included at the bottom of post) designed to compare the contents of one folder against another. It works fine on my compute...
[1 reply] : You can copy a file with CopyFile(). You can't call delete on dump, s... (by kbw)
How to put variables of different datatypes into a struct
Hi, I have to read an unknown number of variables from a txt file ( this could be 4,8,12 or more variables because it depends on the user) and than I have to p...
[17 replies] Last: That compiles to 27648 bytes using Code::Blocks 10.05 and MinGW. Size... (by freddie1)
by marray
How do you find Affiliate programmers?
How do you find Affiliate programmers?
[4 replies] Last: [quote=cnoeval]Walk in to any company that hires programmers and you w... (by Veltas)
SDL Problem Mouse buttons
I try to make this program, where basically you have a box in the screen that says win or lose ? And once you click it win would show, but when I compile it in ...
[1 reply] : Could you get anything to show up without using an image? (a solid squ... (by strongdrink)
Function pointer is saying invalid declation
I have two functions BOOL WINAPI DrawXY(HDC hdc,int x,int y,PMWIMAGEHDR pimage){ ..}, and BOOL WINAPI DrawXYResized(HDC hdc,int x,int y,PMWIMAGEHDR pimage){ ...
[2 replies] Last: BOOL WINAPI (*DrawABC)(HDC hdc,int x, int y,PMWIMAGEHDR pimage); ... (by LB)
How to marshal following native C++ objects to C++/CLI?
Hi Everyone, I am new to C++/CLI. I am trying to write a CLI wrapper on top of native C++ class. I am a bit confused on how to marshal below mentioned C++...
[no replies]
1>------ Build started: Project: MartingaleTrader, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Error: Failed to write to log file "D:\PeT\Api\examples\MartingaleTrader...
[6 replies] Last: UAC Execution level is HIGHER AVAILABILITY (by meenakshipahwa)
handling multiple clients on c++ server
hello, I have been programming c++ for about 5 years now I Have recently started socket programming using the winsock2 library I have run into a problem; h...
[1 reply] : accept() returns a new socket that represents the connection to one pa... (by kbw)
Calling TreeView_GetItem Crashes RegEdit
Hello, With the below code, I am just trying to get the item info of the currently selected tree node that is in RegEdit: //find's the handle to the RegEdit w...
[7 replies] Last: Suggestion: Learn the quirks of the treeview in a sample project. On... (by webJose)
Problem with dialog procedure
I'm trying to make Some kind of a main menu for the app, I made a dialog box with buttons for easy, normal, hard, options..., I'm calling it at the WM_CREATE, l...
[7 replies] Last: Thx Null! The BS_NOTIFY was the problem, as soon as I fixed that it wo... (by tofiffe)
by Phiru
Read INI file.
I have an ini file in which those blow are written. URL=FALSE FONT TYPE=sth FONTSIZE=9 GetPrivateProfileStringW(_T("CONFIGURATION"), _T("URL"), _T(...
[no replies]
Creating registry keys
I'm having some problems creating/reading keys in the registry. I've checked MSDN but I think I just have a fundamental mis-understanding of how it works. T...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks, then I'll leave it open and close it in a destructor. Cheers... (by Stewbond)
by JayFab
Device context vs render context?
Can you explain to me, the difference between a device context (i.e HDC) vs a render context (i.e HRC). It is my understanding that a device context is a storag...
[2 replies] Last: A Handle to a Device Context (HDC) is a type definition of a void poin... (by Computergeek01)
by ToniAz
Registering window class missing!
Hello everyone! I came accross the following piece of code. Body removed due to readability. BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wP...
[1 reply] : You are missing the fact that dialog boxes created using the DialogBox... (by webJose)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 6789
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